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hostile, dwelling E. of Jordan, NE. of Moab, between Anion and Jabbok : Nu 2i M - 24 (JE), Dt2 in.J7 3 n... j 0SI2 j j 3 «>(D), v B (P), Ju 3 13 io«-t- 25 t.Ju 10-12, iSii" 12 12 14 47 2S8' 2 io' + i4t. 2S10-12, 17 27 iKii"' 2K23" 24* iChi8" + 20t. Ch, Ami" Is 11" Je 9 s5 + 9 1. Je, Zp 2 8 ' 9 Ez 2 1 s533 + 5 1. Ez 2 5, Dn 1 1«. — Vid. Che Amn " m in Ency. Bib. t^iey, "Obi* adj. gent. Ammonite;— abs. ins. 'Jtoy as subst. Dt 23* an Ammonite (generic), so ^Ey Ne 13 1 ; s ?iByn of individual 1 S 1 i' u 2 S 2 3 37 = 1 Ch 1 1 39 , Ne 2 19 , so »Jb»n 2 10 3*; fs. rvfoyn 1 K 1 4 21 = 2 Ch 1 2 13 , 1 K 1 4 31 , so rniByn 2 Ch 24 s6 ; ♦Stojil as subst. coll. Ezr 9 1 ; mpl. as subst. tWl»S 1 K 1 1 5 , 'VH Dt 2 20 Ne 4 1 , 'toyn 2 Ch 26" (on 20 1 v. D^yp); fpl. as adj. rtattj i'k i i 1 , so Ne 13 23 Qr, Ktnnicy. t^^TSy n.pr.m. (my kinsman is God, G ra y Prop. n.j54)._ @- A ^ Mf -),,x: 1. E. Jordan name 2 S 9" 1 f. 2. a Danite Nu 1 3 12 (P). 3. David's father-in-law 1 Ch 3 6 ( = D$7« 2 S ii*). 4. son of Obed Edom 1 Ch 26 s . t "WP1S3? n.yv.m.(mykinsmanismajestyy, — ® (2)</iiou8, A/jiouS, etc.: 1. a Geshurite 2 S 13W Qr(>KfWBy, cf. Dr al., Gray Prop - N - 43 ). 2. an Ephraimite Nu i 10 2 18 7 4853 io B (all P), 1 Ch 7 26 . 3. a Simeonite Nu 34 20 . 4. a Naphtalite Nu 34 s8 . 5. a Judahite 1 Ch 9". Tl^^Gy n.pr.m. (my kinsman hath be- stowed -d. •nj.-njbK.nntfiV, bwi, nj-aj, and, esp.on Palm, equiv., v.Gray Prop - N - 223f - also Lzb 26S Cook 46 ');— son of Benaiah 1 Ch 27 s , © Aai/3af n 0, A hiupafaB, ©L A/xeivafajSaS. mrray 2 s 13 37 Kt v. fPWi. T^D^TSV n.pr.m. (my kinsman is noble); — © A/i(«)n<a8<ij3 : 1. Aaron's father-in-law Ex 6 a Nui 7 2 3 7' 217 io 14 (all P), EU4 19 - 20 i Ch 2 1010 . 2. Levites : a. 1 Ch 6 7 . b. is 10 ". T' ,T TO ,, ?2y n.pr.m. (my kinsman is Shad- dai);—* Danite Nu i 12 2* 7 6671 io 25 , © A/x(<)(CTuS(U, ©L A/JLKTuSf. tH. [DEJJ7] vb. darken, dim (NH «.; Ar. Ii ewer, ttttZ, conceal; X D?y prow dar&) ; — QaXPf. 3 pi. sf. "ipoy Ez 31" dub., but prob. (asThes) cedars did not eclipse him; 1'ODy 28 3 no secret do tlieyhold dark ( = is held dark) for thee (Ges » ■ '). Hoph. Imp). 3 ms. 3nT DyV La 4 1 (fig.) Aom> t« <A« poW dimmed / cf. Bu.


CEO?*, "'Ppy v. 1. Dy supr. ^NlTM* v. sub Dy supr. t[DC|P,?tPE|y] vb. l.load. 2. carry a load (NH to!.; Ph. D»y carry; cf. poss. Ar. u ' J& gravis et obscurusfuit dies (Frey)) ; — Qal Imp/. 3 ms. Dbyi. Gn 44 13 , "DDE f 68 20 ; />«. act. D'pp'y Ne 1 3 15 ; DTPi* 4" (but v. infr.); sf. n"D»V Zc 12 3 ; pass. D , Dpyis46 3 ,niDirjy : v 1 ; — 1. load (obj. om.) upon (?y) ass Gn 44 13 (E), Ne 13 16 ; so abs. 4 11 , lit., si vera 1. (v. Be-Ry Byle) ; but rd. prob. tW{%| Ey K * u . 2. carry a load ^ 68 20 ( for (^) his people), carry as a , Zoad Zc 1 2 3 (fig.), pass. Is 46 1 (lit.), v 3 (fig.). tDlTX? n.pr.m. Amos the prophet; — Am ji 7 8.io.u.i 2 Ti4 g2> @ hfm tfTOBg n.pr.m. name in Judah 2CI1 17 18 , © Matrataf, ©L A/iaorar (cf. Ph. D!2y3!3t?K, DDybyD GIS 1139 ' 169 ' 719 , v. also Gray Pr< " >N - 2SI6f ). tnDTD3?n n.f. load, burden;— '» 1?? Zc t t — : —

2 3 a stone of burden = heavy stone, hard to lift. 

tTjrTDV n.pr.loc. in Asher, Jos 19 26 , © hfurjk, A A/iaO, ®L A(j>aa8. t[p'Py, Lag** 28 ] vb. be deep (NH in deriv.; Ar.J-U; Eth. 0^^"l , : prob. As. [emeku] in. 2 implore (earnestly ; ' from bottom of one's soul'), emvLku, might, nimeku, wisdom (t as un- fathomable); 3>in deriv.; Syr. in der. spec); —Qal Pf. 3 mpl. *pt?)J i/'92 6 (of י׳'s designs; cf. As. supr.). Hiph. make deep : Pf. 3 ms. (symbol.) 3TP1I1 p'Oyn Is 30 33 (sc. Tophet; van d. H. P'pyn, and so in foil.); 3 mpl. W$) Ho 5 2 the pit of Shittim(?) have they made deep (reading D"t3t5>n rm We Now, cf. Che Gu^"); n"1D ^p"t?yn IS31 6 (fig.) they have made deep (their) apostasy ; sq. vb., with adverbial force innB' 'n Ho 9° = they are in the depth of cor- ruption (v. firr); Imv. mpl. Ip'Pyn (Ges 563 °), sq. inf. Je 49 s - 30 make deep to dwell (of hiding, so most; >Gie take an abject seat, as 13 13 48 18 ); Ft. T^ rj^opn Is 29 16 they who deeply hide fr. '» (their) counsel ; Inf. abs. p®V? Is 7 11 = Imv. make deep (ask a sign in the depths of Sh e '61, reading rbxf ; opp. DSJi?). p"OV n.m. MI '■ 4 vale (prop, deepening, depth, r v ■■ 70 v 1 v. GASm 6 ' "- 384 '- 654 '-; cf. nypa, soa, pn?); — 'J> abs. Jos 8 13 + , cstr. Gn 1 4' 17 + ; 'sf. ^Ippy Je