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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/808

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"TOO feast of booths), cf. 2 Ch 7' [NH of feast of weeks, X »^~W._ Jos Ant - 11UM, A<rapTa]; occa- sional, Jo 1" 2". 2. assemblage, company (in gen.), D , "!?3 'J? Je 9 1 an assemblage of de- ceivers (Gr mi; Che man). T "i!jy ID n.[m.] restraint, hindrance ; — 'd 1 S 1 4 6 sq. inf., has no hindrance in delivering. tl!8?Q n.[m.] restraint, control; — 'D Pr 25* a man whose spirit is without control. DJ^ (v^of foil., meaning dub.: Thes as- sumes be protuberant, whence both 3pV heel, and 11. 3py hiUy). •fi. "ypV n.m. heel, footprint, hinder- part (Arab. L-& heel, fig. end (of a month), ilic mark, sign, trace; Aram. "Spy, > ->nv Aee/, footprint, fig. trace, warA (cf. Wsd 2 4 <S, Ecclus 13 s6 >§><s), also end, extremity); — 'V abs. Gn 3 15 + , cstr. 3p$| 2 5 M , pi. cstr.'??? Cti 8 , "3i?y Gn 49 17 Ju 5 K , ni3i?V ^ 77 20 89 s2 , etc.;— a. heel, of man, Gn 25* VnK 3|?V3 nirik iTI, as obj. of attack from behind, 3" 3py'«B1t?fi nntO, Jb 1 8 9 n3 'ya tntf, Je 1 3 s2 ^3p]j 1D»n3 are treated violently, i. e. are rudely exposed (|| ^'blt? vj?)j as instrument of attack, ^4i 10 'V ^? Hj 1 ? hath made great the heel against me, i. e. given me insidiously a great fall (fig. for, taken some cruel advantage of me ; cf. imoaKe'kifa) ; of an animal, Gn 49 17 DID "3ij>y !|g*n, Ju 5™. b. mark of heel, footprint, Ct I 9 P&O ^pjja TJ^NV, ^ 56' 'apj) nb^'I they mark my footprints, i. e. watch me insidiously wherever I go, 89 s2 "10$ ^rPB'O ntaiJJJ) ^Sin i. e. followed him mockingly, of (fig.) ^ 11* Wp & VfiN thy footprints were not known (the waters closing over them). C. hinder-part, rear (of a troop of men), Gn 49 '» :3py TO; Ktfl) (rd." 1 ?^ ! D3pjj) he will troop on their rear, Jos 8 13 D3py (cf. Di). T2p3* vb. follow at the heel, fig. assail insidiously, circumvent, overreach (denom. from 3j3y; c f. Ar. ijULc follow (at the heel), succeed, m. bring consequence on, i. e. punish, Qor2 2 w , iv. make to follow, i.e. reward or punish, lliXx- end, final lot 6' 1 , reward 6 136 ; .inv hold back (rare), follow, Pa. investigate, search out: Eth. O'f'fl: is £e«p, guard); — Qal Pf 3 ms. Ho 12 4 VnsrrW 3py }B33 he attacked his brother a< </te heel (cf. Gn 25 M sub 3py) ; /nip/ 3 ms. Gn 27 s6 "03pjn 3p£ 1D?> K1 T 5 »Sf] DT)J?D D) and he hath overreached me now twice ; + /«/. a6«. Je 9* 3p£ 3ipy riK-b? surely

npy^ overreacheth (||vl!- b 1 ?"!). [® nrtpwfw, to attack tcttA the heel ; but this dub. In ' supplant,' also, the fig. is a different one.] Pi. Jb 37 4 D3i3JP fy t dub.; poss. attack at the heel (cf. 331), hence fig. hold back; more prob. rd. 101 D33JP holdeth them not back (sc. Vp/13 his lightnings), when his voice is heard, from 33}) to hold back (common in NH; Z 33$)). fn. 2py adj. verb, overreacher, ^ 49" 'SSD? i3pj? |iy i. e. of those who would take some insidious advantage of me. fi.^py adj. 1. insidious, deceitful, Je 1 f bsp 3.bn 3py. 2. foot-traeked (denom. from 1. 3pv) Ho 6 8 DW nspy J1K by'3 rqp 1 J/N • ■j-n. 2pV adj. steep, hilly (v. V; cf. LLlc difficult mountain path, Qor90 u ; 0$>fl: Aj7/.); — Is 40 4 "fa^eb 3byn nTII let the steep ground (Ch) become a plain (|| tJ^fg?). Cf. Ecclus 6 20 . tnOpS? a.f. insidiousness, 2K10" KVW 'JT3 n'E>y. T2p)y n.[m.] consequence, usu. as adv. ace. as a consequence of, because (that), also reward, end (v. sub 3pV; and cf. Ji^s- heel, fig. consequence, result);— 1. Is 5 s VBH 'p^XO "int? 3pJ? (adv. ace.) in consequence of a bribe, fr 40 16 (= 70 4 ) W3 3pJ? bj? (pleon.) according to the consequence of their shame, i. e. in con- sequence of the disgrace . falling upon them. Hence as conj. "IK'K 3py as a consequence of (the fact) that, because, Gn 2 2 18 tyof "ft 'V <bp3, 2 6 5 2S12 6 ; so "? 3py 2S12 10 Am4 12 "lb nbVK nW <3 'V; 3py alone, Nui4 M , and (sq. impf.) Dt7 12 JiycttTI 'P in consequence of your hearkening, etc., 8 20 . 2. consequence — gain, reward, V 19 12 3 "! 3$ D"«?F 3 , Pr2 2 4 '131 nS-V "• nST(1) ni3y Spy. 3. end (of time), adv. ace, f 1 19 33 '» njnSNI to db ew</, v 112 Dbiyb 'P (cf. Ecclus 16 3 ; S N3py (rare)). ta'lpy n.pr.m. ®B usu. (l>«n»[4 A®L A<e(»t)o^ : — 1. descendant of David 1 Ch 3 s4 2. heads of post-exilic families Ne 7 46 . b. Ezr 2" (si vera l.j. a. iCh 9 17 . b. Ne8 7 . "o. N«  J?3^ , lipV^ n.pr.m. et gent. Jacob, In«uj3, son of Isaac and Rebekah, father of tribes of Isr. (expl. fr. 3pV Jteel Gn 25 s6 Ho 12 4 , i.e.supplanter; cp. with 3py overreach Gn2 7 M ; one closely following ace. to Lag *" 127 ; connexion a. Ezr2 42 = 3. Levites : Nen 19 1 2 s5 .