with Pal. city (?) called in Egyptian Y'kb'ara (i.e. i>N-3'PS:)is obscure; cf. Mey ZAW '"■"'• WMM A,, u. Eur. 162 IT. j en ZA r (U>M). 347 ft. . y &ho Rab n . pr . m . Ydkubilu, Pinches in Horn* 11 ™' 96112 ; hence OT 3pJ£ perhaps orig. i>X3plT or the like, cf. Palm. 3P1&3, 3pyny);— 3ip$>! Je 30" + 3 t- Je,Lv26«; 3'pJJ! 215 t. Hex. (chiefly JE; 180 1. Gn, once Lv, etc.), 34 t.yjr, 42 t. Is (2 7 t. 40-66), etc.; — 1. as Gn 2 5 s * + 205 1. ( + Onia**, pn£ 1 9 t.) ; also '»! JV3 of people (v. IV3 5 d (y)), 'yvja (v. r? 1 j (£)), '»: BlJ (v. jnj 4f ), i>: flf (v. ???), etc. 2. as gent. (c. 100 t.; poet, and proph.) Nu 24 619 Dt 32" ^ 44 s Is io 21 iV 4 Jeio B 3O 7 + ;||^nfe':Nu23 7 Dt33 10 Isi4 1 ^ 1 4 7 + c. 3 5 t. ; specif, of N. Isr. Am 7" Ho 1 2 13 (+10" 12 s prob., v. Now), Mi 1" Is 9'; of Judah Mi 3 18 Ob 10 Is 65' Mai 2 12 + al. post- exilic; T. [is? v. p«? ; t'v: b<* + 1 46 s , i>: *b& + 11 Si ;"!):'$$ 2S23 I Is2 s =Mi 4 2 -f-9t.'ff, + ^ 2 4 6 ('V! '« for MT T. alone), so © @ 93 Ew
Hup Bae We Che al. ; read 'V! '« also prob. S 23 s1 (for & 'K, || ty i») 33 HPS ; TC ennp
Is 2 9 a (|| ^ '«); IE ^» 41 21 (II nw).— On afep v. esp. Dr •*"*' in Hastings "*- 1 '"'-"- 62 '"'-. , .< Ti"Dp3^ Simeonite 1 Ch 4 s6 Inna&a, A laicaPa, @L lf«|3a. f I. [*7p^] vo- bind (NH id-., bind bent limbs together; Ar. jJLc tie, tie fast; Eth. 0<P£l Syr. jxli. and esp. u>aJL bend, twist; $1pJJ as NH,"also kneel, cf. Chr. Pal., Schwally"""- 71 ); — Qal Impf. pnr-nK IPS?!! Gn 2 2 9 . "7PJ7 n.[m.] 1 binding, cf. Dft? '» JV3. II. "Tpy (/of foil.; usu. identif. with I, whence 1pJ> striped with bands, hut dubious ; Lag BN31 vocalizes •/"'pV). tlpj? adj. striped, streaked; — of Jacob's goats and sheep ; as subst. "j? Gn 30 40 (coll.), pi. Wlpy. 3 1 8 - 8 ; pi. as attrib. 30 s5 - 3 ', pred. t[nj53>]n.f. f 55 4 v. piyp. 734. Tip]? ("/of foil.; cf. Ar. lii hinder). tnpy?3 n.[m.] parapet;— Dt 22 s .
- OT1
t [7pJ/] vb. bend, twist (NH esp. in de- riv.; X in deriv.; Syr.^AS*. twist, in der. spec; Ar. JJLc 6mnj fnjjj> Is 27 t]py in Edom ; — in Gn 3 6 27 , (i)oura^, = |P T $>' I Ch I 42 , Qrav, laaKav, etc. (v. Lag BN «*"■»•••• also Igfil and V '3 niK3). "Ipjf (-/offoll.; mng. dub.; cf. Aram. «"$?, 1 ;' n ■>.' roo< ; Eth. Oif'C: medicine; Ar. vb. appar. denom. jlc extirpate, Z ">P5| J<2.,- NH lp_y=BH). f 1. ~^py n.m. offshoot, member (? from root); — cstr. 15 nnBE>0 'V Lv 23 47 a member of a sojourner s family. I ["^pyj vb. denom. pluck or root up ; — Qal Inf. cstr. 1^PJ& c. ace. Ec 3" (opp. V03). Niph. Impf. 3 fs. ipyn pipy Zp 2 4 (word-play). Tljpy vb. Pi. denom. (from ipV or other like word = (root-sinew), hamstring); — ham- string horses (on Arab, funeral usage, with camel and horse v. ye H ' ,,d ■ 2 • ,81 ): Pf. 3 ms. '» Jos 1 1', Impf. 3 ms.liSSn 2 S8 4 = 1 Ch 18 4 , 2 ms. "WJ Jos 11 6 all c. ace.'; Pf. 3 mpl. ite> 11]?? Gn 49 s they hamstrung an ox. t IP* 4 adj . barren;— 'V of male Dt 7 14 , !T)j5}| of female v 14 (mankind and beasts), Ex 23" (E ; female); elsewhere of women Gn n 30 25 21 29 31 (all J), Ju i 3 2s 1 S2 S Jb 24 2, f 1 13 9 (nipj) cstr.); of personif. Zion Is 54 1 . < f n. ~pV in Judah 1 Ch 2 17 , A«op, Uap. Tpy n.m. scorpion (appar. quadrilit.; NH id.; As.akrabu; Eth.O^d-d: ; Ar. CJjis-; X N?1P3?) ;— abs. 31p? Dt 8 15 (coll. ; of wilderness), pi. D"3ipS Ez 2 6 (fig. of enemies); 1»3 -B) 1 K I2 lll4 =2 Ch io"- 14 , i.e. scourges with points, stings.— Vid. also n^ipy nbyp. lilpj? Ekron, Axicapuv (in As. AmkarruZi COT GlM * ) Dl p * 289 who prop. pli?5?); — Philistine city, one of the famous five, Am i 8 Jos 1 3 3 (D) + 4 t. Jos ( P), Ju 1 18 1 S 5 10 - 10 + 5 t. 1 S ; 2 K i 2 - 3 - 6 - 16 Je 25 20 Zp 2 4 Zc 9 57 ; mod.' Akir B^BBi-znir. GASm'""-" Buhl"""' 187 '. t^Jilpy adj. gent, of foregoing, c. art.= subst.the^W5m<e Jos 1 3 3 (D) ; pi. D^ipy.1 1S5 10 . 3 b