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y^vo t L^'p^] vb. twist (NH i& (rare)) ;— Wiph. />«' cstr. DJB'VJ Efc?3 Pr 28 18 one crooked in ways ( < pi., cf. Toy). Pi. Pf. 3 pi. Dn5 *B*i3J) Is 59 s their paths they have twisted. Impf 3 mpl. &%T. Mi 3 9 all that is straight they make crooked; Pt V3"n tfggO Prio 9 (cf. Nipb.). Hiph. Impf. ^i???! Jb 9 20 (Ges* 63 ") Ae /ta<A declared me crooked, devious (in life). ■f 1. tTjpy adj . twisted, perverted ; — abs. bh^nW 'V "iV* Dt 32 s a generation twisted and crooked, 'V 33;> ^ 101 4 ; as n.m. (of one devious in life) the perverted 2 S 2 2 27 = ^ 18 27 , Pr 22 s , of things 8 8 ; cstr. B*3T^ 'y 2 8 6 , Vnsfc> 'V 19 1 , 3.?"^? 17 20 ; pi. D , ?'l'pV D^DiT)? 2 U whose ways are twisted; cstr. S^e'lpy h** f 11. ttjjpy n.pr.m. a Tekoan 2 S 23 26 = 1 Ch II 28 , I Ch 27 s ; Eiaxa, Ekkis, etc. T nitTiPi^ n.f. crookedness : — cstr. HS 'V crookedness of mouth Pr 4 24 6 12 (cf. t^ifiV 1 9 1 )- t [tZJpV^] n.[m. J twisted, crooked place; — pi. D'tfpyD Is 42 16 (opp.^^t?). f 1. ~^V n.pr.loc. in Moab, S. of Arnon (Up Nu 21' 5 , elsewhere chiefly Aporjp); — 'y Nu 21 15 Dt2 9.i8.». 3 xi» ny NU21 28 Is 1 5 1 ; — usually interpreted as capital city p? = I'V) of Moab (DHM ZMa "" 11(1883)M8 cp. Sab. ny /orti- fied height, cf. Mordtm HlmlMChr!!9 Hal iu SEb - 1M , so Ar. j£, dial, of Yemen); Buhl G<M « rM8f - thinks name of district S. of Arnon. tn.iy n.m. only 2 t,: ^ 1 S 28 16 (v. Dr); rd. 1]JV </im« adversary Klo HPS (al. as altern. with foil.) >1}H Dy @ <S 3: Th Bu Kit(?) al.; TVi + 139 20 is very dub.; Hup f^f, 01 Che al. I^.p ; Bae leaves untranslated. "V? v. I. TW. I. 21^ (•/offoll.; prob. *:nymta;; NH 3iy jnta;; so X Pa. (oft.), Syr. olx mix (rarely, in der. forms), Jioi£ mixture). < fi. —~}y a.m.. Kl I2 - ** mixture, mixed com- pany ; — heterogeneous body attached to a peo- ple; toIsraelExi2 38 (E),Nei3 3 ; to Egyptians Je25 so (93 joins to v ,9 ,so Gie); to Chaldeans 50 37 ; in Je 25* del. 3Tyn . ... TWO as doublet (so Gie, cf. ©); in 1 K io 16 rd. 3T*$ (as || 2 Ch 9", bo Benz Kit al.); Ez 30 6 rd. prob. id. (Co). . y^y n.[m.] woof (as mixed, interwoven, with warp); — Lvi3 48 +8t. 13 (all opp. Tie* warp), cf. G-FM™ 81889 -"""". my n.m. Bl * " prob. swarm (mixture, from T 9 * incessant, involved motion; Lag BN112 doubts); — of plague of stinging flies, coming in a swarm (v. Di *•) Ex 8 17 " + 5 1. 8 (J), + 78" I05 3 '. ■(■II. "DTj/ vb. take on pledge, give in pledge, exchange (NH go surety for (rare); Ph. 3"iy surety; OAram. Naiy pledge ; % 3Ty, Syr. ovi», go surety for; usu. identified with I. 3"iy — mix, exchange, pledge — but quite un- certain ; cf. Buhl Lex Lag BN ™) ;— Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'y Gn 44 32 + 4 t.; 2 ms. rony Pr 6 1 ; Impf. 1 s. sf. 133-p Gn 4 3 9 ; Imv. 3^ V "9 m , sf. "??"!V Is 38 14 , so Jb 17 3 (but v. infr.); Inf. cstr. &$ Ez 27'; Pt. 3"Vy Pr 17 18 , etc.; — 1. c. ace. pers. take on pledge, i. e. go surety for the safety of, Gn 43 9 (J), 44 32 (J; 4-OJH? pers.); for the debts of Pru 15 20 16 27 13 ; of God L338 14 go surety for me,, ^ 1 19 125 , so Jb 17 3 (si vera 1., v. Ji3"iy); ace. pers. om., ? 'V Pr 6 1 go surety to one (in behalf of another, TJ3 1J? Vpn); c. ace. rei Pr22 26 (|| s ) 3 ~ , J?iP). ' 2. give in pledge, c. ace. rei Ne 5 s (i. e. mortgage), fig. topVIK 'V Je 3c- 21 so tflJH 'P.?? n ?").J! 1> Pr 1 7 18 (|| «|3 rety. 3. «e- change (in trade), c. ace. cogn. ?]3"iyD Ez 2 7 9 - 27 . Hithp. 1. recipr.: 7w»v. "^"nXi S3 2$in 2Ki8 ffl exchange pledges (make a bargain) with my lord = Is 36 s . 2. a. have fellowship •with, 3 pers., P/. 3 pi. '3")ynn Ezr 9 2 ; imp/. 3 mpl. '3")yri^ yj, 106 35 ; 2 ms. 3nynn c. !> pers. Pr 20 19 , c. Dy pers. 24 21 . b. share in, 3 rei, 3 ms. 3iy)V Pr 14 10 in his joy no other shares. TX2r$ n.f. thing exchanged, pledge, token; — sf. ECtQS j B i 7 18 =a token from them, i. e. response, token of welfare, Th Dr al. ; abs. as ace. cogn. 'V 31^ Pr 17 18 give a pledge. tpnny n.[m.] pledge;— 1) £0 give a pledge Gn 38 17 18 , T> ngb v 20 (all J), rec«iw (back) a pledge (when condition is fulfilled). — Jb 1 7 3 rd. perh. "jfrfl? (for MT 'nny), as obj. of no'B> se< wiy pledge (a surety for me), so Beer Bu al. fi. [TIlTO] n.m. usu. coll. articles of ex- change, merchandise (only of Tyre, EZ27); — Sf. 1?3» v ».34. ftg ^ CQgn Q ^ v 9 - 27 ; pi, sf. ISTpJC v 38 perh. thy (diverse) wares (DHM VOJ '"" a894, •* prop., ingeniously, meaning imports, deriving fr.V. 3"iy enter, but improb.).