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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/811

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t[i"Q"Wn] n.f. pledge; — only pi. in phr. rftnjJKJ gji 2 K 14" i. e. hostages =2 Ch 25". •fill. [3^] vb. be sweet, pleasing (NH id. (rare); Hiph. Impf. unjr Ecclus40 21 ; X 3n| adj. feasant, sweet);— Qal P/. 3 fs. fl3")y Je 3 1 36 my sleep was sweet to me (y), IJJJt? '5J1 consec. Pr 3*; of offering '^ '» »6 Mai 3 4 ; 2 fs. rOTy Ez 16 37 c. '5? pers., to whom thou wast 2>ieaing; 3 pi. y" W$ l6 Je 6 20 (of sacrif.); /wip/. 3 ms. Wfc lyy ry£ ^ 104 34 Zei my medi- tation be pleasing unto him ! 3 fs. 3 31V.JJI Pr 1 3 19 (of realized wish); 3 mpl. tf»OTR *6 Ho 9 4 (of sacrifice ; but Kue Che We GASm Now read OTC). tl">^ adj. sweet, pleasant;—*^ ')} -ipe> nn!? p r 20 17 ; 'y i£fy Ct 2 14 . iv AT -.-v > IV. 21^ (/of foil.; poss. be arid j Thes cp. Eth. Ofld; 6« arid, sterile, so Baentsch Dle wa "° 0888). n but dub- . Syr. Uti = BH ; At. iSjZft n.pr. of depression S. of Dead Sea). "2"^ n.[m.] desert -plateau, steppe (cf. Che I»tr.I..lfflJ._ 3TJJ3 3-JJJ3 ( s i vera 1.) I s 2 1 13.13 m <ta siqope (of what we know as N. Arabia); but in v" Vrss Lo Che Gu to al. 3TJ>3 in the evening. "HIl*^ n. gent, of foregoing, steppe- dweller-— Is 13 20 ; -a-it?? ^Tyj Je 3 2 . t^V n.pr. gent. coll. steppe-dwellers of N. Arabia (Wetzst ZV6,keri " ,ch:,,,1M3 '-; extended later (so Herod "•" etc.) to whole peninsula, cf. Ar. JjpiJI <Ae^ra6«,Beduwy ^e^eopte, Doughty An*.v~*u.i.m. Sab. pro, my, a^yNCiS"- 1 '- 123 , As. Aribu, Arubu, Arabi, people in N. Arabia, D1 P.29St.304f. COT J,26,M. alg0 Uroi J)l P.SOBf. of nomad ' Arab ' tribes);— -Q-IB3 O^m 'V ^ Je 25" (V. 1. 3ny), 2 Ch 9" +|| iK 10 15 (v. id.)', 'y also Ez 27 21 + 30 s (v. id.); v. esp. No Ar * bl *in Ency. Bib. tMIJ? adj. gent. Arabian (in strictly ethnographic sense, No'"-); — 'Vn as subst. Ne 2 19 Geshem the Arabian, so 6 1 ; pi. D'myn Ne 4 1 2 Ch 2i 16 22 1 ; also (written as NH) D"3nyn 2 6- (Qr D^lSn), and even B*»y$n 17". I. n^">V n.f. desert-plain, steppe ; — abs. 'y t*Y+?A W&$ Is 5 1 3 ; pi. rrtarjjj Jes 6 f 68 5 , cstr.nin-]y 2X25'+, niriy Je52 8 ;— 1. earliest use : a. arid steppe W. of Dead Sea (in S. Judah) i S 2 3 s4 , also Ez 4 7 s Is 5 1 3 , whence

my name 'yn 0) Jos 3 16 (JE || n^Qn a% also 2X14" Dt 4 49 ,,and (||«.) 3 17 Josi2 3 (D); nanyn bm Am 6' 4 must be E. of Dead Sea, si vera 1., but rd. prob. Wyp? ' 3 v. 703 . b. Jordan-valley W. of river + adjacent plain ; near ford (opp. Jericho) 2 S 2 M , cf. Jos8 14 (JE); also Dt n 30 2 K 25 4 = Je 39 4 = 52 7 ;— 2S15 29 17 16 v. n-JDy, C. Jordan-valley E. of river 2 S 4 7 . 2. in D : a. esp. of E. Jordan plain Dt 1 ' (prob.) Jos 1 2°, E. half of Jordan-valley Dt3 17 4 49 ; of entire Jordan-valley (between r>13? and Dead Sea, mod. El-Glwr, the Dejyression) Dt 1" Jos 1 i 2 ' 16 ; "W. Jordan plain only Josi2 8 ; depression S. of Dead Sea (mod. Wady el-'Arabah) Dt 2 s . 3. in P always pi. cstr. 3ND rt3"JB (E. Jordan) Nu 22'+ 1 it. (v. 3W»); totSJ 'V (W. Jordan) Jos 4 13 5 10 , also 2 K 25 s = Je 39 5 = 52 s . 4. appar. N. Arabian desert Is 40 3 41 19 . 5, in gen. the steppe (oft. IP?"]?), Je 17 6 50 12 Is 33 s 35 16 Jb2 4 6 39 6 ^68 5 ; tf3TJJ 3g] Je5 6 (fig. of invader); cf. description of Exodus '1?"jy JO? nratJ*! Je 2 6 ; in sim., of &j>lain, of future land of JudahZci4 10 .— Vid.Dr ml ' 1 * nd " !ff - Buhl -^" 1 . iniiy v. rmyn rva. • T : - t t-: t V. 3™),J/ (-/of foil.; cf. As. erebu, enter, go in; ereb samsi, sunset; Ar. vl>lc set (dis- tinct fr. c_j!c depart, = Sab. 3ly withdraw, ace. to DHM Epl « rD « n, ' m - 27 ), ^Jkplace of sunset, west; Sab. D3"iyO, ^nyo [not y!] west, western, CIS w.p.189 DHM lc -; Eth. OCCll set (of heavenly bodies), so Syr. o£x; )fco>o;_v evening (Lag »*"'•); Zinj. 3-iyo west; NH 2% = BH. Hence also Ev/xotitj, Europe, Lewy Fre '*""*- 139 ).

  • W n.Tni. 1S20' del. rvsrbtfn v . We

Dr al.] (sun)set, evening; — abs. 'y 2 K 2 16 +, 3iy Exi2 18 + ; cstr. any Pr 7 9 ; du. I»"JS Ex 30 8 + 4 t., B>|- i2 16 +5t. (all P);— 1. a. 'even- ing, orig. sunset, and hence perh. 'V ny? at the time of sxmset tGn 8 U (J), 24" (J ; || rki nyi> nbKE'n), 2 S 1 1 2 Is 17" and (of the day of "») Zc 14 7 , 'yn ny Jos 8 M (JE)t ; usu. 'y alone = (i'm« of sunset, evening : 'y? in the evening Gn 19 1 (J), 2 9 23 (E), Ex I2 I8 (P), Dt 16 6 ( + K13? E*»B'), 1 K 2 2 35 (cf. || 2 Ch 1 8 s4 where + N13 nyS B*D^n) + 20 t. + 'V3(-)ya 2 Ch 13" 1 ' = every evening; 'V? at evening only late : ti Ch 16 40 23 30 2Ch2 3 Ezr 3 3 V'59 71 " 90 6 Ecn 6 t; 'yniisb at the turn of evening tGn 24 s3 (J), Dt 23 12 ; 'y as adv. ace. Eci6 6 (P), ^ 55 18 ; as marking duration of impurity, in phr. 'yrny Lv 1 1 24 + 30 1. P + Lv 2 2 6 (H); of Day of Atonement '*» 3 e 2