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iny 23 s2 (P). b. du. in phrase (only P) p3 D?3"iyri between the two evenings, i. e. prob. between sunset and dark (v. Thes [various views fully given] ; otherwise Di s,u, °; on form as poss. only expanded pi. v. Ges' 880 ), tEx i a 8 16 11 29 s * 41 30 8 Lv 23 s Nu 9 3 - 511 28 48 t. c. other phrases are : m *$( Je 6* (dist. fr. D^njj and ?M v 5 ), 'V(n) nrOD t2Ki6 15 Ezrp 4 ' ^ i4i 2 Dn 9 2l t; 'V^} v. 1. 3K|; for all corn- bin, with 1J53 morning, v. '3 1 d, e. 2. (late V oet.) = night, 3"$ Jb7 4 ; cf. Dt» 3"$3 H$3 p r f (|| nbssi r6^> lit^N?). t Hry] vb. denom. become evening ; grow dark (?);— Qal Inf. cstr. 3hy£ Hfcl ns"J Ju 19 9 , but rd. prob. SJfi? Di>n HBJ ®L GFM ; i 3 / 3 fs. fig. '"91V Is 24 11 all joy has grown dark, but rd. n "3?y /(as passed away Lo Gr Perles *"■■ 91 Che HpV al. Hiph. Inf. abs. D3fn ^Ul 1 ! 1 S 1 "j lf, doing it at morning and at evening. in. y^y^ n. [m.] west (late) (place of suns«<); — ninpo (=33-, cf. De Ges* 9 ") Is 45 s from its setting-place (opp. B'OETnitpD) ; "jsno opp. rn]p also 43 s 59 19 ^ 103 12 107 3 , so '$ westward 1CI17 28 i2 ,6 (van d. H. v 15 ), 26 1618 ; 'D opp. «5fiO f 75'; 3-ipn-ftp (alone) Dn 8 5 ; c. n loc. '"I3"iy0 1 Ch 26 30 westward, sq. ? = <o </»«  we*« of 2 CY132 30 33 14 , nyaa^ 'BO J U 20 33 ace. to © (not B) 9J Be GFM al. (v. ["15(0]). Vl.yy (/of foil.; cf. Ar. ^>Jk be black, v>Lc crow (raven, rook, etc.); As.dribu, eribu; Aram. (_3>olx. t<3"i^y , all crow, raven). tyty n.m. 'raven;— 'ynGn8 7 (J),Lv ii' s (H) = Dti 4 14 Jb38 41 ; 3Tiy3 Cts" black as the raven; 31JJ 'JIl ^147° young ravens ; pi. abs. D^lVn t K i7 4 -«; cstr. bra-Q-ty p r 30 17 . fn. [nilV] n-[f.] poplar (populus Eu- phratica = Ar. 1^ We in De "'"' 88 Kersten zrvii.ai» I)e i.w«.«L ow p.300Anm.. NH nnnjj; ./ob- scure);— pi. abs. 0?$r , .^>J? D , 31 T J!I T 8 44 4 , cf.

  • 137 5 ; cstr. ^nrn-iy Lv 23 40 (H), Jb 40";

D, 3~)$; n ~' , 0? Is 1 5 7 (a wady in Moab ; identifica- tion dub., v. conjectures in Buhl°" og;r - 124 ). t P*"^] vb. long for (cf. Ar. ' 'Js. ascend, 11. bend, incline toward (,J-c); ^t_S high, ele- vated; Eth.OCl: ascend; NH ™rty=BH);— Qal Impf. 3 fs. 3ij?ri ^ 42' (of stag, c. /J rei in eim.) ; c. ??, of longing for God v s (subj. 'B^B?), so 3'njJPI Jo 1 s0 (of beasts, craving water). rmjr T [n^iy] n.f. garden terraoe or bed ; — cstr. Bfekn T'Xl Ct 5 13 bed of balsam (aim.) ; pi. cstr. 'an nSaiJl 6 2 , ayB» 'V EZ17 7 i.e. where the vine was planted, HPIDX Ding v 10 (all fig.). f 1. T$8 n.pr.loc. Can. city in the Negeb, Kpab (Egypt, 'a-ru-dd WMM A "- "■ Eur - 168 ' 17 °) ;— Ju i 16 , '5n!?D Nu2i l (JE)=33 40 , Josi2 14 (D, A(i)pad, A ®L Afiip); prob. mod. Tel Arad, i6 miles S. of Hebron; cf. GFM ,u1 - 16 Buhl "* 1 - I8J . f 11. "PJ* n.pr.m. Benjamite 1 Ch 8 15 , Qpijp, A Apw8, ®L Apa8. t [l"7"1^] vb. be naked, bare (Ar. i^c be naked ; Pli. my [Pi.] foy 6are (cf. Bloch Lzb); As. Uru, nakedness, also desert waste (cf. [iTJV] infr.) Jagei BAS "- 283 and reff.; NH nny. =BH, % K$T?; Syr. |i'cuix in Lexx); — Pi. P/. 3 ms. mj Is 22 6 Zp2 14 ; imp/ 3 ms. rrjy^ Is 3 17 ; 3fs.iyniGii24 20 ; 2 ms. juss.iyn^i4i 8 ; 3inpl. yyP 2 Ch 24 11 ; Imv. mpl. h| ^137"; Inf. abs. ni^y Hb3. 1 *(Ges» m,, )j— 1. Zay bare Is3 17 22 6 Zp2 14 (indef. subj.); of laying foundations bare, i.e. tearing down walls, etc. Hb 3 13 (yet on text v. Now), abs. VTtf V1J? yf, 137 77 . 2. Zoy bare by removing contents, empty, water-jar Gn24 a> (J; + 7N loc), chest 2 Ch 24". 3. pour out, «0BJ nyn-bs ^ 1 4 i 8 (i.e. slay). Hiph. P/. 3 ms. "TJffl • 1« w ^* naked, of sexual offences Lv 20' 819 (both || n^3). 2. pour out, Ttjfr '^ iB>a: Is 53 12 (fig. for siay, cf. Qal 3). Niph. pass, of Hipb. 2 : 3 ms. nn «by nnris 3 2 15 (fig.) until there be poured upon us a spirit from on high. Hithp. 1. Impf. 2 fs. "nynn La 4 2 ' </tow sAafe wioie thyself naked (of Edom under fig. of drunken woman). 2. Pt. ITiyrip if, 37 s5 usu. pouring himself, i.e. spread- ing himself out like a tree (Bae doubts ; Du "ly 1 ! 10 lifting himself up, cf. ®). "("[my] n.f. bare place;— pi. n*ny Is 19 7 (si vera interpr. ; > ® ax(t )', Ki Saad reeds). nliy n. f. nakedness, pudenda ; — abs. 'y Ex 28 42 Lv 18 6 ; usu. cstr. VtTg Gn g t2 + , sf. inny Ex2o 23 (Ginsb),Lvi8 10 ; WJf Is 4 7 s +; in- Lv 20 17 , nri. 1 8 7 + ; sf. 3 fpl. rnny v 9 - 10 ;— 1. pudenda, of man, 'y HKT implying shameful ex- posure Gn 9 22,23 (J); mostly of woman : fig. of Jerus. (c. n^O) La i 8 Ez 16 s7 ; usu. c. rbi : lit. 'y nT»5ri i.e. be exposed to view Ex 20 23 (Ginsb ; van d. H. v 26 ; E), so, as shameful punishment,