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p8 also 13 45 (leper), Nu 5 18 (woman; all c. C^n ; v.Now Arch - 11114 ; >denom.from SHB Gerber 18 al.). 2. to aZone=:avoid Pr4 15 ; =neglect i 25 8 :0 13" 15 31 ; abs. = refrain Ez 24 1 '. — Ju 5 2 v. 1. JHB. Miph. Impf. 3 ms. DV JH£? Pr 29 ls </i« people is let loose, lucks restraint. Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. JPSn 2 Ch 28"; 7m;;/ 2 mpl. WT^? Ex 5 4 ;— 1. cause people to refrain, I'K'J!'?'? Ex 5 4 . 2. s/t«w lack of restraint 2 Ch 28". njHB n.m. Pharaoh, *apna>, title of Egyptian kings (Egypt, jrr-o, great house, of royal court, and (in new kingdom) of king Griffith H, " ,l " e5DB Mey (!e ' ch - A "- 1 - 8 ' Steir.d BAS1 - 343 ; in As. pir'u ace. to most, cf. COT C|OM ' Steind'% butv.Wkl MVAG - 1898 - 3f ); — 'sGni2 15 - 15 - ,5 - ,r +2i2t. Hex (mostly JE, rarely DP), 1 S 2 27 6 6 1 K 3 11 + i9t.K,Isi9 lln +3t.,Je25 ,9 +iot.,Ezi7 17 + I2t., NeQ 10 iCh4 19 2Ch8 u ^135' 136 15 Cti 9 ;+D:i> , »^»(i 10 tearly)Je25 19 46 17 Dt7 8 ii 3 Ez29 5:, 30 2, - 22 '3i 2 iK3 1 9 16 n ,8 2Ki7 7 i8 21 = : Is 3 6 B ,Gn4i ,6 (E),Ex6 1M3 - 27 - ;B i4 8 (allP);c.n.pr. jnan 'b j e 44 30 , nbi 'a 4 6 2 2 K zf 9 - 33 ^". fi. U?y)Q n.m. flea (As. pursu'4, parSii'ti; on transp. of, v. Horn AuAI ' 21 );— fig. of insig- nificance 1 S 24 15 ; 26 20 •'B'SJ (S) Th We Dr al. fll. tT>JHD n.pr.jn. *opos, *<ip«, etc. (flea; cf. Gray Pr01>;N - 94 );— 1. head of post-ex. family Ezr2 3 =Ne7 8 , Ezr 8 3 io 25 Ne 3*. 2. Ne io' T^SIQ n.pr.flum. near Damascus 2 K 5 12 , ()4>apcfiap ; A <Paf><papa ; perh. mod. 'Awaj, S. of Damascus Eob BE,i,M7r -. fl- T"I2 vb. break through (NH id.; JAram. Pf id.} perh. As. pardsu (v. D1 HWB ); Ar. Ja'j cut, slit, also /«'«); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. pa 2S 5 ,, + ; 2 ms. sf. UniPB ^,6o 3 , etc.; Jmp/. 3 ms. pf! Ex 1 12 1 9 21 , "HP v 24 , pS»1 Gn 30 30 + , etc.; Inf. abs. pB Is 5 5 ; cstr. pB 2CI131 5 , pi? Ec 3 3 ; PC. ac<. p> Mi 2 13 Ec io 8 ; pass. fs. nxvia 2 Ch 32 s Pr 2S 28 ; mpl. D^B Ne 4 1 , + Dn D'XVlB 2 ' 3 Qr ( > Kt D'Vliann) ;— break through : 1. break or 6ttr«< om<, from womb Gn 38 29 (J; c. ace. cogn.); from enclosure Mi 2 13 . 2. break through, denvn (from without), c. ace. "nj Is 5 s ^ 8o 13 89 41 Ec io 8 ; ncrin Ne 3 s5 2 Ch 26"' cf. pt. pass. Ne 2 13 2 Ch 32 s ; c. HDina — make a breachin 2Ki 4 13 =2Ch2 5 23 ; nsnai^Przs 28 ; abs.,opp.n;3Ec3 3 ; pan Mi2 13 ; Dorian Ne4> the part broken down. 3. break into, c. ace.

  • JV3 2 Ch 24 7 . 4. 6?-ea& opera, a mining

shaft Jb 28 4 . 5. break up, break in pieces, c. ace. T'S'S?!? 2 Ch 20 37 (|| ntoX TOjftt). 6. trai/c out (violently) upon, of '< in sudden judg- ment, c. ace. pers. 2 S 5 M = 1 Ch i4",^6o 3 ; c. 3 pers.Ex ig 58 - 24 ^), iCh 15' 3 , so of plague ^ioe 29 ; of c. ace. cogn. Pf -f 3 pers. 2 S 6 8 = 1 Ch 1 3"; c. ace. cogn.+ sf. Jb 16 14 . 7. tise violence, abs. Ho 4 2 . 8. break over [limits], increase,

  • fy pB?! Gnso 30 ^), iCh4 38 ; + n loc.Gn28 14

(J) ; abs. 30 43 (J), Ex i 12 ( J; + rrfl), Ho 4 10 L554 3 , P¥? P 3 Jb I 10 . 9. burst open, intrans., of wine-vats Pr 3 10 (c. ace. mat. C^iTri). 10. spread, i.e. become known, of "O'jn 2 Ch 31 5 . —

Ch 1 3 2 is prob. corrupt, v. Kau, who (after SS) 

conj. nS"l££. ; 'a in 2 Ch 1 1 28 is appar. distribute (c. ft? partit.), but dubious. — iS 28 23 2S13 2527

K 5 s3 v. -iVB. Niph. i><. p?3 fun pt< 1 S 3 1 

no vision spread abroad (i.e. general, or fre- quent, cf. Qal XO ; || "lg rvn " "m), but text dubious. Fn. Pi!, f. nrVat? Ne i 3 (of wall). Hithp. Pt. pi. D'S-jSnsn 1 S 25 10 slaves who break avmy, each from ('JBl?) his master. < ■fl. y~ n.m. Jb30 ' H bursting forth, breaoh; abs. '3 Ju 2 1 ,5 + , P.B Gn 38 s9 + ; cstr. p.B 2 S 5 20 +; pi. D , SlBAm 4 3 -|-,rii2nB Ezi 3 5 , sf.fnT) 3 Am9 u (n ,, ;nBWeNow); — X.bursting forth, out- burst, of water 2 S 5 S0 = 1 Ch 1 4"; fr. womb Gn 38 :9 (J). 2. breach in wall Am^i K 1 i^Nee 1 ^i44 14 , Jb30 14 ; so (c."H3, i.e. repair) Am9 u Is 58 12 ; fig. of effort to avert calamity, nis^S? nbv Ez 13 5 (|| TU), p.B3 npy 2 2 30 (|| id.), cf. f 106 23 ' by instruction and (esp.) intercession. 3. broken wall, ?Bi 'a IS30' 3 . 4. fig. of outburst of '^'s wrath, ace. cogn. c. pB 2 S 6"= 1 Ch 13 11 , Jb 16 14 (pa-'JB-by pa); 3 'a nb-y Ju 21 15 . < fn. y~lE n.pr. 1. m. son of Judah and Tamar, *ap«;— 'a Gn46 12 -(- , p.B 3 8 29 -f- 3 t.;— Gn 3s 29 46 1212 Nu 26 2021 Eu 4 ,2 • ,8 ■ ,8 1 Ch 2 4 V 9 4 2 7 3 Ne 1 1 4 - 6 . 2. loc. in a. i"W 'a near Jerus. 2S6 8 =2Chi 3 n . b. D , r T B^is28 21 , perh.= '3 J*© q.v. p. 128.— Cf. pa Jb"l. t^jn'g adj. gent, of 11. p.B 1, c . art. as n.coll. Nu 26 20 . TyiD n.m. violent one (robber, mur- derer);— eh 110 'a Ez 18 10 ; 'a nimx ^if; pi. D'ipa Ez 7", D'VIB niVD Je 7";' 'cstr. 'J? •qey n-na Dn 1 1 14 ; of wild beast,ni>n p-is is 35 9. II. Y |2 (v of foil.; cf. Ar. ^Jj,^l notch, make mark by notching; iSiji gap by which boats ascend, unload, or are stationed ; Ji>'j* mouth of river or inlet).