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pee t[^1D?p] n.[m.] landing-place: — ^ fttfl vxibo ju 5" (cf. GFM). t [p~13] vb. tear apart, away (NTH remove (load, etc.), Pi. separate, take to pieces; Ar. {jy> split, divide; % plB esp. redeem, rescue; Syr. jiiS withdraw (intrans.), also remove, rescue; Eth. <U+: set free);— Qal Pf. 2 ms. j?plB1 Gn 27 40 ; 7m;>/. 3 ms. sf. Wffi ^ 136 24 ; i'<. act. plB La 5 s ^ 7 3 tear away yoke from off (???) neck Gn 27 J0 (J); snatch from (JO) foes, — rescue (Aram.)La5 8 |'i36 24 ;soab8.il/7 3 (prefixingpX('l), © © Che Du We), > Hup Bae al. snatch away as prey. Pi. Impf. 3 ms. plB? Zen 16 Ae shall tear off their hoofs ; Imv. mpl. *p"]JJ Ex 32 s (E) <ear o^Tthe golden ear-rings ; Pt. plBB 1 K 19" a great wind rending mts. (|| 13^??). Hithp. <e«r q^" (for, i.e. from, oneself Ges S64f ); Impf.

mpl. Van?. Ex 32 s (E), c. ace. 3n;n "ctrns ; 

/m». mpl. 1p"}3nn v 24 (E ; obj. om.) ; pass, be broken off, Pf. 3 pi. 'pISH'? Ez 19 12 (branches). Tp^5 n.[m.] 1. parting of ways, Ob". 2. plunder (as snatched away), Na 3 1 . t [plE] n.[m.] fragment;— cstr. otyf p!3 Is 65 4 Kt, but read pi?, v. pl». t [rip^DD] n.f. neck (dividing head from body);— sf. Wp!3D -OE>rn 1 S 4 18 .

1. ["1^2] vb- Hiph. break, frustrate 

(NH Pi. crumble; J Aram. 11? ; As. pardru, destroy; 11. shatter; Lihy. IIBfll destroy, DHM Epl B r.D," n km...V„.21,7^._py' 3 m g. IBf! I S 33" + , Ijp - Gn 17" Nu 15"; also metaplastic form "Wl Ezi7 I9 f 33 10 (Ges S67 "); 2 ms. nriiBm 2 S 1 5 34 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms.l?; Nu 30" + ,1B>1 Ne 4', etc.; also 1 s. I'BK ^ 89" (Ges ,,c ); 7wm>. ms. ibh 2 Ch 16 3 f 85 s , n-)£n 1 K 15 19 ; Inf. abs. i?n Pr 1 5 22 + ; cstr. 1Br6 2 S 1 7 14 4- , I'Bn!* Zc 1 1 I0 , 8 f. B3-]Dni> Lv26 15 (Ges* e7dd ); P<. i?b I s 44 2 > Jb 5 12 ; — 1- break, violate, esp. c. ace. IYH3 • a. of '< Ju 2 1 Je 14 2 ' Lv 26 44 Zc 1 1 10 . b. of men violating covenant with '» Je 1 1 10 31 32 Dt 31 16 ' 20 Lv 2 6 ,5 Ez 44 7 Gn 17 14 Is 24 s , cf. Jo^- <*• of men breaking compact, league (with men), Is 33 8 1 K i5' 9 =2 Ch 16 3 , Ez iy«w«-»». d. of destroying the njnx between Judah and Israel Zc 1 i M . e. of breaking Vs njSD Nu i5 3 'Ezr9 14 , rnin ^ 1 1 9 126 . 2 . frustrate, make ineffectual : a. counsel (HSJJ) 2S15 34 i7 14 Ezr4 5 ; '< subj. Ne4 9 ^33 10 ; of man frustrating '^'s counsel Is 14", so, c. ace. tSEK'T? Jb 40 8 ; c. ace. rfaBTlD

"ID in gen., of men Pr 1 s 22 , '» subj. Jb 5 12 , so, c. ace. Dinx Is 44 2 b. make vow (113) ineffectual, annul it Ne 30 914 (opp. D'pO), v 13 , also (Impf. + Inf. abs.) v 1316 . c. of annulling (godly) fear Jb 15 4 ; iE>l» I'BK i6 ^Dn ,/, 89 M id. prob.T'DK 01 Che Bae al.; ^Dys TBH 85-* (rd.lDn ©BiChe). d. njtaSii IBrn Ec i 2 5 is dub. : De Wild al. fails (to excite [?<1BJ11 Hoph. is made ineffec- tual]); Ew bursts (Siegf 1BJ11); but caper-berry not dehiscent (Post F '° raors " ;;i06ff - M'Lean-Dyer Kncy.Blb.6M). p ogt Letter. July », 1901 fo^fo up ( by shrivelling), fig. of failing sexual power; Aq from ms bear fruit (cf. GFM JBLx(,89,) - 00 ); Perles Ami. so rnbril. Hoph. Impf. 1. be frustrated, 3 fs. lani Is 8'° (of HSV). 2. be broken, of covenant, 3 fs. 13PI Je33 21 ; 1BR1 Zc ii n ; so Is 28' 3 (read "IBTO for 1331 , v. '3). ' Pilp. Impf. 3 ms. sf. ^IB"!?! 1 - Jb 16 12 he hath shattered me. ill. H"13] vb. split, divide (so f 74" seems to require [but v"WB SS is possible], cf. Ar.jiS split, tear, rend; perh. = I. ; >Buhl Ul ' shake, quake, citing Ar. "Ji!I shake, Aram. 131BJ1N, ^33, cf. NH 1B1?); — Qal Inf. abs. -fHithpo'. Pf. 3 fs. H? "IT 31 ? 1 ? ni|S Is24 19 split or cracked ihrow./h is the earth (Che HebHpt - npisnn pus). Poel P/. 2 ms. niiis ^74" <7to« ['i] c?tV/si divide the sea. III.")")S(yoffoll.;cf.NHia,niS=BH; Ar. !Jj young of ewe, cow, or goat ; Syr. JL^a ewe (cf. No ZMOxl(1886) ' 734 ), and so As. parru, ace. to Jen andZim^" 1 - 202 ). "13 n.m. Gn32,16 young bull, steer; — abs. - 132 'a Nu 7 l5 + , is + 50 9 , alw. isn 1 S i 25 + ; cstr. n«En(n) ns Ex29 :t6 +; pi. D , 1B Gn32 ,6 + ; sf. nns Je 50 27 ; — steer [v. esp.1p T 3"|3 13 Lv4 3 + 6 t.; '3"'3 im 'B Ex 29'+ 12 t. Nu 7, cf. 8 s ; ins '3"'3 'B Nu i5 24 + 3t., cf. Ez4 3 23 45 ls 46 6 ; pi. b-'JS an3 Nu 28 11 + 4 t.; v. |3, Ip3] : 1. as gift Gn 32 16 (E); fig. of fierce enemies jr 22 13 . 2. elsewh. as sacrificial victims : a. in peace- offeiing Ex 24 s (E; Covenant Code), 1 S i 24 (rd. 13 for DT| © <S Th We Dr al.), v 25 Nu 7" (P), 2 Ch 30 2424 . T b. burnt-offering Ju 6 2525 (on text cf. GFM), v 26 - 28 1 K I 8 23 - 23 - 23 - 25 - 26 - 33 ; Ez 43 23 + 5 1- Ez, Nu 7 15 - 21 -f- 46 t. Nu (P), 1 Ch i 5 M 29 21 Ezr8 3i Jb 4 2 8 + 50 9 51 21 ; Lv 23 19 (gloss, Dr-Wh). c. sin-offering Ez 43 19 + 5 1. Ez, Ex 20 i-3..o.io.n.i 2 .io. cf. 2 Ch 13 9 2 9 21 , Lv4 3 - 4 - 4 - 4 + 25 t. Lv(P), Nu 8 8 ; — both b. and c. Nu 8 12 . d. more gen. Is 1" yp- 69 s2 . e. fig. yDBB* CI? Ho 1 4 3 we will pay (as with) bullocks, our lips, but read 'IB © We