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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/886

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1 1., cstr.">iPV Dt 4 1? + 5 t., ■*? *8 9 ; pi. ^fBS 

Lv 14*+ 5 t.; — 1. single bird, Am 3 5 Ho 1 1" (sim.; || H3V), La 3 H Jb 4 o M + i°2 8 "4 7 Pr 6 5 7 a 26 2 27 8 (all sim.), Lvi4 5 + io t. Lvi4; '2T^3

  • 1J3 Dt4' 7 , rrjVlD 'X^S 14" (io distrib.); TTR

22*bird's nest/in bip Ec 12 4 ; pi. Is 3 i 5 (sim.), Ne 5 ,8 Lv 1 4 4 (D V 13V >*#, in purif. ; cf. We Held - 2 - 171 R g Mm. 1. 402, 2nd ed. «S) ( v 4 »'(ld.), V' 1 4 17 Ec C> 12 . 2. less oft. coll., either def. Gn 15'° (two), or indef. + 11 1 (fig.), D *>f "*¥ 8 9 , esp. «|JK7?) 1 Ez 39 17 f 148 10 , «133-b 'X » 17 23 Gn7 14 , also redund. c. B^, 1J!p| * Q-J? Ez 39 4 ««fe 0/ ^wey of all kinds. fn. "TIBS n.pr.m. father of Balak, king of Moab (bird; perh. specif, sparrow, cf. Gray PTOP.N.M. p a i m n.pr.m. (PCX);— 'X Nu22 2 - 4 - ,s Jos 24" Ju 1 1 25 , "lb* Nu 22 10 23"; **$«?. ti"PS2 n.pr.f. wife of Moses (bird); — Ex a M f jgl. if ^ apa ( c f. LagBNMAnm..^ III. iSi ( -/of following ; ct At. ^slI plait, braid,Eth.9&&: id.; NH nTBX=«»i of basket). tiTWpS n.f. plait, chaplet;— abs. 'X Ez7 7 , rrjBX v 10 ; cstr. HVBX I s 2 8 5 ;— chaplet, coronet, diadem, m,KDPl 'X Is 2 8 s (fig. of "» ; || OX nn.OJ))._ 'X Ez 7 7 ' is dub.; AY morning (as Ki, fr. Aram.) is unsuitable ; most (after AW ,jl) doom, fate (as coming round upon one, cf. RV Da Toy), but v. Dr Hut - "• ™ " ; diadem is possible v 10 (|| HBBn ; of royal house of Judah Co Berthol; or of Jerus. Krae), but not v r ; conj. in Co Berthol Krae. IV. 12X (./of foil.; rang, dub.; NH=BH; so Ar. tiU, J!tU, Eth. 8"<PC:, As. supru; Aram. IBB, KlBtt, JiaJ, all wot7). ' p.ES n.[m.] nail (of finger), stylus- point ;— cstr. 'X Jei7>; pi. sf. rvrBXDt2i 12 ;— 1 . finger-nail Dt 2 1 12 (cf. ES K ™' ; '<*"■ um - ** *■ 42S ■ We H«id. 2 .niy 2 . transf.,-Vt?B>'X3 Jcij'wU a pom< of diamond (cf. Plin NH37 ' 4 ). V. "1SX (-/of foil.; cf. Aram. N??V, U£»J= "VBX; perh. cp. Ar. JJL2 Zea/> (but 4 = ^?)). t TBS n.m. he-goat (late) ;— abs/x Dn 8 6 - 21 ; cstr. D^n TBX v 5S (all in vision, symbol, of Alex.); pi. cstr. (lit.) DM? *VQf 2 Ch 29", riNtsri 'TBX Ezr 8 M he-goats for a sin-offering. t "ICS and (Jb 2 ") -IDiS 11.pr.1n. Job's third friend, 'nojan 'X Jb 2" 1 1 1 20 1 42'; Zotpap. ty-T-IDSn.f. K,[8 - 2 (cf. also Albr ZAW " 0!96> - 322 Ges» 1350 ' 146 ' ) frogs (Ar. LxU, etc.; Aram. «^TTp^,»Tp^, 1^1*0^') ;~frogs, coll. Ex8 2 ^ 78 45 ; pi. D'VnBS Ex 7 272829 8 1 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 9 f 105 30 . np| v. II. HBX. T j"ID!J n.pr.loc. 2«£«[p] : Canaanite city Ju i 17 = i" 10 "]? q. v.; identif. by many (v. esp. Palmer -""'"' 1110 ' 1 - 374 -) with Sebaita (c.Lat 30 54' N., Long. 34 40' E.), by Rob BR " 181 with pass es-Siifdh, further E.; against both v. GFM. tnnp!J n.pr.loc. in Judah (van d. H. nnBX, so Kit); nehob 'X t033 2 Ch 14 9 ; ® Kara fioppdv, whence Hi al. prop. H3BX, so Buhl 1 *'. D^SS v. 1. TV sub I. px. yips is 26" v. 11. pix. ^ApS and (1 Ch i2 121 'p ,, 2) n.pr.loc. (S^Jf iSa7»' + 1 fe$ 2 S a 1 , jfcf lOnia 1 );— assigned to Judah Jos 15 31 , to Simeon 19 5 ; Philistine city given to David 1 S 2 7 6 - 6 30 111 - 1426 2 S i 1 4 10 1 Ch 4 30 I2 1 - 21 (van d. H. v 20 ); 2(KcXax, 2«fXa-y, etc. ; usually identified with Zuheilikah, 1 9 miles SW. from Bet Jibrin, 1 1 miles ESE. from Gaza (cf. Buhl ""- 186 ). t[^J»] n.[m.] doubtful word;— sf. bens .jbpxa 2 K 4 4S <3X garment; © om, but A /3a«XA. f fl, Arm. bakelaS, whence Lag Ar,n,!n - 8,udi333 - Ml - 212 reads (plausibly) iny?i?? in his wallet, Ar. iiJS, lils, and so 93 pera. , 11, in, iv. IB, 11. "IS , v. I, II, III. mx. t"12 n.pr.loc. in Naphtali, Jos 19 35 ; Tvpos. ti."lS,"^iS n.pr.loc. Tupot : Tyre, famous Phoenician city (Ph. IX ; As. Surru, so Tel Am; Egypt. Da-($yra, Da-ru WMM *»-«."".*^f— IX 2 S 24 7 + 32 1., liX 1 K 5 15 + 8t. (Gi);— city of Hiram, friend of David and Sol. 2 S 5 11 1 K 5" 9 1112 1 Ch 14 1 2 Ch 2 2 - 10 ; of artif. Hiram 1 K 7 13 ; n'XTl3 yr 45" of city personif. (another view in Che); 'X also in name of Ph. fortress, / X"nX3p 2 S 24 7 , '* 'B -V? Jos 19 29 (P) ; threatened by proph. Am i 910 and (with esp. ref. to commercial greatness) Is 23 1 ("ft K^B), v 5 - 8131617 Je 25^ pX-oi>D), 2 7»pX -I^D), 47 4 Ez26 2 - 3 - 4 - 716 27 2:> - 3 - 8 - 32 , 2 8 2 pX Vl!), v 12 piX -l^D); besieged byNebuch. 29 1818 ; cf.Zc9 2 - 3 Jo4 4 ^83 8 ( / XOf , ) ; ofTyrians as proselytes f 87 4 (predict.); — "ftf.b Ho 9 18 is pvob. corrupt, read lob or Ti6 ® We GASm,