Beirut, mod. Afqa Jos 1 3 4 ^P,??. v. Di. 4. place near Mizpah i S 4 1 (cf. 7"). tilpCN (mng. perh. id!) one of a group of cities including Hebron Jos 15 s3 . j * I- "lDfc^ (°f- perh. Jil leap,'J> be agile; v. tlEN n.[m.] ashes (as light, flying i) — 'X abs. GniS^-f; cstr. Nu 19 910 — ashes of red heifer, used in purifications Nu 19 910 ; on head, as sign of humiliation 2 S 13"; contrition Dn
= (|| uto, pe>), Jon 3 6 (|| 1*9 cf. Jb 4 2 6 c» -i?V)>
Is 58 s (|| &); mourning Est 4 13 (|| W) cf. Jb 2 8 ('Wl -pra 3B^), Je 6- 6 ( || Pr), Ez 2 7 30 ( II isy) ; in sim. scattereth hoarfrost 'K3 i/^ 147 16 ; but also as filthy, loathsome 'K1 1BJD Jb 30 19 (Di sim. of mourning, grief), as worthless, 'N v<ffti Jb 13 12 proverbs of ashes; fig. of wortlilessness IS44 20 ; insignificance / X , na5?Gni8 27 ; ignominy Ez28 18 Mal 3 21 ; distress & sorrow *!$%$ D$3'K ^102'* (so As. cf. Zim BP43 ) cf. La 3 16 Is6i 3 pBN nnn tkb). II. "13J<J (enclose, envelop, As. apdru, attire jjjptm. rp neg com p. Ar.^ai, cover; MV comp. Aram. Ita^jo, N1BJJO, mantle, turban; but con- nection of V(p)y 'a with "1BN is dub.) TIEN n.[m.] covering, bandage (As. i/pru, covering Zim BF95 , epartu, garment, Id.' b ' & DI FrM ) I^T^J? '" 1 K 20 38 cf. v 41 . rhEN v. ms. TVV'ISN n.[m.] sedan, litter, palanquin (so NH; origin dub.; no plausible Shemitic etymol.; perh. (so ES in Yule 010 " '^" - 11 ""*" wordMKB^ g£ r paryahka, litter-bed, '-palankeen ; ' perh. (if poem be late) Gr. <popdov; — © has Qopflov, 33 ferculum, © JJ»ck, X *?}*) Ct 3" < D^SM Ephraim (Gn4i S2 con- nected with rnan, Hiph. of ms, cf. KID Hiph. Ho 13"). 1. 2nd son of Joseph Gn4i 62 46 s "; reckoned among sons of Jacob, blessed by him, and given preference over Manasseh
1.6.13.H..7.17 ( c f. v l<>) v 20.a. 5Q 23 N U 1 10 I Ch 7 20 " 2 .
. EP1BN ♦$ (= descendants, tribe of E.) Nu ,n 2 i'8.i8.m 7 «' IO J2 26 3s.37 j og x 55.9 (boundaries of territory), 17 8 1 Ch 9 3 12" 2 7 1014 - 20 2 Ch 28 12 ; less oft. '« HBO Nm B i3 8 J0S21 6 iCh6 51 ; 'N-"?3 HBO NU34 24 Jos 16 8 cf. I4 4 ; 'K B3B> ^ 7S 67 (|| IpV !?nN); 'N JV3 Ju io 9 ; also '« alone, tribe Ephraim Nu 26 s8 Dt 33 17 Jos i6' + oft.; netafl 'N H N Jos » 7' 7 cf - Ju 1 2 15 2 Ch 30 10 esp.
. D^SS~in </te mountain-country of Ephraim^ a ridge stretching from N. to S. through ter- ritory assigned to Ephr., with fruitful land on both slopes, esp. the western (cf. Di Jos 16 1 ) Josi7 15 i9 M 20 7 Ju2 9 3 27 4 5 +26t. 4. by Ho & Is (rarely later) Dy}BK = kingdom of north- ern Israel (from Ephr. as largest & strongest tribe in it) Ho 4" 5 83 - 6 (|| $£#?) v ,U2 +30t. Ho; Is7 2 - 5 - 8917 +9t. Is; also Je 7 15 3 i 9 - ,82 ° Ez 37 16 (del. Co) v 19 + 78" 2 Ch 2 5 7 - 10 cf. 30' + 60 9 = io8 9 ; 'K *1? 2 Ch 17 2 cf. 34 6 ; 'K rnff Ob 19 ; hence 'x alone in loc. sense 2 Ch 31 '; also Ho 5 9 , where /em. (& perh. Is 7 2 ). +5. tt^f "£ 2 S 18 6 , E. of Jordan; ©L Klo rd. tWnp V, cf. 1 7 2427 . t6. name of a city near Baal-hazor 2S13 23 (='E#/>cii/* John 11 54 & 1 Mace 11 34 ? Klo comp. ©L ro0pm/t & pissjj, Qr plD}? 2 Ch 13 9 ; so previously Bo Th Ke cf. Dr). t7. D^IBK nyB» a chief gate of Jerusalem 2 K 1 4' 3 2 Ch 25 s3 Ne 8 16 1 2 39 ; perh. at NW. angle, near Holy Sepulchre, cf. Schick-Guthe ZPV18ai . rnEN v. nniDN. tnrnBM (v. st a ' 3 ° 8,i - I ' s,2d - 2lM °"* 1 " 1 - t t ; v ForKh.215^ — m ight in several cases, e.g. Gn 35 16 , be IT)B§+n loc, but v. Ru 4"; — 1. place near Bethel, where Rachel died & was buried Gn 35 1<U9 48' (n")SK only Gn 48 7 where H perh. dropped on ace. of n following (01) ; in last two passages Drb fV3 Kin is a gloss, v. Di ; cf. 1 S io 2 ). 2. id., a name of Bethlehem Mi 5 1 Ru 4"; cf. perh. nrPBK 3.^3 1 Ch 2 24 (® rjtv Xaf/3 tit 'E(ppdda). 3. id. ^ 1 32 s , perh. applied to district where Kirjath Jearim lay, on the border of Judah & Benjamin, cf. De Che. 4. 1"H?K name given to wife of Caleb 1 Ch 2 19 = nrnBK v 60 4 4 . "PrHEN adj. gent. Ephrathite. 1. Eph- raimite, cf. '"in"JBK 1. Jui2 5 1S1 1 (of ancestor of Elkanah) iKii" (of Jerob.) 2. from '« 2 ; D$ n^3» 'K 1 S17 12 (of Jesse); pi. D^S? Dr£ n'BO Ru i 2 . Jn3J*J (meaning dub. V whence Ar. oil ( calamity, & also wonder, portent; ace. to Thes Ar. v =<—SjI suffer evil). TnCiO n,.m. Dt29,2 wonder, sign, portent (=nD^»)_ns i iO Ex7 9 +i4t.; D3nBiOEzi2 u ; D , nBi»Dt4 34 +4t.; Q^nab Dte^+gt.; ^sio Ex7 3 11 9 ; vr!Bi»^78 43 ;'i , nBbiChi6 12 ^io5 li — 1. wonder, as special display of God's power Ex7 3 11 9 ^105* iChi6 13 J03 3 ; by Moses and Aaron Ex 4 21 n 10 cf. 7 9 (in mouth of