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PI also Jb 24 14 . Hiph. Impf. i s. TOOK Pr 22" J shall be slain; Pt. fs. as adj. nnsniin neto J u 20 4 the murdered woman. Pi. (intens.) murder, assassinate: 3 mpl. 1W1' Ho 6" (abs.), WjjTl) f 94 6 (acc. pers., || 11?); ^oV v. infr.; P<. DOsi as subst. 2 K 6 32 murderer, assassin; pi. CniPD Is i* l assassins. Pu. Impf., 2 mpl. inX"W i^62 4 , so Baer Gi, van d. H. VIVTn, but Ben Napht. Pi. 'nrvi (Baer 143 ), so Vrss Hup-Now De Che Bae al. ye murder (or batter, shatter). trai n.[m.] shattering;— "niDXp ^ ^42" with a shattering in my bones, fig. of effect of sneering words (Codd. '"O ; 01 Gr Che We -^Tl 3 ); appar. slaughter Ez 21 27 , but © ^ofl (so || WIT)), Co nn, Houb (in Rosenm) nut, go Berthol Toy Krae. tWSH n.pr.m. in Asher 1 Ch 7", Pa<r(t)ia. TP2*") n.pr.m. 1. king of Aram, Ahaz's time : 2 K 15 37 i6 569 Is f A * 8 6 9'°; Pa(a)<7(<r)w, Vaouv. 2. Ezr 2 48 =Ne7 50 , Pa(a)tr<ov. tl^n vb. bore, pierce (NH = BH; Ar. kJ. stab violently); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. consec. '11 Ex 2 1 6 (E) he shall pierce his ear (ace, 3 instr.). T I'SIO n.[m.] boring-instrument, awl; — abs. 'B Ex 2 1 6 (E), Dti5 17 . fl. [*V*H] vb. fit together, fit out, si vera 1. (Ecclus 43 8d id. Pi. pave (fig.; si vera 1.); As. rasdpu, join together, build; Ar. 1— a-^T join together, cf. DHM V<M '■ » Sab. f|X-|, DSV1 Id *■ Hal jAg.im.j.ta.m. Aram.f)r>,^f, arrange in a line; cf. Aram. HpBf!, Jiifj, NH HSSn, all = jpai«!- m«n<); — QBlPt.pas8.TrM (pTJ fata Ct 3 10 i<«  interior fitted out(1) with love (Gr al.'Jarie&orcy). T HQin n. f. pavement; — abs. 'l Ez 4o' 717 +,' cstr. nsri Est i 6 (van d. H. HBri, '" l ^~) ! — pavement, inEzek.'s temple, Ez4o 17 - 171818 42'; Sol.'s temple 2 Ch 7'; in a palace Est i 6 . t JtOSIQ n.f. id. ;— cstr. D*?3|« 'D 2 K 16 17 . II. *pD (/of foil.; prob.^Zow.cf.Ar.Lj^ Jteated stone, <~-*-°] cauterize, roast; Syr. ) ft s, «  bread baked in as/te*(coals), cf . Rob BE '• 485 ' "■ "'• 262 ). f 1. HES") n. f. glowing stone (or ooal) (W e ta.,.j T «.G«h.w' B )._/-| abs. Is6 6 ; pi. ru£ D'DJn 1 K 19" (cf. Syr. supr.). TF)2^ n.pr.loc. conquered by Assyr. (As. Rasappa, COT 2 *"- 12 Schr K0Fle7 DP' 297 ; prob. = -Pr,<r<itj>a Ptol * 18 ) ;— 2 K 1 9 12 =Is 37", Pa<j>< («) r , Pa$t ; mod. Eusafa, between Palmyra and the Euphrates Dl lc - Peters Nlp[,ur '• 105 . fn. TBT n.pr.f. concubine of Saul, 2 S 3' 2 1 81011 , plo^a. DlSJfl v.i. rwn. ■ t ; T : t[^"1] vb. crush (NH = BH; Ax. Jk bruise, bray, crush; Aram. VF!,^» crwsA, sAa«er);— Qal Pf. 2 ms. sf. Ur.ijri 1 S 12 4 ; 1 s. 'nis-1 v 3 ; Trop/ 3 ms. fTV (Ges' 67 ') Is 4 2 4 (Cod. Bab. fTV , Niph., so SS here and Ec 1 2 6 *), 3 fs. P"V? Ec 12 6 ', 1 s. H« + i8 M =rnN 2 S 22 30 (v. infr.); Pt.act. fpl. nissn A1114 1 ; pass, prj Is 4 2 3 + , cstr. JV) Ho 5"; pLD'yon Is 5 8 6, ; — crush: 1. lit., a. pt. pass, in ?* ,S "J( ! ?) ^3r?(n) 2 K 18 21 = Is 36 s , Is 4 2 3 (all metaph/of weak pers.). b. impf. intrans. get crushed(rd. filR t), of bowl Ec"i2 6 * (in metaph.). 2. fig. crush, oppress, ace. pers. 1 S 1 2 3 - 4 Am 4 1 ; pt. pass. Dt 28^, as subst. t/ie oppressed Is 58 s ; BB&D pS"l Ho 5 11 (We Now J*3p, i.e. perverting judgment, but dub.) ; intrans.^ei crushed (id. f^V 1), of ser- vant of ' under fig. of wick, Is 42 4 ( 4- nQ3J) he shall not grow dim or be crushed out. Niph. be crushed, broken : Pf. 3 ms. consec. Y^i) (Ges iat ) Eci2 6b (of wheel at cistern); Imp). '2 ms. )**fiJJ Ez 29 7 (of Pharaoh as reed, cf. Qal 1 a) ; Jb 20 10 rd. perh. Vfr (for 1ST, v . mn Pi.), are crushed (as) poor men, Bu, cf. Hoffm SS Gerber. — Is42 2 Eci2 6 *v.Qal. VLcrush in pieces .1. lit. (in metaph.) Pf. 2 ms. ASS"! V' 74 14 c. ace. rei. 2. fig. = grievously oppress, 3 ms. JTT! Jb 20" ; /mp/. 3 ms. Dyn Jo }*2n;i 2 Ch 16' . Poel Impf. 3 mpl. ISXi^l Ju io 8 , ace. pers. ( = Pi. 2 ; II H>">; r^l here perh. doublet, so GFM Hpt , cf. BuNow). Hiph. Impf. 3 fs. n$ (Ko 1 - 352 ; Ba zMGx 11 H(, 88B ,.is 1 tninkg Qal) Ju 9 »,A« ort»M /«'« siwZZ. Hithpo'. recipr., Im]'/- 3 m pl- H3-li?3 D"33n «snn>l Gn 25 22 (J) <Ae children crushed (thrust, struck) one another vnthin Iter.

  • [y*l] n. [m.] usu. piece, bar (?), in phr.

^03 'JT3? D?inP V' 68 31 , but very obscure and dub.; Aq. 93 wheels; © Symm ,| S^S; Chensaa

  • |D3, or '3 5JS33, or (JBL I,a892) ' 12i j '3 ^n3 (i.e.

mercenaries); Pott We 3J3 "i' 1 !?; Du ^SD 'S 1 !?. f 11. nSPnjp n.f. crushing, oppression; — Je2 2 17 ( + pB'Vn). pi v. I. ppn ; p- v. pn ; p 4 ! v. II. ppn.