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[2p"l] vb. rot (NH id.; Aram. apT in deriv.); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. 3p"£ IS40 20 (of tree); fig. agTJ D'?Bn D !? Pr 10 7 (Krochm al. 3j* 6e curseo!, v33p, cf. Toy). T2p"1 n.[m.] rottenness, decay (always fig.); — '" abs.; appar. of ravages of worm, in rni.T IV3, in fig. Ho 5 12 (|| t% cf. Jb 1 3 M (||td.); elsewhere of decay of bones, caries (in fig.), 'D?5?3 'n Hb 3 16 Pr 12*, cstr.'Oyy 3p") 14™. t]i3jTl n.[m.] id.;— 'I fl? Jb 41 "wood 0/ rottenness, -=rotten wood (in fig.). t*Tpl vb. skip about (NH Pi. Hiph.= BH; so Aram. *lp") Pa., J>> Pa.; As. rakddu, ski]), dance ; Ar. jS. ix. run with leaps and bounds, |T,lii. leaping up briskly); — Qal skip about, Pf. 3 mpl. flfTJ ^ 1 14 4 (of mts., B$UJ) j /mp/ 2 mpl. Vlp/TH v 6 (id.; both of Sinai quak- ing at law-giving); Inf. cs<r."lip") HJJ Ec 3 4 a time to mourn pBD), and a time to skip about (gaily). Pi. dance, leap: Impf. 3 mpl. '"Ijyv I s 13 21 ( f trUf); ftfQ Jb2i" (of children; merrily), Jo 2" (of locusts) ; Pt. ngiP 1 Ch 1 s 29 (of David ; =13-)3tp , ttBD, in || 2 S6 141 ' 6 ); fs. rrflnjp Na 3 2 (of jolting chariots); in 2S6 2 " ins. 1BM| I will dance, after * 'KB)*, © ThWe DrBuHPS 'pin*?). Hiph. /wip/. 3 ms. sf. BTBT9 ^2^ lie () made them skip like calves (trees, by lightning). HpT v. I. pp-|. pjJH v. II. pp-|. t [FID"!] vb. mix, or compound oil, oint- ment (perh. denom.; in this case v meaning unknown ; NH has nnpTD ointment; Ph. np") either spice-OTixer(Bloch) or spice-dealer (Lzb) ; perh. akin to As. rikku, spice, Meissn Suppl ' 90 , cf. rikk'e, Dl HWB6ln ) -—qkllmpf. 3 ms. npT Ex 30 33 ; Pt. npn v 25Si , 'in 37 211 Ec io 1 ; pi. cstr/npi 1 Ch 9 39 ; — mix, compound, Ex30 33 (P; ^ita, i.e. anything like the holy oil); pt. as subst. 'npn rinp/lQn 1 Ch 9 30 compounders of the ointment ; as a professional name, mixer, perfumer, Ex 3 o 25 - 36 37 M Ec io 1 . Pu. Pt. mpl. tWJBrttJ 2 Ch 16 14 mixed as ointment. Hiph. Inf. abs. n P_"}n nn i?7? n Ez 24 10 (|| Dfiri), as Imv., spice the spic- ing (?), i.e. spice (the meat) well, but very dub., Krae prop. P"J*3n P~)!} empty out the broth. trip/} n.[m.] spice;— 'in f* Ct8 2 wine, (that is) spice (i.e. spiced wine). TpIpT n. [m.] spioe-mixture, perfume; — of holy oil, npi nbvp nnpno 'n Ex 30 25 ; of incense, npji ntJ^D 'n' v 35 . >PT i[np"}J n. m. ointment - maker, per- fumer; — only in phr. D'njJ'irrja Ne 3 s , i.e. one of the perfumers, i.e. of that guild. T[nnfn] n.f. (female) ointment-maker, perfume/;— pi. rtf(fl 1 S 8" ( + nin3B, niBK). t [rnp~l] n.[m.] perfumery; — pi. sf. ^if! Is 57" thy perfumeries, unguents. t [l"lp"TO] n. [m.] spice, perfume (of cheeks); T pl! WJfJf Ct 5 13 (v. also ^30 3). TnnplQ n.f. 1. ointment-pot, in which t 'r : v ointment is compounded, Jb4i 23 (fig.). 2. spice-seasoning [1); as ace. cogn. v. V Hiph. f Dnp^Jp n.f. 1. ointment-mixture. 2. ointment-pot (?); — 1. abs.'on Tip/I iCho 30 ; 'O npi Ex 30 25 . 2. 133 2 Ch 16" in an ointment-pot (1), or as an ointment-mixture. t[Dp^] vb. variegate (NH id.; so Ar. 'Jj, Eth. Ifrao;, c f. % Dp r l , mo^ V ariegated cloth or «&m, Syr. )k>JA0H freckles); — Qal Pt.act. Dpi, as subst. variegator, worker (weaver) in colours, c. 3 mater. Ex 3 8 23 , 'ni ajftt) vhn naS^D 35 s5 ; esp. 1 n'^JIP variegator 's work 26 36 27 16 2 8 39 = 36 3: 38' 9 39 29 (all P; all c. mater, exc. 2 8- 19 ). Pu. Pf. 1 s. WBEJ f 139 1S 7 was sM- /wZty wrought (woven, || "]3D v 13 ). TrtOpn n.f. variegated stuff (woven or embroidered); — abs. 'n Jus 30 -)-; sf. W®P- Ez

18 , nn- 2 6 16 ; du. aTiDp-i Jus 30 ; pi. niopn 

if 45 15 ; — (piece of) variegated stuff, Ju 5 303 ", for garments Ez 16 1013 27 16 " 4 V'45 15 ; explicitly, '^ 'I? 3 Ezi6 18 26 16 ; '"l appar. -=variegated work 27'; fig. of variegated plumage 17 3 ; of varie- gated stone 1 Ch 29 s . TOpt n.pr. 1. m. a. a king of Midian Nu I 8 (P0K0/i), JOS I3 21 (Po/3()K, A PoKOfl, ® OpOKOfi). b. a ' son ' of Hebron 1 Ch 2 aM , VtKoy., Poko/x, PaKT)ii. c. name in Gilead 1 Ch 7 16 , @L PaKa/t. 2. IOC. in Benj., Josi8 27 , Naxai/, A@L P««/j[v]. t [J/ p l] vb. beat, stamp, beat out, spread out (NH id.; Hiph., Aram. Vp"> Aph., both spread out, and deriv.; Syr. •>»J>> press down (Lk 6 3S <S), spread out, also consolidate ; Ar. is. patch, put on a patch, repair, cf. Clir.-Pal. kv.oi.v) patch, |!j. . i no^ao swaddling-bands, Schwally" 10 '- 90 ; Ph. vpin platter, or ootoZ, of gold CIS 1 - 90 - 1 );— Qal 7m^/. 1 s. sf. Dyp/lK 2 S