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Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/980

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a I will stamp them down (prob. gloss to DiSI^ 

preceding, cf.Bae* 18 ' 43 ); Imv. *|j>313 9g Ez 6" beat (stamp) with thy foot, in token of con- temptuous pleasure, cf. Da (|| 1??? n ?C); so Inf. cstr. sf. fenS IJTiri 25" (|| T *|Knp); Pi. ac<. ns subst. cstr. (Ges^") fy$n ypi (i.e. '<) he that (beateth out) spreadeth out tJie earth Is 42 s , Si?") '"? 44 24 , ' Nn J^" 1 r" I36 6 - Pi- Impf. 3 ms. sf. yj?i?V anja Is 40" a goldsmith with gold over- layeth it (lit. beateth it out); 3 mpl.TlK *J^TJJ •^J? TJ? Ex 39 3 <foy 6ea< om£ the plates of gold; sf. ^BS Dtyjpl^. Nu 1 7 4 <fey 6ea< them out as plating. Pu. Pt. VJJID 1D3 Je 1 o 9 silver beaten out. Hiph. Impf. 2 ms. D^nf J" to? JPgT0 Jb 37 1S ca»w< <Aom make with(=like)him a spread- ing for clouds (spread out clouds; cf. VP1) 1 tjT'jri n.jn. GnI - 6 extended surface, (solid) expanse (as if beaten out; cf. Jb37 18 ); — abs. '■) Ez i M +, cstr. '1 Gn i" + ;— © <r«,i™,ia, 33 firmamentum, cf. Syr. sub -/supr.; — 1. (flat) expanse (as if of ice, cf. ni|n pj?3), as base, support (Wkl A " orF ° ,Mhlv - 347 ) Ez x"*" (gloss J cf. Co Toy), v M (supporting * 's throne). Hence (Co* 11 - 22 ) 2. the vault of heaven, or 'firmament,' regarded by Hebrews as solid, and supporting 'waters' above it, Gn i 6 "- 7 - 8 (called B&#; all P), * 19 s (|| &Z#r), "m yfl Dni2 3 ;'also 1 QVffa Gn i"" 17 , 'B>n 1 ■OB-i>$; v *> ( all P ^ t [yijT}] n. [m.] expansion ; — pi. cstr. Q,| ? D "J?!?"! D"K *^1 Nui7 3 «a:j9ans2'<»i«o/^a<e*, i.e. they shall be beaten into broad plates. I. pp~) ("/of foil.; Ar. JfJ 6« <Am, also fig. be weak, slender, scanty, etc.; Eth. l&$ be tiiin,t$& thin; Syr. j>i Pa. Aph. make thin, <alfii thin. pn +1. adj. thin;— fpl. rrijsn, of kine, Gn 4 ,imm7(|| v"rt^). 2. 109 adv.with restrictive fcrce, only, altogether, surely (syn. T]K); — a. onZy, Gn i 4 !4 4 i w *|BD injK KD3n pi orcZy as regards the throne, etc., 47 s2 D'Jnbn noiK pi n ?i? *&, 50 8 Ex 8 6 nr>Kt?n ik<3 pn, IO ' 7 id^ "JO OJSn PI 'i"PO orafythis death, Dt 2 36 (cf. 20" Jos 8 227 ), 3 1 ' Ju 6 3 » (cf. IRjl t6. Gn 1 8 32 Ex 10"), 1 i M (circ. cl.) rrjTi; W!) pi (there being) only she, an only one, iSi" Am 3 s *DVT D3DN pn only you have I known, etc., Jb i»-«-«m» noi>E»0 "!?? '?«* PI lonly, f 9 i 8 + oft. Once strength- ening i*, tNu i2 2 " isi ncyoa-iis pin. And separated (as sts. in English) from the word actually emphasized, Pri3 10 nso JFP jVna pn by pride there only cometh [iCJ 1 s] contention. b. prefixed to sentences, to add a limitation on sthg. previously expressed (or implied), Gn 1 9 s only to these men do nothing, 24 s ^STIK PI n|n ag^nft, Ex 8 24 I will let you go . '. ., only go not far, v 25 Nu 20 10 only — it is nothing — let me pass through on my feet (cf. Dt 2 28 ); esp. in Deut. writers, as Dt 10 15 1 2" 20 16 1 K 3 s - 3 (cf. 2 K 12 4 14 4 15" 5 ), 8 19 ii 13 15" 23 2 K 3 2 (cf. 14 3 17 2 ), etc., Is 4 1 ; emphasizing a command, Dt 4' 12 1623 Jos i 718 6 18 13 8 22 s (all D 2 ). c. empha- sizing single words, esp. adjj., only = nought but, altogether, Gn 6 5 VI pi iai? nia^no 1|* i s only evil, i.e. exclusively evil, nought but evil, Gn 2 6 29 3to pn tyff ^V? wo<Am ? 6w< good, Dt 28 s3 p«»5 pi JTVO/is 28 19 nyn pn it shall be nought but terror to, etc., 1 K i4 8 (cf. TJK 2 b/3); sq. an adv. Dt 28 13 rbvo 1 ? pi n^m above only; sq. a vb., Ju 1 4 16 thou dost but hate me. t d. after a neg., save, except (syn. DS '•a 2 a). 1 K 8' (=2 Ch 5 10 ) a^axri ninb ty pi ji-wa r«, 15 5

I6 (= 2 Ch 18 16 ), 2K 1 7 18 . te. with an affirma- 

tive , a sse v erati ve for ce , only, altoge ther=- surely, Gn 20 11 ran oipoa dt6n nyj; px pi, Dt 4" (so EV; but Ges populus mere sapiens, so Di), 1 K 2 1 25 2 Ch 28 10 1^ 32 6 vbx D^an ons eit:^ pi «J«p *b. tf. W PI (PI prefixed for ernph.) if only, provided only, Dt 1 5 s '31 yOETI 5Mt3K i DK pi, 1K8 25 ( = 2Ch6 16 ) D31T T33 rWBf» DN pi 'si ra% 2K2i 8 (=2Ch 33 8 ). tp^pn a.m. a thin cake, (RV) wafer (cf. Ar. iiiU, a thin round cake of breadY always of unleavened bread : Ex 29 23 =Lv 8 26 "IHX / n > "in« nsn p'pn Nu6 19 , nisp 'p^pi Ex29 2 Lv2*7 12 Nu 6 15 (all P), 1 Ch 23 ffl .— ® d yavov . tnjn n.f. the temple (of the head): Ju4 21

  • ini5i3 nnjn ypnrii, v 22 s 26 inipi na^m nsnni, ct

4 3 =6 7 tjni3i fisnn nbsa. II. [DpH] vb - s P Jt ( NH > Aram - PET). «<>». all = BH); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. p^ Lv 15 8 , c. a of pers. spit upon. — Cf. PI). tph n.[m.] spittle; — abs.'n Is 50 6 Jb30 10 (both of contemptuous spitting); sf. , i?'!) 7 19 while I swallow (J£3) my spittle, i.e. for the briefest time. Tpp"] n.pr.loc. in Dan, 'in Jos 19 46 , prob. doublet of JiPI'n om. © Benn Steuern, cf. Di.