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yen tjTJTl n.pr.loo. in Naphtali, J0S19 36 ; @ (Oiiada) 8aKt6, A Pacxad, ©L Paicratf ; a Jewish trad, identified with Tiberias, Talm•'"• Hel!, " ,21 ' Nbr G«,,r.a»f. Buhl G«,,r.22 6 GASm 0eo8r - 447 . UTi v. eon. T Ht£H (-/of foil.; cf. NH Hiph. permit, Hoph. Ecclus 3 12 ; J Aram. KB'") /tare power, Aph. permit ; OAram. *BH cause, occasion, Lzb 3/0 , Nab. allowed, Id ,b ; Syr. U. j is usu. Wame ; As. raM, possess, r&M, creditor; Ar. (j)^J &e ^rm, IV. make firm; Eth. <Jfl?: se<, put in, place over, prepare, etc.; Sab. lt5H servant of deity JHMordtm ZMG " I < 1S76, ' SIf ).

  • JVttTl n.[m.]permission; — cstr.'i Ezr 3'.

ITtth v. n*$ta3 sub B>tn. tfDti'n] vb. inscribe, note (NH id.; so Aram. DBH, «JL» ; Ar. -i. is loan-word No zMQxxua87«.i!7 Fra 137250 );— Qal Ft. pass. c. art. as subst. DDK 3H33 fienn Dn io 21 that which is inscribed in the writing of truth. PUT) (-/of foil.; opp. pnv; cf. Ar. £Zj be loose (of limbs) Kam Frey ; whence perh. be (disjointed), ill regulated, abnormal, wicked ; NH VB/T criminal, nV'BH crime, vb. Hiph. (denom.) declare guilty; Aram. VEH be wicked, -±Li Aph. do wickedly, and deriv. ; Eth. ddOl usu. forget, less oft. err, be wicked, dtiXt; wicked (loan-word fr. Syr.w* Schwally ZMG1 "< 1898 »- 135 )). l?l£H adj. wicked, criminal; — abs. '~ T T 263 ■" Gn !%*+ ; pi. Off*) Is 13" + ; cstr.^fl ^75 9 + 3 t. ; fs. nV T f) Ez 3 18 (del. Co), v 19 (Vfi Co) ;— 1 1. usu. as subst., one guilty of crime, deserving punishment; sts. also wicked; opp. p'TO; Vp~] Ex 2" 23 1 (E), Dt 2 5 2 Pr 17 23 18 5 25 s Jb 9 22 - 24 ; coll. Gn 1 S 23 - 25 - 25 (J) Mi 6 10 Pr f 28 4 , ff]>Bh 1 S 24" Je 5 26 Pr 19 28 20 26 29 12 , D'yeh D'tWK 2 S 4" (murderers), ttKtj VBH Nu 35 31 (P) guilty of death, '1 bf)D Pr 2 8 15 , cf. ag 2 , 1 P^sn Ex 23? (E) Is5 23 Pri^ 13 ; ^ STBnn Dt25iK8 32 = V&i? Vtto 2 Ch 6 s3 ; P ,-r !S *T? 10K Pr 24 s4 . 2. guilty of hostility to God or his people, wicked enemies: J?B*"l sg. i//- i7 l3 + 6 t. i/'V', Is 26' ; coll. f 9 617 io 2 + 6 t.^, Isn 4 Hb3 13 ; D^ych f 3 s 7"*9 18 + 5t. 4+, Is 4 8 22 57 M - 21 Je25 31 Ezzi 34 Mai 3 21 ( + (poss.) other cases ; often hard to decide); specif, of Pharaoh Ex <f (J), Babylon Is " 14 5 , Chaldeans Hbi 413 ; || TOT , N3B'2Ch

9 2 . 3. guilty of sin, against either God or 

man, wicked: D'VBhn D'EONH Nu i6 2 " (J, rebel- lious Korahites), Mai 3 18 (not serving '<), opp. P ,,; !S;sg.indiv.Ez3 1818 2i 30 33 9 - 8 fii 6 32 10 Pr9 7 -|-; coll. IS3 11 Jb 34 18 36 6 -' 7 ; pi. DW1 1853" Je 23 19 = 3 o 23 , Zpi s ^26 5 Pno 3 Ec8'°+;||DH'Dn iS2 9 (poem),V'i2 9 5o ,6 97 10 i45 20 ; || ^min '3$ 1 19 63 , cf. v 61 , + ; t'T DTK Pr 1 1 7 Jb 20 29 27" ; '1 B^ Pr 2 1 29 ; '"I ^D 13 17 ; D'VB'I JHT yj, 3 7 28 ; tD'VE^i nxg i 1 Jbio 3 2i 16 22 18 ; tD'jrcn Tft Je 12 1 ^ i 6 146 9 Pr4 19 i2 M ; l?Kh ijyj i 5 9 ; iV-iin nvenn Ez 3 1S " (but v. Co, supr.) ; tp*5(n) "jJBn V' 75 9 101 8 1 19" 9 Ez 7 21 (® Co <xny).— Vf]'is rare before exile ; chiefly Ez jfjf WisdLit. t^Cn nan. 1 82414 wickedness;— abs. 'l Mi '°+ , V&2 Ec 3 16 ; cstr. (perh.) yBH 7 s5 ; sf. iVBH Dt9 27 + ,etc; — 1. wickedness, as violence and crime against civil law Ec 3 1616 ; '1 e fUN Is 58 4 fist of wickedness ; '"1 niajnn v 6 ; "1 nr6Pr 4 ";

  • l ntDD Ez 7"; H *|pto Mi 6"; 1 DhsA v 10 , cf.

Prio 2 ; ysh3 ^141* Pri 2 3 ; 'l mVv 16 12 ; 1 K£ D^BhD 1 S 24" (proverb). 2. ^c/teo!- Jiess of enemies : of Egypt Ez 31 11 (dub. Co; gloss Toy); 'in COB/ f i25 3 (@ SS VBH). 3. wickedness, in ethical relations : || JiNOn Dt 9 27 (D 2 ); || pjJ Je 14 20 ; || n^JJ Hoio' :1 ; opp. P"12f f 45 8 , DOK Pr8 7 ; v. also f 5 b io 15 Jb 34 10 35 s Ec7 25 8 8 ; n "B/JK Jb34 8 ; H briN f 84"; aW* iV^IO Ez 3 19 33' 12 (v. nVB*l 3). t [i^C.H] vb. denom. be wioked, act wickedly 1 ;— Qal Pf. 1 s. ^Vr} 2 S22 a +, tttf^l 1 K 8 47 + ; Impf. 2 ms. JIJ^P Ec 7 17 ; is. SBHK Jbg 29 io 7 ; — 1. 6« wicked, act wickedly, 1 K 8 47 =2 Ch 6 37 , Dn 9 15 Ec 7> 7 ; +"?%? 2 S 2 2 s2 (in departing) from my God= fr 1 8 12 . 2. 6e guilty, Jb 9" io 713 . Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. yBnn 2CI120 35 ; 3 mpl. W'Bhn Dt25 1 Dni2 10 ; 1 pi. wy^-in g 5 , etc.: Impf 3 ms. r#T Pri2 2 + ; 5?Eh:'jb 3 4 29 ; 3 mpl. f^Bh: Ex2 2 8 , etc.; Inf. cstr. yBnn x K 8 32 2 Ch 2 2 3 ; Pt. J/'Bnp p r i 7 '5 ; pi. cstr. 'JPEnO Dn 1 1 32 ; — 1. condemn as guilty. in civil relations, c. ace. Ex 22 s (E) Dt 25 1 ^94 21 Jb 34 17 Pr 17". 2. condemn as guilty, in ethical and religious relations, c. ace. 1 K 8 32 Jb 9 20 io 2 15 6 32 s 40 8 + 37 s3 Pr 12 s Is 50 9 54 17 , abs. Jb 34 s9 . 3. act wickedly (late), in ethics and religion : Jb 34 12 (denied of '*), Ne 9 33 Dn 12 10 2 Ch 22 3 ; || xon f 106 6 Dn 9 5 ; rrtinb y'j-n 2 Ch 2o 3S ; nna ^'bho Dnn 32 .— TBn: 1 S 1 4 47 read 5?W © Capp We Dr Bu HPS.