ᡴᠠᡵᡠᠯᠠᡴᡳ ᠰᡝᡵᡝᠩᡤᡝ ᠠᡳ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᠨ᠈ ᠮᡠᠰᡝᡳ ᡩᠣᠯᠣ ᡤᡳᠰᡠᡵᡝᠴᡳ
ᠣᠮᠪᡳᠣ᠈ ᡨᡠᡨᡨᡠ ᠣᠴᡳ᠈ ᠪᡳ ᡥᡠᡴᡧᡝᡥᡝ ᠰᡝᠮᡝ ᠸᠠᠵᡳᡵᠠᡴᡡ᠈
ᡩᠠᠮᡠ ᡥᡝᠩᡴᡳᡧᡝᠮᡝ ᠪᠠᠨᡳᡥᠠ ᠪᡠᡵᡝ ᡩᠠᠪᠠᠯᠠ ᡤᡝᠯᡳ ᠠᡳᠰᡝᡵᡝ᠉
Talk of handsome return, indeed! people as intimate as you and I are should never use such language to one another.
Junior. Well, sir, if that’s the way of it, I am sure I feel extremely obliged. I have only to make you my best bow, and I shall say no more.
- karulaki
- Subj. (7) of karulambi to repay
- serengge
- Verbal Noun (21) of sembi to say: that which you said
- ai
- what?
- gisun
- word, speech
- musei
- gen. of muse we, we two
- dolo
- interior, in the family
- gisureci
- Cond. (6) of gisurembi to speak
- ombio
- to be, can, may, with interrogative o: will that do?
- tuttu
- thus
- oci
- Cond. (6) of ombi to be
- bi
- I
- hukšehe
- Pret. (4) of hukšembi to be thankful
- seme
- Inf. or Ger. (3) of sembi to say
- wajirakū
- Fut. (5) of wajimbi to end, with akū not: infinitely
- damu
- only
- hengkišeme
- Inf. or Ger. (3) of hengkišembi to prostrate oneself
- baniha
- thanks
- bure
- Fut. (5) of bumbi to give
- dabala
- only
- geli
- besides
- ai
- what?
- sere
- Fut. (5) of sembi to say