Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/100

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English into Chinese

ment has not tied yet.

  1. We preach everywhere.
  2. This bath leaks, you must caulk it.
  3. You must learn to be obedient.
  4. Your clothes are very dirty, take this piece of soap and wash them.
  5. The child has fallen from the wall, and has made her clothes dirty, you had better give her a bath.
  6. This box is very fine, what is the price?
  7. This room is very dirty, there is a lot of dust and some very large cobwebs. You must scrub it clean.
  8. The child has swallowed a copper cash!
  9. If the workmen are not lazy this wall should be made in three days.
  10. In writing you must hold your pen in your right hand, to hold it in the left is very incorrect.
  11. Why do you always forget to shut the windows?
  12. I am very pleased to see guests coming, but when the cook comes and says that there is nothing to eat, I do not know what to do.


  1. If you do not believe in Jesus, how about the future?
  2. They dwell in the city.
  3. You must trust in Jesus if you are to obtain true bencfit.
  4. You must study the Scriptures before you can preach.
  5. I am sorry for him, he certainly has bad luck, and will never get rich.
  6. My intention was to spend the night at Iong-bîng, but we started late, and only got as far as Uong-dai.
  7. A week ago four men were baptised, the church was full of people.
  8. Those who are parents regard their children as being more precious than pearls.
  9. The captain of the boat wanted us to come tomorrow, as his boat was crowded, but we had no alternative but to come today, on account of business.
  10. Is Mrs. Liat home? She has been out all day and has just returned.
  11. Is there any more cooked rice? Yes,there is. Then give some to that poor man who is standing at the door.
  12. When ye enter any one’s house, then pray for the peace (of this house) and if the house be worthy, your peace shall come to it.
  13. Jesus said to him, “Thou hast answered well, go thou and do likewise”.
  14. Jesus said unto them, “The Scripture saith ‘my house shall be called a house of prayer’.”


  1. He has been ill for two months.
  2. If you speak as fast as this, you will certainly make mistakes.
  3. This is not very heavy; try it and see.
  4. As if I wanted his money!
  5. By the day, it