Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/76

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講道理 gōng dô̤-li. That blind man’s clothes are both dirty and ragged, 那青盲其衣裳仅拉渣仅破 Hiā chăng màng-gì ĭ-siòng bô lă că bô puái.

6. 盡 Cêng and 賣盡 mâ̤ cêng are used with verbs to denote exhaustion of the action, or, the impossibility of being exhausted. His money is all used up, 伊其錢用盡了 ĭ-gì cièng ê̤ṳng cêng lāu. I cannot tell all, 儂家講賣盡 Nè̤ng-gă gōng mâ̤ cêng.

7. The word 法 huák is used to denote the manner of action, or the method employed. It is done this way, 是將換做法 Se ciōng-uâng có̤-huák. I have no resource, 儂家毛法 Nè̤ng-gă mò̤ huák. 方法 Huŏng-huák. and 法度 huák-dô are also used with the meaning of method, plan.


受洗禮 sêu sā̤-lā̤
to be baptised
隔暝 gáh màng
to pass the night
應承 éng-sìng
to promise
愁苦 chèu-kū
sad, sorry
仈倍 báik-buôi
寶貝 bō̤-buói
碎 chó̤i
bits, odds & ends
鬧 nâu
crowded, pressed for room
菜 chái
捵倒 tiāng dō̤
稱 chĭng
designate, call

Translate into English:—

  1. Nṳ̄ ng séng Ià-Sŭ, hâiu-lài săng miéh-sèk.
  2. Ĭ-gáuk-nè̤ng siàng-nô̤i bṳ̆-cê̤ṳ.
  3. Diŏh aī-kó̤ Ià-Sŭ, ciáh â̤ dáik cĭng hō̤-ché̤ṳ.
  4. Nṳ̄ dióh sì-siòng tĕ̤k Séng-Gĭng. ī-hâiu ciáh â̤ gōng dô̤-lī.
  5. Nè̤ng-gă tá̤ ĭ chèu-kū. Ĭ sĭk-câi sê bāik-buôi, táu-dā̤ mâ̤ huák-cài.
  6. Nè̤ng-gă gì é-sé̤ṳ cêu-sê diŏh Iòng-bìng gáh-màng, mì-dŭk kī-sĭng cêng dì, nâ gaú Uòng-dài.
  7. Siông siŏh lā̤-bai ô sé-ciáh nè̤ng sêu sā̤-lā̤. Gaú-dòng nè̤ng sô̤i muāng kó̤.
  8. Có̤