Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/77

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bâ-nā̤ gì káng ì gì niê-giāng gó bō̤-buói guó dĭng-ciŏ.

  1. Sùng-ciō ó̤ nù-gáuk-nè̤ng mìng dáng lì, ĭng ì gì sùng cêng káik, nâ nù-gáuk-nè̤ng mò̤-huák diŏh gĭng-dáng lì, ĭng ô dâi-gié.
  2. Lī Sĭng-săng-niòng diŏh chió mò̤? Ĭ gĭng-dáng dŭ mò̤ diŏh chió, diū-diū ciáh diōng lì.
  3. Gó ô buông mò̤? ô, ceû ké̤ṳk kiê diŏh muòng-kāu lā̤ hṳ̄ siŏh-ciáh gṳ̀ng nè̤ng siăh.
  4. Diē nè̤ng gì chió ceû tá̤ ĭ giù bìng-ăng; ĭ cī siŏh-ciō nâ â̤ dáik bìng-ăng, ceû nṳ̄ sū giù gì bìng-ăng dék-dék gáu ĭ.
  5. Ià-Sŭ gâe̤ng ĭ gōng, Nṳ̄ éng gì uâ sê hō̤, nṳ̄ bìng ciŏng-uâng có̤.
  6. Ià-Sŭ gâe̤ng ĭ gōng, Séng-Gĭng ô gōng, nguāi gì chió dék-dék chĭng có̤ gì-dō̤ gì chió.

Translate into Chinese:—

  1. Why is Ping Muo not studying? Because his eyes ache, and the doctor says that he must not look at books.
  2. Even his life was in danger.
  3. I shall start for Ku-cheng tomorrow.
  4. Wrap that thing up.
  5. I have done nothing important today, but have been doing odds and ends of work.
  6. If those boys constantly quarrel you must beat them.
  7. This cloth is too coarse for summer garments.
  8. Please ask Mr. Lau not to hinder me. I have important business in the city.
  9. This door is very heavy, and I cannot push it open. Please help me.
  10. The man suddenly stood up and walked out. I have not seen him since.
  11. When I arrived, I heard that my son was sick. Is the illness serious? No, he has only caught a cold.
  12. These vegetables are not cooked enough. They are uneatable.
  13. Mr. Ding tells me that his mother is poorly and that he wants to return home for a few days.
  14. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy strength.
  15. Jesus cast out these that sold and bought, and overturned the tables of the money changers.


粟 chióh
unhusked rice
近 gê̤ṳng
滿 muāng
等 dīng
to wait
被 puôi
丈 daûng
ten feet