Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/78

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寸 cháung
an inch
害 hâi
to injure
貯 diō
to hold, contain
受 sêu
to endure, sign of passive
乞 ké̤ṳk
sign of passive
患 huâng
to contract a disease
吃虧 kék-kŭi
to suffer, to be in difficulties
可比 kō̤-bī
for instance
sèng-nĭk, formerly
拍算 páh-sáung
to estimate, calculate
厚 gaû
thick, generous
薄 bŏ̤h
論 lâung
to discuss
像 chiông
to resemble
試 ché
to try
裝 cŏng
to load
自 cê̤ṳ
倉 chŏng
a rice bin
跟 gṳ̆ng
to follow
一下 siŏh-â
a short time
可憐 kō̤-lèng
to pity
好像 hō̤-chiông
as if, like
量 liòng
to measure

1. The words “contain,” “hold” in English are applied indiscrimately to everything that has capacity to contain. In Chinese a special verb is used for each meaning, according to the nature of the thing spoken of. That chapel will seat ninety people, 許一隻禮拜堂⿰亻鞋坐的九十𠆧 Hṳ̄ siŏh-ciáh lā̤-bái-dòng â̤ sô̤i-dék gāu-sĕk nè̤ng. How many loads of rice will this boat hold? 只一條船⿰亻鞋裝的粟箬壞担 Cī siŏh-dèu sùng â̤ cŏng-dék chióh niŏh-uâi dáng?

2. Phrases involving the meaning of measurement, height, etc. How long is this? 嚽務箬壞長 Cuōi ô niŏh-uâi dòng? That is forty-five feet three inches long, 回長務四丈半零三寸 Huòi dòng ó sé dâung buáng lìng săng cháung. That mountain is very high, 許一座山野高 Hṳ̄ siŏh-cô̤ săng iā gèng. My house is not very high, 儂家其厝毛箬壞高 Nè̤ng-gă gì chió mò̤ niŏh-uái gèng.