Page:A Manual of the Foochow Dialect in Twenty Lessons.pdf/79

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3. In speaking of experimenting, trying, the word for “see” is used in the idiom. Try and do it, 試看 Ché káng or 試做看 Ché có̤ káng. Measure it and see, 量看 Liông káng.

4. Similarity and contrast. Similarity is expressed by 像 chiông, 可比 kō̤-bī, 共 gâe̤ng. 賣像 Mâ̤ chiông indicates want of similarity. There is a little likeness, 像一滴仔 Chiông siŏh-dék-giāng. Not alike: 賣像 Mâ̤-chiông The Bible is like a lamp, 聖經可比一盞燈馬 Séng-Gĭng kō̤-bī siŏh-cāng dĭng-mā. He speaks like a Chinaman, 伊講話共中國其𠆧一樣 I gōng-uâ gâe̤ng Dṳ̆ng-guók gì nè̤ng siŏh iông.

5. The word “by” in English sentences relating to measure, sale, is translated in Chinese by the word 論 lûong to discuss. This gives an indication of the haggling which accompanies Chinese bargains. Rice is bought by weight and cloth is bought by measure, 米是論斤買其布是論尺買其 Mī sê lâung gṳ̆ng mā̤ gì, buó sê lâung chióh mā̤ gì. By the day, 論日 Lâung nĭk.

6. To indicate the Passive Voice, sometimes merely the verb to be, is used, at other times ké̤ṳk, sêu, páh and giéng (see former lessons) are used. This was broken by him, 嚽是乞伊破去 cuòi sê ké̤uk ĭ púai-kó̤. I have been injured by him, 儂家受伊其害了 Nè̤ng-gŭ sêu ĭ gì hâi lāu. He was moved by the Holy Spirit, 伊受聖神感動 I sêu Sêng-Sĭng gāng-dông. Jesus suffered for us, 耶穌替奴各𠆧受苦 Ià-Sŭ tá̤ nù-gáuk-nè̤ng sêu kū. He was beaten, 伊乞𠆧拍 I ké̤ṳk nè̤ng páh. What disease is he suffering from? 伊患世乇病 I huâng sié-nó̤h bâng?

7. To express the idea of a short time, 一下 siŏh â is used. It also indicates a downward motion. Wait a while, 等一下 Dīng siŏh-â. Give him a