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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/295

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Of Iſlands in general.

The Antients had a Notion that Delos: and ſome other Iſlands roſe from the Bottom of the Sea, which, how fabulous ſo ever it may appear, agrees with later Obſervations. Seneca takes Notice, that the Iſland Theraſia roſe thus out of the Ægean Sea in his Time, of which the Mariners. were Eye-Witneſſes. They had alſo an Opinion that there are ſome Iſlands, which swim in the Sea. Thales, indeed, thought the whole Earth, which we inhabit, floated, thus in the Ocean; tho' his Opinion is eaſily refuted by the Channel of the Sea being found continuous to the Shore. Floating Iſlands are however no Ways improbable, eſpecially if the Earth whereof they conſiſt be light and ſulphureous. Seneca ſays that near the Cutiliæ he ſaw ſuch an Iſland, and mentions ſeveral others of the ſame Kind; and it was a. common Opinion among the Antients, that the Cyclades had been all floating Iſlands.

It appears from Phil. Tranſact. No. 361. p. 1014. that Sunk-Iſland, in the River Humber, recovered from the Sea. And ſeveral old: People remembered it a

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