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"Cattle-range" business, original in Mexico, 123. |
Census of Mexico, 48. |
Central America, transit routes of, 226. |
unhealthiness of, 226. |
Chapultepec, battle of, 71. |
monument at, 11. |
Charney, M. de, on Aztec civilization, 55. |
Chimneys, absence of, 35. |
Chinese views respecting trade, 249. |
Cholula, Pyramid of, 60. |
Church, Mexican, confiscated wealth of, 87. |
connection with French invasion, 78. |
nationalization of, 81. |
Coal in Mexico, 134. |
price of, 135. |
Coasts of Mexico, unhealthiness of, 194. |
Coffee product of Mexico, 129. |
Coinage of Mexico, 159, 196. |
Commerce, obstacles to, in Mexico, 195. |
world's, demands of, 225. |
Commercial relations of Mexico, 189. |
Commodities, extent to which they can bear transportation, 125. |
Congress of Mexico, 107. |
Constitution of Mexico, 106 |
Convents, suppression of, 81. |
Corn product of Mexico, 128. |
Cortes, military exploits in Mexico, 61. |
military forces, 61. |
picture of, 65. |
Cotton, Mexican, product and quality of, 131. |
limited production of, in Mexico, 137. |
factories in Mexico, 135-137. |
Cow-boy, original home of the, 123. |
Credit, mercantile, in Mexico, 236. |
Death, lottery of, 206. |
Death-rate in Vera Cruz, 205. |
Debt, national, of Mexico, 233. |
obligations of Mexico, 27, 222, 223. |
public, of Mexico, 222. |
Despotism of Government, 105. |
Diaz, Porfirio, President, 110. |
Drainage of the city of Mexico, 202. |
Education in Mexico, 101. |
suppression of, under Spanish rule, 63. |
Elections, popular, none in Mexico, 108. |
Embassadors, Hall of, 68. |
English trade with Mexico, 193. |
Episcopal missions in Mexico, 88. |
Esperanza, railroad-station of, 44. |
Estates, large Mexican, 33. |
Exports, Mexican, taxation of, 172. |
Exports and imports of Mexico, 190. |
Factories in Mexico, 135. |
Fashions in Mexico, 146. |
Females, limitation of employments for, 139. |
"Financier," Mexican, newspaper, 112. |
Fires, rarity of, in Mexico, 36. |
Fiscal policy of Mexico, 154. |