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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/42

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Allegué: m. ée: f. Alleadged; produced, vttered, brought forth.

Alleguer. To alleadge; to vrge, or produce reasons, arguments, euidence, or authoritie for the proofe of.

Alleinée: f. A breath, ayre, puffe; a breathing, or puffing.

Allelyon: m. A little spread Eagle, or other bird, in blazon, wanting beake, feet, and legs.

Alleman. Looke Aleman.

Allenée. as Alleinée.

Allentir. as Alentir.

Aller. To goe, walke, wend, march, pace, tread; proceed, iourney, trauell, depart.
  Aller par ambages, ou en ambagoye. To vse many circumstances, to goe about the bush.
  Aller en appoinctant. as Aller en poincte.
  Aller à S. Bezet. To rest in no place; continually to trot, gad, wander vp and downe.
  Aller au change. Looke Change.
  Aller de cholere contre quelqu'un. To raile vpon, inueigh against.
  Aller au deuant de. To preuent; meet; present himselfe before.
  Aller au deuant par derriere. To take a wrong, to go a contrarie, course.
  Aller à l'encontre. To resist, withstand, repugne; also, to meet.
  Aller à l'entour du pot. To vse idle circumstances, needlesse ceremonies; we say, to go about the bush.
  Aller eschais. To shale, to straddle.
  Aller par escuelles. tout y va par escuelles. There is cheere in bowles; or, the house is throwne out at the windowes.
  Aller d'une fesse. Il n'y va que d'une fesse. Hee workes by halues; he goes but slackly, or vnwillingly, to worke.
  Aller de guet à ses affaires. To go slowly, or sleepily about his businesse.
  Aller long. To haue a squirt, to squatter out behind.
  Au long aller. At length; in continuance, or processe of time, after much ado.
  Aller aux meures sans crochet. Looke Meure.
  Aller du pair auec. To goe cheeke by iowle with; to equall, match, keepe play, hold tacke, with.
  Aller & parler. Il sçait aller, & parler. He is an industrious, discreet, well-behaued person; he knowes when to speake, how to carrie himselfe; any imployment fits, any fashion becomes, him.
  Aller le pas. To pace it, or goe a foot-pace.
  Aller à pas menu. To tread gingerly, to mince it like a maid.
  Aller de l'un pied sur l'autre. To affect, or mince it, in gate, pace, or treading.
  Aller du pied comme vn chat maigre. To be swift, or light, affoot; also, to tread softly, or gingerly.
  Aller en poincte. To grow lesse and lesse; to lessen towards the top, as a spire, Pyramides &c.
  Aller quant & quant quelqu'un. To hold equall pace; or, go cheeke by iowle, with.
  Aller à la raison. To incline vnto reason, to speake somewhat reasonably.
  Aller à la rengette. pour se laisser al. For running riot, flying out; for giuing her lustfull appetite more scope than became her; for playing a whoorish tricke or two.
  Aller aux requestes. Looke Requeste.
  Aller en rond. To turne round, or wheele about; al-*

  *so, to be of a round forme. Aller au saffran. To fall to decay, to grow bankrupt in estate, to go downe the weather. Aller de plus grande singlée. A Shippe to make the greater way, or to beare the more sayles, for speed. Aller tousjours son train. To keep alwayes one place; to hold on the old course still. Aller à travers champs. To wander; to goe roaming out of the high, out of the road, out of the right, way. Aller à la veuë. To goe lodge a Bucke, or harbour a Stagge; (mornings worke for woodmen.) Au fort, ou, au pis aller. At worst, if the worst fall out, and the worst come to the worst. Au long aller. Seeke Aller long. Au mieulx aller. Howsoeuer, whatsoeuer fall out; or, at the best, although the best befall. Au par aller. At the length. S'en aller. To depart, flit, auoid, be gone; also, as Aller. S'en aller au haut & au long. To runne his Countrey. S'en aller à la moustarde. Tout le monde s'en va à la moustarde. Tis common vulgar, divulged all the world ouer; (of a booke) wast paper is made of it, mustard pots are stopped with it, (so much the world esteemes it.) S'en aller de paire. Ie m'en uay de paire. I will be vnlaid againe. S'en aller à vn. To agree, consent, accord; to come all to one. On s'en peut bien aller. You may be gone, you may depart when you will; you may goe shake your eares; the matter is dispatched, our businesse at an end, here is no more to be done. Il m'y va de. It touches, or concernes; it depends vpon, my. Aller & parler peut on, boire & manger non: Pro. One may visit a friend sometimes, but must not if hee looke to bee welcome (another time) stay long with him. Aller & venir font le chemin peler: Pro. Much trauelling makes bad wayes. C'est grand peine d'aller à cheval, & vne mort d'aller à pied: Prov. Tis a great trouble to ride, and a death to foot it. (Some lazie fellow, belike, inuented this prouerbe.) Va ou tu peux, meus ou tu dois: Pro. Trauel whither thou canst, but dye where thou oughtest; see as many countries as thou wilt, so thou dye in thine owne. Ainsi va qui mieux ne peut: Prov. He poorely goes that cannot richly goe; hee barely liues that cannot brauely liue; euen so goes he that cannot better goe. Il ne va pas du tour à honte qui de demie voye retourne: Prov. He neuer goes through for shame, that turned backe when he was halfe way. Qui va il Iesche, qui repose il seiche: Prov. He that bestirres him gets somewhat, whereas he that lyes still doth starue. Qui n'y va n'y chet: Prov. He incurres no daunger that comes not where tis; come not among blows, your skin will be whole ynough. Qui par tout va par tout prend: Prov. He that goes far gaines much.

Alleran. as Alezan.

Allerion. as Allelyon.

Alles. Ils eurent alles. They had a reputation; or, they