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- Deshayes, E. Considérations sur l'histoire de l'Estampe japonaise. In l'Art, July 1, 1893. Paris, fol.
- Dickins, F. V. Fugaku hiyaku kai; or, A Hundred Views of Fuji (Fusiyama), by Hokusai. Prefaces with translations from the Japanese, and descriptions of the plates by F. V. Dickins. London, 1880, 3 vols, of illustrations and 1 vol. of text, 8vo.
- Documents décoratifs japonais tirés des Estampes et Livres anciens de la Collection C. Gillot. Paris, 1894 et seq., large 8vo. In 8 series, each of 8 parts at 1 franc 50 cents.
- Dresser. Japan, its Art and Art Manufacturers. London, 1882.
- Duret, Theodore. L'Art Japonais; Hokusai. In the Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1882, ii. pp. 118 et seq., 300 et seq., with illustration. Also printed separately, and reprinted in the author's Critique d'Avant-garde. Paris, 1885, 8vo.
- Duret, Theodore. Livres et Albums illustrés du Japon, réunis et catalogués par Theodore Duret, 8vo. Paris, 1900.
- Duret, Theodore, see also Catalogue.
- Exhibition of Japanese Colour-Prints. Dresden, Royal Print Room. July–September 1897. Dresden, 8vo, two illustrations.
- Fenollosa, Ernest F. Review of the chapter on Painting in Gonse's "L'Art Japonais." Yokohama, 35 pp., 8vo, and later at Boston, 1885, pp. 54, 8vo.
- Fenollosa, Ernest F. The Pictorial Art of Japan (Review of Anderson's "Pictorial Art of Japan"). In Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 141 (1887), pp. 281-290.
- Fenollosa, E. F. The Masters of Ukioye (sic). Catalogue of the Exhibition held in New York, January 1896, 8vo.
- Fenollosa. See also Catalogue, Bigelow.
- Geffroy, Gustave. La Vie Artistique, 1ére serie. Paris, 1892, 16mo (pp. 85–135; xii., Maitres Japonais: 1. Les Paysagistes. 2. Le Japon à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts. 3. Utamaro. 4. Hokousai. 5. Hokousai à Londres. 6. A propos de la Vente Burty).
- Gierke, Prof. Dr. H. Japanische Malereien aus dem Besitz des Prof. Dr. H. Gierke zu Breslau. Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, 2nd special exhibition. Oct. 24-Dec. 15, 1882. Berlin, 1882, small 8vo.
- Gierke, H. Japanische Malerei. In Watermann's Monatshefte. May 1883.
- Gillot. See under Documents.
- Goncourt, Edmond de. La Maison d'un Artiste. Paris, 1881, 2 vols. 8vo (vol. i. pp. 192-239, Les Albums japonais; vol. ii. pp. 350-359, Les Kakémonos).
- Goncourt, Edmond de. Outamaro. Le Peintre des Maisons Vertes. Paris, 1891, 8vo.