Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/446

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INDEX. Abdullwahab Khan, 170, 171. 1752, joins Chundasheb before Tritchmopolv, 208. is killed, 216. m, 384. he left Mianah, Mou- demiah, and Nabi Caun Catteek, in the government of the Madura, and Tinivcliy countries, 399. Ally Doast Khax, the posthumous and only surviving son ofSubderally Khan, in 1752, p, 266. Amboor, a fort 50 m, w. of Arcot, 30 s. of Da- malcherry, 127. Battle fought there July 23rd 1749, in which Anwarodean Khan is killed, 127, 128, 129. »!, 130. 132. 136. 346. Amedabad, city, 53. AMERICAN, 6. Amoor. See Amboor. Amour. See Amboor. Anawar, father of Anwarodean Khan, his life, 52. Asgria, Conagee, his rise, and establishment, 407, 408. Axgbia. This name was retained by the suc- cessors of C'onagee, 408. their lleet described, 408, 409, 410. the attacks they repulse, and their successes from 1722 to 1754. attacked in 1755 by the Bombay fleet in conjunction ■with the Morattoes, successes of Commodore James, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414. 1756, February, attacked by Admiral Watson and the Morattoes ; Gheria taken, and the whole power of Angria annihilated, 415,416,417, 418. ANWARODEAN KHAN, son of Ana war. 52. at Delhi, 52. at Amedabad, 53. at Surat, 53. Nabob of Elore and Rajaniundrum, from 1725, to 1741, 53. In 1743 at Golcondah, 53 & 55. 1741, arrives at Arcot. In June ta present at the assassination of Seid Mahomed Khan, 56, 57, 58. suspected of partaking in it, 59. is appointed Nabob of the Carnatic 60. avaritiour, 64. insists that the English squadron shallnot attack theFrench settlements in the Carnatic, 61. 1746, September, for- bids Dupleix to attack Madrass, 68. who pro- mises to give him the town when taken, 68. which not fulfilling, Anwarodean Khan sends his army with his son Maphuze Khan in October to attack it, 73. 1748, September, promises 2000 horse to assist the English army in the siege of Pondicherry, but sends onlv 300, p, 99. 1749. hated by the relation's of the former family of Nabobs, who prefer Chundasaheb, 118, 119. m, 125. had watched Chundasaheb during his confinement at Sat- tarah, 126. prepares, and marches to oppose him and Murzafajing, and encamps at i 126, 127. July 23d, "is killed at the battle of Amboor, 127, 128. Maphuze Khan his el- dest son, 128. m, 129. Mahomedally his second son, 132. »», 133. tributes paid to Anwaro- dean bv Tanjore, 134. m, 144. his treasures 3 and accounts mentioned, 162. Cobelong built by his order, 262. m, 362. Ai'ollo, hospital ship of Mr. Boscawcn's squa- dron, lost with all her crew in a storm, April 13th, 1719. p, 109. ARABIA, ARABIANS, adventurers from Arabia encouraged to seek their fortunes in India, and seduced to remain their, 24. m, 45. m, 93. a colony of Arabians erroneously sup- posed to have founded Masulipatnam, and to have given a race of kings to Delhi, 147. '», 407. ARACAN, confines to the s. e. on Bengal and Indostan. 2. AUAMSCIIAH, son of Cothbeddin Ibck, suc- ceeds his father in 1219 in the throne of Delhi, and is deposed by his father's slave Iletmischi* Schamseddin, 11. Arandtmghi, a fort in the country of the lesser Moravar, taken by Monacgee with the assist- ance of Tondiman in 1749. and the cause of a quarrel between Tondiman and Tanjore in 1 755. />, 402. Or, PROVINCE OF, means always the same as the CARNATIC unless when the an- cient Carnatic is meant, and whatsoever oc- curs under the name of Carnatic, meaning the present, is put under this head of the Province of Arcot. Extent of the present Carnatic, 37. 1710. invaded by the Marattoes, 41, who retire, and return, 43, 44. Ve- lore, has the strongest citadel 45. 1743, Nizamalmuluck comes' to settle the pro- vince, 51. 1741, Introduction of An- warodean Khan into the province, 52, who in 1745 prohibits the Eng. squadron from hostilities by laud against the French in the territories of Arcot, 61. 1749. Chun- dasaheb schemes to attack the prov. with Mur- zafajing, 125. which is struck with consterna J tion by their invasion, 118. they approach the western confines, 126. Amboor, a pass leading into the Carnatic, 126. the K. of Tan- jore and Mahomedally exhort Nazirjing to J come into the Carnatic, 135. the conquest of which renders Murzafajing formidable to him, 136. he enters the Carnatic, 137, 138. Gingee the strongest fortress, 151. the Soubah of the southern provinces, howl much respected in this, 162. the Cole- J roon and Caveri the two largest rivers, j 177. 1751, July, Mahomedally with the army retreat out of the Carnatic, inj which he no longer possesses a single dis-J trict, 181. Mysore is bounded on the east by the southern part of the Carnatic, 202, 1 Morattoes assist Clive in the Arcot province, 204. !752, acquisitions by Clive' s cam- paigns in the Carnatic, 213. luly, the Mr- acan agrees to assist Mahomedally in re- ducing the prov. of Arcot, 246. chiefs in the Carnatic