Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/447

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I X I) E X. in Carnatic disapprove Rajasaheb, 274, 275. 1753, petty commanders commit de- predations, 287. the Duan of the Decan a- grees not to interfere in affairs of this pro- vince, 334. grain imported into the Car- nati% from (Jhicacole, 335. Duplets made the war in the Carnatic subservient to his views in the northern provinces, 336, and meant to leave a very small portion of this Prov. to the English, 339. 1754, December, tranquilitv restored to the Carnatic, 373. territories and revenues acquired by the English and French during the war, 376. 1755, no hostilities between the Eng. and Fr. in the Carnatic during this year, 403. the districts of Bangar Yateham, Damerld Venkitapah and Bomrauze, a barrier to the Carnatic on the north, 417. March, the Eng. cannot spare Europeans out of the Carnatic, 421, and engage in no mili- tary operations in it after February, 425. the Fr. had never supplied any money to the Sou- bah of the Decan from "the province, 427. and had gained little bv their titular acquisi- tion of it, 428. ARCOT, Province of, m, p, 153. 183. 205. 208. 245. 265. 326. See CARNATIC. ARCOT, NABOBSIIIP of, NABOBS of in jit-neral, extent of their jurisdiction, 37. levied gul's tribute fi-om the kingdoms of My- sore and Tritchinopoly, 38. neglected to pay the Morattoes their fine, 41. Velore, the great- est fief under Arcot, 46, and its dependance of the greatest importance, 420. St. Thome in 1749 had for many years belonged to the Nabobs of Arcot, 131. the Nabobship one of the six divisions of the Decan, 168. Palam- cotah, although in the Carnatic, does not de- pend on the Nabob of Arcot : why, 326. a fine paid to the Nabobs by the Eng. for Ma- drass, 33S. Madura and Tinivelly necessary to the power of Areot, 395. 1 R( u T, NABOBSHIP of. mentioned;;, 37, 38. 42. 119. 133. 144. 339. 367. ARCOT, NABOBS op, mentioned/), 129.337. ARCOT, NABOB of, or NABOB OF THE CARNATIC. These terms, as equivalent, are employed indiscriminately ; and are sometimes used relatively to individuals, who pretended, hut had no right to the title ; at other times to individuals who had. To Axwarodeax Khas, p, 52. 60. Chuxdasaheb, p, 129. 136. 144. 168. Ciija Abdtjlla, p, 51. Doast Ally, p, 38. Duplets, p, 252, 436. Mahomedally, p, 132. Mortizally, p, 47. 49. 275. 278. Rajasaheb, p, 252, 253. 275. • Sadatullah, p, 37. Seid Mahomed, p, 50. 54. 118. SVBDERALLY, p, 43. See these heads. ARCOT, City, m, 39. 42. 1742, Xorem- ber, MortizaUy makes his entry into Arcot, 49, and quits it, 50. 1744,' Apri/, An- warodean Khan arrives there, 52. distant 12 m, from Velore, 58. m, 6S. m, 76. 1747, little known to Europeans, 127. 1749, revolution there on the battle of Amboor, 130, 1750, April, Nazirjing returns with his army from Yaldore to Arcot, 146. 1750, July, MahomedaUy marches from hence with an army, 148. m, 149. returns beaten, Nazir- jing remains indolent there, 151. m, 152. 1751, February, Chundasaheb marches from Pondicherry to Areot, 168. and from hence in April against Tritchinopoly, 171. m, 172. had augmented his army there, 173. dive marches to Arcot, 183. Various events whilst* Clive maintained the fort, p, 184 to p, 196. Ami, 20 m. s. of Arcot, 197. m, 199, 206. 1752, February, Clive marches from Cemrepauk to Arcot, 212. Abdulwahab Khan sent thither from Volcondah, 248. m, 266. 1753, March, Morattoes plundering near Arcot, 277. March, MortizaUy promises Dupleix to attack the districts of Arcot, 278. '. his troops take the field with success, and threaten the city, 288. inroads made by sundrv chiefs into the neighbouring districts, 319. m, 329. 1754, Maphuze Khan marches from Arcot to join Mahomedally, 305. Morarirow's country 100 miles x. e. of Arcot, 363. 1755, April, MahomedaUv, requested by the presidency of Madrass to come and settle at Arcot, 397. August the 19th arrives there, 398. the districts of Bome- rauze to the x. e. within 30 m, of Areot, 417. vicinity of Velore very inconvenient, 417. >«, 419. 1756, February, Kilpatrick returns with the armv from* Velore to Arcot, 420. ARCOT, Fort of, 1744, June, a wedding celebrated there, at which Seid Mahomed is assassinated, 55, 56. V51, abandoned by the garrison to Clive, 183. who maintains and defends it against the French and Rajasaheb, 183 to 196. Nocember 15, dive takes the field, and leaves Kilpatrick to command the fort, 196. December, he sends part of his troops thither, 200. bravery of the English Sepoys who had served with the Fr. at the siege, 234. 1752, February, Clive receives troops from the fort, 209. the fort repulses Rajasaheb's at- tempt to surprize it, 210. December, the Fr. prisoners conspiring to betray it, are re- moved, 275. 1753, September, 500 Se- poys sent from hence to the relief of Trino- malee, 316. Mahomed Comaul served at the 6iege with Rajasaheb, 317. The siege, m, 345. A> lancopang,