Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/456

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XII LN 1) li X 213. March 14th, proceeds with Major Law- rence and the reinforcements to Tritchinopoly, 213. opposes the enemy's cannonade at Coil- addy, 214. active in the general cannonade be- tween the two armies, 21 j, 21(5. April 6th, detached with a large force to the north of the Coleroon, and encamps, at Samiavaram, 220, 221. his detachments take Mnnsurpett and Lalguddy, 221 and 222. April 11th, marches to Utatoor, but returns immediately on D'AucueiTs retreat, 222. and is attacked in the night by a considerable detachment of the Fr. army, which he defeats after various mis- takes and adventures, 222 to 22C. is joined by Dalton, 227. 228. Hay 14th, moves, and on the 15th cannonades the enemy's camp on the island, 228, 229. takes Pitchandah, 229. 230. grants passports to Chundasahtb's troops, part of whom come over to him, 231. m, 232. May, 2"th, marches, defeats, and takes D'Au- tueil's reinforcement in Volcondah, 233, 234, 235. the Fr. in Seriugham having capitulated, Clive rejoins the main body on the island, 239. m, 240. September, takes Cobelong, and beats a reinforcement, 261, 262, 263, 264. lakes Chinglapet, 264, 265, 266. obliged by ill- ness to quit the field, and to return to Europe, 266. i;/,2; 9. .Mahomed Issoofinlisted under him in 1751, p, 347. m, 381. m, 382. 1755. in England, appointed a Lieutenant Colonel, governor of Fort St. David, and sent to Bom- bay to command, in ease of the absence of Col. Scot, the expedition projected against Salabad- jing, 406. October, arrives with the troops at Bombay, 406. m, 407. 1756, February, commands the land forces against Gheriah, 414. 416. Cobelong, a fort, m, 261. near the sea, 20. m. s. of Madrass, built by Anwarodean, surprized by the Fr. landingfroma ship hi 1750, p, 262. 1752. September, taken by Clive, 261 to 263. who beats a party coming to its relief, 264, October, its fortifications blown up, 266. Cochin, city on the Malabar Coast ; the K. of Travencore has .extended his dominions to the boundaries of Cochin, 400. Coffee-tree, transplanted from Beit ul Fackih in Arabia, to the I. of Bourbon, 93. Coffrees. See Caffres. Coja Abdulla Khan, 1743. General of Nizamuhnuluck, when he came into the Car- natic, appointed Nabob of Arcot, reconducts the army to Golcondah, 51. is found dead on the night before he was to set out for Arcot, 62. is succeeded by Anwarodean Khan, 53. Coilabby, on the Malabar C. one of Angria's strong holds 1722. attacked by Com. lla- thew's squadron and a Portuguese army from Goa, unsuccessfully, 410. Coiladdy, Koiladdij, a fort situated at the eastern extremity of the island of Seriugham, 177. a 3 mile e. of the great mound, ISO. 1751> August, well defended by Trusler, but aban doned, 180, 181. a Fr. party sent from thenc to Condole, 182. 1752. March, the Eng lish line of march cannonaded from hence' 214. April, supplies provisions to tin* enem; at Seriugham, 221. April the 26th, takei by Monacgee, 226. 1753, October, tin English army go into cantonments there, 316i in, 319. in, 320. November 26th, the iirhu at the assault on Tritchinopoly heard there I-, nibcr 3d, the army return from thence. 324. 1754. May 24th, taken by Maissin, who cuts through the mound, 3G0. C'apt. Jos. Smith detached thitherto protect thelabourere repairing the mound, 371 and 372. Coib/uihhj, a Pagoda, 8 m, e. of Madura. 1755. April, the Governor of Madura re- tires thither. Colonel Heron takes the Pagoda, and the soldiers plunder the images, 384, 385. which the Colleries afterwards revenge, 391 and 394. the Pagoda stands in the town of Tuambore, 423. Coilorcpettali, a fort in the Tinivelly country, belonging to the Poly gar Condomnaigue, taken bv assault bv Mahomed Issoof, June, 1756,;), 425. Colala, country, bounds the country of Mo- rarirow to the s. 426. C.illeuiks, 1752. February, 3000 sent by Tondiman to the assistance of Mnhomedally, 208. some contribute to discover the treason of Poniapah, 348, 349, and 352. Atchempet- tah belongs to the Colleries, 365. their cha- racter, to steal the horses of Col. Lawrence and Clive, 381, 382. not so atrocious as de- scribed by Father Martin, 383. — -1755. May, manner in which the Colleries of La- chenaig defended their place against the Eng. 383. detest the Eng. for plundering the images at Coilguddy, 385. stab a party of Eng. Se- poys asleep, 391. attack the Eng. army in the pass of Nattam, and recover their gods, 393, ' 391. June, swarm abroad on the departure of the Eng. army from Tinivelly, 399. The Pulitaversendshis Colleries abroad to plunder, 401. 1756, March, 150 Colleries serving with Mahomed Issoof, 423. Coleroon, river, bounds Tanjore to the n. 108 1749. the Eng. troops for the first time cross the Coleroon, 109. At Devi Co- tah, the river within the bar is capable of re- ceiving ships of burthen, 112. the ships sent against Devi Cotah, anchor at the mouth of the river, 113. m, 133. m, 137. »». 168. m, 169. is an arm of the C'averi, and the first 20 miles of their separation forms the I. of Se- riughaim, 177, 178. subject to sudden altera- tions, 179. 1751, July, crossed by the Eng. army retreating to Tritchinopoly, 179. m. 181. 1752. April, Chundasaheh's army