Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/475

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INI) E X. XXX) bakistna, 218. April 14th, D'Autueil's con- voy and reinforcement arrive at ITtatoor, 222. the night attack of the Eng. Posts at Samia- varam, 223 to 226. May 9th, D'Autueil at- tacked by Dalton at Utatoor. retreats to Vol- condfti, 227. Law crosses the Coleroon with all his force, Clive meets him, but neither chuse to give battle, 22.S. the garrison in Pit- chandah sallv on the Engl, artillery and are beaten back,"230. Pitchandah taken, 230. the Fr. battalion with 2000 Sepoys shut themselves up in Jumbakistna, 232. irresolution of their councils ; how they might have escaped, 232. reinforcements from France expected in the end of June, 233. May 7. D'Autueil's party advancing is met, followed, attacked, and taken by Clive at Volcondah, 233, 234, 235. June 1st, 2d and 3d, surrender of Law and all the Fr. troops at Seringham to Major Law- rence, 237, 238, 239, 240. ignorance and irresolution of their conduct in this campaign, 240. 1751. February, the Fr. troops un- der the command of Bussv, quit the country of Cudapah with Salabadjing, 248, 249. March 15th, and take Canoul by storm, 249. having passed the Kristna, are opposed by Ba- lagerow, 250. April 2d, arrive at Golcon- dah high pay allowed by Salabadjing to the officers and soldiers, 250. proceed and remain with him at Aurengabad, 250, 251, 252. 1752. Apri/, carry the war with Salabadjing into the Morattoe country towards Poni, 435. service of their musketry and artillery in this campaign, 435, 436. peace made with Bala- gerow, march to Golcondah, in the way de- feat the armies of Rajahs headed by the Ra- jah of Niermel. 436. July, the troops of Pondicherry defeat the Eng. at Vicravandi, 254, 255. are reinforced and encamp near Fort St. David, 255. their motions near Pon- dicherry, 255, 256. are intirely defeated at Bahoor by Major Lawerence, 256, 257. which stops the Mysorean from declaring for them, 257, and Innis Khan who was coming with 3000 Morattoes to join them, 261. 60 Europeans sent to Velore, encourage the Fr. prisoners at Arcot to rise, 275. 1753, January, the Fr. troops joined by Morarirow with 4000 Morattoes, entrench on the banks of the Pannar, and fail to support the Mo- rattoes in several attacks on the Engl, line, 276, 277. and 279. April the 1st, attack with them, and are put to flight, 280. a party from Pondicherry with the Morattoes take Bona- gherry, but abandon it on the approach of an Eng. detachment, 280. April, on the march of the Eng. army from Trivadi to Tritchino- poly, Dupleix detaches 200 Europeans and 500 Sepoys to the Mysoreans at Seringham, 283. where I hey are attacked by Major Law- rence on the 10th of May, and their com- mander Astruc acts with ability, 283, 284. 285. the Fr. troops at Trivadi twice repulsed in their attack of the Village, 286. Trivadi surrenders to them, 286, 287. their detateh- ment at Velore, with Mortizally's forces, defeat Abdullwahab with a detachment of the Eng. garrison at Arcot, 286, 287. a reinforce- ment with 3000 Morattoes arrive at Sering- ham ; amount of the whole force there, 289. their motions to intercept the provisions of the Eng. army, 290. June 26th, are entirely defeated by Major Lawrence at the battle of the Golden rock, 290 to 294. scheme to sur- prize Tritchinopoly. De Cattans employed in this service is detected, 297, 298, 299. August the 9th, oppose the Eng. army return- ing with the convoy from Tanjore, and are routed, 299 to 303. encamp in a strong situa- tion at Weycondah, 303. Elimiserum, where they hadasmall force, taken by Monacgee, 303. stronger reinforcements of Europeans and Se- poys, with Morarirow, 3000 Morattoes, and others of his troops, arrive to them at Sering- ham, 304. encamp with their allies at the 5 rocks, 306. move to the Sugar-loaf rock, op- posite to the Eng. encamped at the French rock, 307. the 2 camps remain 18 days within 2 miles of each other, 308. September 19th. cannonade on the day the Eng. reinforcement arrives, 309. September 21st, Major Lawrence totally defeats them and their allies at the Su- gar-loaf rock, 309. to 314. Weycondah taken by the Eng. 314. 315 November, the Fr. re- ceive another reinforcement, 320. on the 27th assault Tritchinopoly by surprize in the night, and fail with great loss, 324. In October, 1752, the Fr. with Salabadjing, march with him from Golcondah, against Balagerow and Ra- gogee Bonsola, repulse the Morattoe cavalry in several skirmishes : Peace made at Calberga in November ; they gain advantages over Ra- gogee, who had renewed the war, 328, 329. in January, 1753. Bussy going for the recovery of his health to Masulipatnam, .leaveth the French troops at Golcondah, 330. where they are distressed by the artifices of the Duan, 330, 331, 332. " onely a small detachment of them accompany Salabadjing to Aurengabad, 331, Mr. Bussy returns to Golcondah, and proceeds with the whole force to Aurengabad, 332, 333, 334. obtains the 4 northern pro- vinces for the maintenance of his army, the Fr. troops as before are to guard the person o f Salabadjing, 334. February, 400 with 7 field pieces march from Seringham with the Morat- toes and Mysoreans to intercept the convoy coming from Cootaparah, 344. and save many of the Eng. troops from the sword of their allies. 344, 345. May 12th a party waylay O o o 2 Calliaud's