Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/476

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xxxn I N D E X. Calliaud's detachment and convoy; both armies move to the support of their detachments, and the French and their allies are routed, 354, 355, 356. they ravage Tondiman's country, take Killanore, and Kelli Cotah, 356. the garrison at Chillambrum defeat an Eng. party from Devi Cotah, 358. in April a party from Pondicherry attack Palam Cotah, which is re- lieved by a detachment from Devi Cotah, 358. 359. May the 24th, the allied army take Coiladdy, and cut through the mound, 360. August 17th, oppose the English returning from Tanjore ; but the French had orders to avoid a general engagement, 368 to 370. Elimiserum with a small garrison surrenders again to Monacgee, 370. the Fr. troops en- camp at Moota Chellinoor, and retreat to Se- ringham, 370, 371. September, at Pondicherry receive a reinforcement from France of 600 hussars and 600 infantry, can bring 2000 Eu- ropeans into the field, 371. a detachment sent from Seringham to cannonade the labourers repairing the mound at Coiladdy, kept off by captain Joseph Smith, 372. Bussy with the Fr. troops and Salabadjing take the field against RagogeeBonsola.they advanceas farasXagpore in the middle of Berar, and make peace there in April, no details of this campaign published, 372. 373. troops belonging to Masulipatnam, 373. join Yizeramrauze's army in Chica- cole, and are encountered by the Morattocs, who give way to the Fr. artillery, 374. July, Bussy goes from Hyderabad to Masulipatnam, and from thence into the ceded provinces, 374. October, truce, conditional treaty and exchange of prisoners in the Carnatic, 376. after which 650 Fr. prisoners remain with the English, 377. 1755. February, the My- sorean wishes the French troops at Seringham would retire to Pondicherry, and leave him to pursue his schemes against Tritchinopoly with his own means, 380. of which schemes the Fr. commander informs the Eng. garrison, 388. the Fr. troops during the war had over- run Terriore, deposed the Rheddy, and ap- pointed another, '396. June, Maissin with a considerable force, marches to Terriore, and re- instates the former Rheddy, 396. he sum- moneth Arielore and Wariorepollam, but is recalled on the interposition of the English government, 396, 397. and 403. Bussy remains to the end of the year 1754 settling and re- ducing the ceded provinces, 404. In Ja- nuary 1755. he returns to Hyderabad, 404. the Fr. troops under his command are obliged to assist Salabadjing against all enemies, 404. march with Salabadjing into Mysore, 404. as far as Seringapatnam, 405. the army returns to Hyderabad in July, and remains there the rest of the year. 405. The company in Eng- 374. 131. 134. 137. 139. 164, 165. 173. 177. 232. 250. 252. 256. 313! 343. 356. 369. land solicitous to remove the French troops from Salabadjing, 405, 406. the mention of this body of troops had been studiously avoided in the conditional treaty, 406. 1756. Ja- nuary, 700 Europeans and 2000 Sepoys take the field to prevent the Engl, from attacking Velore, 418. both retire, 420. February, Bussy with the French troops marches with Salabad- jing and his army against Savanore, 426. makes the peace there, 427, 428. which accelerates the rupture with Salabadjing's ministry, and Sir. Bussy with all the Fr. troops are dismissed from his service, 428. Balagerow makes pro- posals to take them into his, 429. and detaches MalargeeHolcar to escort them in their retreat, 429. the amount of their force. 429. progress to Hyderabad, where they arrive on the 10th of June, 430. June 30th, the hussars routed by the Morattoes, and saved by the dragoons, 432. M. Bussy with the whole army takes post in Charmaul, 432, 433. See Euro- peans. See Sepoys. See French Establish- ments. Frenoh Artillery, »?, 164. 205. 210. 312. See French Ariuy. French attack upon Tanjore, m, 135. French Battalion, m, 129. 141. 143. 147. 157. 206. 214, 215, 216. 280. 291. 308. 312, See French Army. French Caffres, m, 87. See Caffres. French Camp, m, 149. 313. See French Army. French Commandant, m, 135. FREXCII COMMERCE in India, perpetu- ally interrupted by the English, 120. FREXCII COMPANY, See French East India Company. French Cannon, 314. French Councils. 1755. moderation of them after the conditional treaty, 405. French Deputies. 1750. March, sent to treat with Nazirjing, 144 and 145. 1754. at Sadrass, conferrmg with the English on peace, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341. French Detachment. 1751. January, under the command of Bussy accompanies Murzafajing into the Decan, 163. For other particulars, concerning this and other detach- ments, See Bussy, and French Army. French Dragoons. 1751. October, at Tritchi- nopoly, skirmishing against the Eng. grena- diers, 203. December, cut off by Innis Khan, 204. 1756. a troop serving with Bussy, 429. June 30, they save the hussars from the Morattoes, 432. FRENCH EAST INDIA COMPANY, or op FRAXCE n m, 64. 1749. Murzafajing andChundasaheb offer considerable advantages to the Fr. E. I. Company, if Dupleix will assist