Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/477

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INDEX. xxxin assist their projects, 126. August, and give 81 villages in the neighbourhood of Pondi- cherry, 132. December 31st, the K. of Tan- jore cedes 81 villages dependent or Karical, 136. 1750. February, Dupleix employs theirtreasures in assisting Murzafajing and Chundasaheb, 13S. Murzafajing had promised to give them Masulipatnam, 146. m. 147, De- cember, advantages from the cessions of Mur- zafajing and Chundasaheb, 161. Murzafajing pays 5000(M. into their treasury, 162. ■ 1752. August, Major Lawrence instructed not to carry the war into the ancient limits of the* French company's territory at Pondi- cherry ; which was the bound hedge, 256. misled by the representations of Dupleix, send no money from France to maintain the ] war, 275. 1754. The administration of France support the company in the war of Coroniandel, 365. October, Godeheu refers the accounts of Dupleix to the directors in France, 377. 1755. Salabadjing had given the 4 northern provinces to the Fr. Company on condition that their troops with Bussy should assist him against all enemies, 404. 1756. are indebted to Morarirow, who at Savanore, gives up their bond to Mr. Bussy, 427. Bala- gerov. when inviting Mr, Bussy to join him with the Fr. troops, offers as great advantages to the company, as had been granted by Sala- badjing, 429. 'reneh encampment, near Trivadi, July, 1750, p, 14S 'rench, entrenchment, at Trivadi, 149 and 287. at the Sugar-loaf rock, 311. See French Army. FRENCH, Establishments, Govern- ment, Possessions, Settlements, and Teiuhtoiues in Coromandel. the Carnatic, and the Decan. 1745. the Nabob An- warodean Khan promises to oblige the Fr. to observe the same neutrality in the use of their marine force as he had enjoined the English, 64 1746. August, the English call on him to ful- fil his promise of restraining the French, 64. September the 27th, the Fr. force at Pondi- cherry sufficient to have conquered all the English settlements in Indostan, 69, October, the Fr. inhabitants of Pondicherry request Dupleix to annul Delabourdonnais's treaty of ransom for Madrass, 77. 1747. February, they make peace with Anwarodean Khan, 85. then' force greatly superior to the English, 86. 1748. January, the commander of the Tellieherry Sepoys schemes to desert to the French, 88. 1749. employ their force in the Carnatic with the utmost ambition, 107. support Chundasaheb, 127. the Cfttholicks at St. Thome attached to them, 132. Mahomed- ally supposes the English will be convinced of the necessity of stopping their progress, 132, October, they derive great advantages from Mr. Boscawen's departure, 133. the Fr. established themselves at Karical, and built a fort there in 1736, against the will of the K, of Tanjore, 136. deputies sent to Nazirjing, 144. return to Pondicherry, 145. 1750. September, Nazirjing treats with them, 152. and proffers to grant their own terms, 154, December, value of the cessions made by Murzafajing 161. assertions con- cerning Mahomedally, 162. 1751. Fe- bruary, their interest likely to bemuchaffected by the death of Murzafajing. 165. the Eng. afraid to engage in avowed hostilities against them without orders from Europe, 167. July, and they are as cautious as the Eng. of appear- ing principals in the war, 175. Karical, a Fr. settlement, 238. 1752. June 2d, Law * proposes to Lawrence, that the English should facilitate his retreat from Seringham to the Fr. settlements, 239. their accounts of the re- venues of Adoni, Cudapah and Canoul, 249. 1762. August, they violate the Eng. co- lours at sea by taking the Swiss in boats, 255. August, the Mysoreans about to declare for them, 257. they took possession of Chinglapett in the beginning of 1751, 265. their distress after the capture at Seringham, 275. 1753. November, their force much impaired in the assault of Tritchinopoly, 324. 1753. December, they send a party of Morattoes to ravage Tanjore, 325. their acquisition of the northern provinces, 334. the Eng. not able to make head against them both at Golcondah and Tritehinoply, 336. 1754. January, French deputies sent to Sadrass to confer on peace, 337, 338, 339, 340. their papers produced at the congress suspected of forgery, 340. their pretensions, pleas, and disputes at the conference at Sadrass, 33? to 341. the re- gent of Mysore knows, that they want to get the city of Tritchinopoly for themselves, and will not trust them with his own schemes, 351. they collect a very large hardest of rice at Chillambrum, 358, the French territories to the northward invaded by the Morattoes, 374. October, their possessions adjuted by the con- ditional treaty, 375. revenue of the territories which they had acquired during the war, 376, 377. December, they advise the Mysoreans to return to their own country, 380. the My- sorean was persuaded by Morarirow to assist them, 389. the Mysoreans when they retreated from Tritchinopoly left the Fr. government the representatives of all their rights and pre- tensions in the Carnatic, 396. — —1755. their pretensions to Terriore valid, 396. to Arie- lore and Wariorepollam not admitted, 396, 397- take possession of districts near Caran- golv