Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/478

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HilV INDEX. goly and Outramalore, 403. the appearance of the Eng. squadron produeedthe moderation which prevailed in their councils after the con- ditional treaty, 405. derivegreat advantages by their acquisitions from Salabadjing, 405. who is attached to them, 406. 1756. feared that they may intercept the letters from Bom- bay, 407. 418. take the iield to protect Ve- lore, 418. June, the Eng. averse to draw them again into the field, 425. Shanavaze Khan had as much concealed aversion to the Fr. interests as his predecessor Seid I Khan, 426. They had never supplied money to Salabadjing from the government of Arcot, 427. and were no great gainers by their titu- lar acquisition of the province, 428. I JYench field pieces, their ser ice in the attack of Nazirjing's camp, 137. other mentions arc comprehended under French Army. French Force. 1746. September, at Pon- dicherry, after the capture at Madrass, sulli- tient to have conquered the rest of the Eng. settlements in Indostan, 69. 1747. Ja- nuary, greatly superior to the Eng. 86. 1748. June, at Mauritius, 97. -1751 rember, greatly impaired by the unsuccessful assault of Tritchinopoly, 324. See Fi Army. French garrison.- 174$. August, at Pondi- cerry, when attacked by the English army with Boscawen, 104. great detriments would have arisen to Madrass bv the establishment of a Fr. garrison at St. Ihomc, 131. 1754. February, operations of the Fr. garrison at Chillambrum, 358. See French Army. French Government. 396. See French Establish- ments. French gunners 1750. March, preserved by the Eng.troopsfrom the sword of the Morat- toes, 142. French guns. — '—1751. September 21st, at Ar- cot, the Eng. detachment suffers in attempting to carry them off, 187. French Jesuits. 1754, Father Lavaur, Superior of all in India, 337. Fnnch infantry, m, 210. See French Army. French Influence, 1756, in the Decan deemed baneful to the English interests, 434. French inhabitants at Pondicherry, m, 77. 377. French Interests. 1756. Shanavaze Khan averse to them, 426. I'REXCH KING. See France. French Laws, superseded by mandates from the king, 367. ■hmen, meaning soldiers, m, 212. 224, 225. fifteen drowned at Pitchandah, 230. pretend- ing sickness, get possession of Oobelong, 261. desire of the Eng. soldiers to fight them, 291. FREXCIT NATION in GENERAL. 1711. 4 take party in t he contentions of the Caruatic 35. 1749. Dupleix, governor general o' the Fr. nation in India, 119. obliged by the treaty of Aix la C'hapelle to deliver up Ma- drass, 130. Dupleix spares no expence in hi: reception of Murzafujing. to raise in him high opinion of the grandeur and magnifi- cence of the French nation, 131. 1751 February Salabadjing agrees to give still greater advantages to the Fr. nation than they had re- ceived from Murzafajing, 166. 1752. it, Dupleix vaunts the martial genius o the French to Morarirow, 260. events ol great consequence to the Fr. nation happen at Golcondah and in the northern provinces, 328. the extent of Mr. Bussy's demands for the Fr. nation revolt Seid Laskar Khan, 330. See F B A N C l . French Officers 1750. March 13, mu- tiny, 1 10. m, 1S2. illiberality of the officer at Conjeveram, 199. m, 263, 264. 1763. Those at Golcondah, when distressed by the Duan, behaved with honour, 331. papers. 1754. January, those pro- duced at Sadrass suspected of forgery, 340. Frank party, in, 197. for the operations of all the French parties, see French Army. French posts, m, 149. 217. French Prisoners. 1752. June, 400 of those taken at Seringham, sent to Fort St. Da- vid, 213. the Myeorean hopes to take the city with the aid of those in Tritchinopoly, 259. Deam'>er, those at Arcot conspiring are re- moved to Chinglapett, 275. 1753. June, De Cattans tampers with those in Tritchino- polly, 298. — 1754. proposals concerning them at the conference of Sadrass,, 338, 339. 1755. January, exchanged on the conditional treatv, when 650 Fr. prisoners still remain with the English, 376. French quarters, 311. F r e n c h R o c k. m, 200, 201. 204, it is 3 m. n. of the Sugar-loaf rock, 214. m, 215, 216, 217, 300. 307, 308, 309. 314, 315. 368, 369, 370. FREXCH SEPOYS. See SEPOYS. French Serjeant at Chillambrum. 1754. February, surprizes and routs and Eng. party from Devi Cotah, 358. French settlement, settlements. Karical. 238, 1754. June, Law pretends that the English out to facilitate the retreat of the Fr. troops from Seringham to the Fr. settlements, 239. See French Establishments. French ships, ships from France, 1744. Five taken by Barnet's squadron in the streights ofSundah, Malacca, and at Achin, 60. 1745. se'.eral taken in Balasore road, 61. 1717, 1715. the ships of which Bouvet's squadron M air Fiat fm

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