Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/487

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I N L> K X it bipele, Streights of, through which the Ganges enters Indostan, famous for a roek like the head of a cow. Tamerlane advanced to these streights, 14, and 15. f A BOTJRDONNAIS. See BOUB.DON- [j. NAIS. lACHEKiio, Polygar, his woods lie 10 m. s. w. of Mauanar, near the high road to Dindigul, 381. 1755. February, loth to pay his tribute, 381. attacked by Col. Heron, his woods how fortified, 3S2. his Colleries, and their manner of defence, 383. submits, 383. Mlgmtdy, a mud fort, 7 m. E. of Seringham Pa- goda, close to the n. bank of the Coleroon, 1752. May, the enemy collect grain here, taken with a great quantity in it, /;, 222. iAL Koaii, from a public singer, becomes the favourite mistress of the Great Mogul Bahadr Schah, and infatuates him, 19. ,a Martiniere, See Martiniere. -and Wind, its season in the year, term in the day, and effect on the navigation, on the coast of Coromandel 89, 90. .ascars, the native seamen of India, 62. em- ployed likewise to tend and serve the artillery on shore, 394. iA Touche, De la Touche. 1750. De- cember 4th, commands the Fr. army in the at- tack of Nazirjing's camp, 155. recognizes the ensigns of the conspirators, 155. and the sig- nal of Nazirjing's death, 157. deputes Bussy to compliment Murzafajing, and visits him in ceremony with all his officers, 157. importance of this success, 157, 158. j.wauh, Father, superior of the French Jesuits in India, one of the Fr. commissaries at Sa- drass, January, 1754, p, 337. j'aunoy, a Fr. officer, trains the Naires of the K. of Travancore, 400. jaw. 1748. defends Ariancopang with courage and activity, p, 99, 100, 101. 1752. commands the Fr. troops with Chunda- saheb at Tritchinopoly ; and March 26th, op- poses LawTence and Clive coining with the re- inforcement, 214. April 2d, contrary to Chun- dasaheb's opinion, passes into the island of Seringham, and takes post in the Pagoda of Jumbakistna, on which Chundasaheb's army cross likewise, 218. D'Autueil sent by Du- pleix to take the command from him, but cannot arrive, 222. April 14, sends a large detachment tosurprize theposts established by Clive at Samiaveram, who are all either killed or taken, 222. might force his way by Coi- laddy, 226. m, 227. May thes 10th, on a wrong supposition crosses the Coleroon, with all his force and a large body of cavalry ; is met by Clive.but neither chuse to engage, 228. means by which he might ha e r< i , e ated out of the island, 232, 233. anxious for the safety of Chundasaheb, 233. presses D'Autueil to advance, 233. does not discover Clive's march after D'Autueil, 233. often pressed by Chun- dasaheb to extricate themselves by some vigo- rous effort, 236. treats with Monacgee for the preservation of Chundasaheb ; is summoned to surrender by Lawrence, 237. confers with Monacgee, who deceives him ; delivers Chun- dasaheb to him, who perishes, 237, 23S. ca- pitulates with Major Lawrence, 239. to whom June 3d, he surrenders himself and all the French troops and stores under his command, 239, 240. m, 252. m, 305. LAWRENCE, Majok. 1748. January, arrives at Fort St David, commander in chief of all the company's forces in India ; imme- . diately encamps the troops, which deters the Fr. from their intended attempt against Cud- dalore, 88. June, seduces them to assault it, and repulses them, 91, August, taken prisoner before Ariancopang, 100 1749, com- mands the second expedition into Tanjore and takes Devi Cotah, 113 to 117. relieves the de- tachment at Achevaram, 117, IIS. Jvlij, returns with the army to Fort St David, 130. 1750. March 22d, joins Nazirjing with the Eng. troops, and is appointed to treat with him for the company, 138. who rejects his advice concerning the operations of the field, 139. March 23d, cannonade with the Fr. 140. endeavours to warn Nazirjing of the treachery carrying on against him, 145. who denies his requests for the company, 145, because he will not march to Arcot ; on which the Major quits him, and returns with the troops to Fort St David, 146. August, commands there as tem- porary Governor, and, on the prevarications of Mahomedally, recalls the Eng. troops which had joined him, 15C. October, returns to England, 167. 1752, March the 15th, arrives again at Fort St. Da; id, 213. the 17th marches with the reinforcement, accompanied by Clive, 213. the 28th» cannonade at Coi- laddy, 214. 28th and 29th, reinforced by de- tachments from Tritchinopoly, -11. the 29th, general cannonade between the two armies; arrives at Tritchinopoly, 215 to 217. April 3d, the enemy retire into the island, Elimiserum taken, and a gun in the island, 219, 220. detaches Clive with a strong force to Samia- veram, 220, 221. »;, 223. and Monacgee to take Coiladdy, 226. forms a line of 5 miles along the South of the Caveri, 226. May the 9th, detaches Dalton again&t D'Autueil, 226. recalls him, 228. the 18th, passes into the island, and throws up an-entrenchment east of the Pagodas from river to river, 232. May 31st, summoneth Law, 237. consulted by the allies concerning Chundasaheb, whom Monacgee