Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/488

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xli INDEX. Monacgee had got into hispossession, 238,239. Law capitulates with him, 238, 239. recalls the troops with Clive to the main body on the islands, 239. June 3d, receives the surrender of all the French troops and their equipments in the Pagodas of Jumbakistna and Seringham. 239, 240. great ability of this campaign, 240, Monacgee confers again with him concerning Clumdasaheb, 2-i0, 241. learns that the Na- bob had promised Tritchinopoly to the Myso- reans, 243. will not interfere, 244. June the 18th, recalls the Eng. troops which had marched to V tatoor, 216. the 28th, marches with them and the Nabob from Tritchinopoly, they summon Volcondah, 247, 248. July 6th, arrive at Trivadi, which surrenders ; the Major goes into Fort St. David for his health, 248. goes to Madrass to dissuade *he attack of Gingee, 253. August the 16th, returns with a company of Swiss, and takes the command of the army, 2.3.5. his motions, 256. August 18th, defeats the French at Bahoor, 256, 257. September, marches with the Nabob and Innis Khan to Trivadi, 261. from thence against Vandiwash, which pays a contribution, 266, 267. the army returns in October to Trivadi, in JVorem.toFoit St. David, 267. 1753. Ja- nuary, marches with the army and the Nabob to Trivadi, cannonades the Morattoes on the 9th, marches several times to Fort St. David for provisions, always harrassed by the Morat- toes, 276. who suffer considerably on the 2Sth, p, 276. February, finds the French en- trenchments too strong to be attacked, 277. April 1st, attacked by the Fr. and Morattoes in the march from Fort St. David, and repulses them, 279, 280. April 20th, receives intel- ligence of the distress to which Tritchinopoly is reduced for provisions, and immediately prepares to march thither, 281. at Condore confers with the King of Tanjorefor a supply of horse, 2S1. m, 282. May 6th, arrives at Tritchinopoly, 2S3. the 10th, attacks the enemy in the I. of Seringham, 283, 284, 285. encamps at the Kacquire's tope in order to pro- tect the convoys, 285. the enemy avoid his encounter until reinforced, 286. June 24th, 25th, motions of the two camps, 289, 290. June 26th, Battle of the Golden Rock, in which the enemy are defeated, 290 to 294. resolves to march to Tanjore, 294. marches with the Nabob, encamps at Conandercoile, and de- putes Mr. Palk to the King, 296. m, 298. on, 299. receives a detachment from the coast and is joined by Monacgee with 3000 horse and 2000 matclilocks, 299. August 7th, re- turning, defeats the enemy in sight of Trit- chinopoly, and preserves the Convoy, 299 to 303. encamps at the five rocks, Elimiserum taken by Monacgee, 303. hangs De Cattans, 304. the 23d and 24th, the enemy retire on them his approach to Weycondah, lie- follows to Mootachellinoor, when they receive a re- inforcement equal to the whole of the Engl, force, 304. encamps at the Faoquire's tope, and receives several convoys 306. September the 1st, encamps near the French rock, iii order to cover the approach of a reinforcement, and to protect the convoys fromTondiman's woods ; the enemy encamp at the Sugar loaf rock, 307. September, 19th, cannonade, the reinforcement arrives, 308, 309. September 21st, Battle of the Sjigar-haf rock, in which the enemy are entirely defeated, 309 to 314. the 22d, takes Weycondah, 314, 315. encamps at the French rock, abounds in provisions, 315, 316. October 23d, reinforces Tritchinopoly, and marches into cantonments at Coiladdy, 316. m, 319, £ 320. Nov. 25th, detaches a party to reinforce the city after the assault, and marches the 3d of December with the army, 324. desires the I K. of Tanjore to send his troops with Monac- gee, not Gauderow, 325. 1754, is soli- cited by the king to come to his relief, 341. augments the garrison of Tritchinopoly, the army in the field much inferior to the enemy, 343. on the loss of the escort and convoy coming from Kelli Cotah, orders the rein- forcement at Deri Cotah to wait there until joined by Maphuze Khan, 346. distressed for provisions, and disappointed of Maphuze Khan, sends Mr. Palk to procure them and a body of horse from Tanjore, 347. April, his operations and intentions betrayed to the enemy by the linguist Poniapah, 348 to 353. 3 May 12th, is ill at Tritchinopoly, but views the action in which Calliaud repulses the ene- my, 35.5, 356. prepares to march to Tanjore, 357. marches 23d, p, 358. m, 359. arrives the 26th,anddeputesPalkandCalliaudtotheKiiig, 361. presses the junction of Maphuze Khan, and of the reinforcements lately arrived from England and Bombay, 362. July, anxious to return, encamps at Atchempettah the 22d, is joined there by Monacgee on the 26th, 364, 365. and August the 14th, by the reinforce- ment from Devi Cotah, 367, 368. on the 17th, is opposed by the whole of the enemy's force, between Elimiserum and the French rock, who after a cannonade and some skir- mishes retire, 368,369. 370. the 20th, encamps at the Facquire 's tope, the enemy fire their camp at the five rocks, and encamp at Mootaehil- linoor, Elimiserum taken by Monacgee, 370. September, encamps nearer the enemy, who retreat into the island, on which he takes the ground they leave, 371. detaches Monacgee and Captain Joseph Smith, to protect the la- bourers rcjpairing the mound at Coiladdy. 371j October, on the suspension of arms, quits Trit- cliinopoly (which he had so long and so braveM defended), and comes to Madrass. receives a commission