Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/537

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Tndian Allies. xl. Army. Camp. Caucasus. Chiefs. Christians. Eirgineer. Fortification. Governments. Guides. Interpreter. Kins:. Li rds. Merchants. Prince, Princes. Religion. Roman Catholics. States. War. ndostan. ndostan. Cavalry of. xli. Language. Princes of. provinces of. Trade of. ' ndus River. nnis, Lieut, anis Khan, iterpreter. oguees. onagee, Jonagi. ■ishman. on Mines. lands, Diego Beys, Mau- ritius, and Bourbon. le of France. soof Mahomed. tmbakistna, Jemba/cistna. K. alif. andahar, Candahar. anoul, Canoul. irical Carical. ishmirc. aun Buksch. eene, Lieut. clli Cc'.ah. ellidar. '.Uij Nelli Co/ah. ntassi. 3nt, Ship of War. ujean. xlii. halil Sultan. ian. totcarasmians. Dynasty of. llanore. . ■ THE INDEX. Killidar. Kilpatrick. Kineer, Major. King, of Great Britain. of Mysore. of Tanjore. of Travaneore. Kingdom, of Tanjore. Kimmer ul dien. Kirk, C'apt. Kiroodin Khan. Kistnaveram. Koiladdy, Coiladdy. Koran, Alcoran. Kosrow Schah. Kouli Khan, Thamas Kouli Khan, Nadir Schah. Kristna Rirer. Kupele, Streights of. xliii. L. La Bourdonnais, Bourdon- nais. Lachenaig. ■dy. Lai Koar. La Martiniere. Land Wind. Lascars. La Touche, De la Touche. Lavaur father. L'aunoy. Law. Lawrence. Lin, Capt. xlv. London. Lude, count of. M. Madagascar. Madrass, Town. Madrass, Presidency, Go- vernment. Madura, City, Country, Government, Polygars. xlvi. Madura Polygars. xlvii. Mahmood, Mahomed the Khowrazmian, Mahmccd, the Gaznavide. Mahmopd. Mahmold Schah. Mahmojd Schah Nassa- reddin. Mahomedally. Mahorfiedan, Mahorue- dans in general, Moors, in general. xlix. XCUI Mahomedanism. Mahomed Barky. Mahomed Comaul. Mahomed Fiurucksir. 1. Mahomed Issooff. Mahomed Mainach. Mahomed Mauzm. Mahomed Schah. Maissin. Malabar Coast. Language. Woman. Malacca^ Streights of. Maladirao. Malargee Holcar. Malay Islands. Malva Province. Manapar. Manarcoile. Mandleslow. Mangalore. Manilka. Maphuze Khan. Martin, Father. li. Mascarenhas Island. Maskelyne, Lieut. Massoolas. $ Massoud Schah Allaeddin. Masidipatnain. Matthews, Commodore. Mauritius Island. Mawranhar. lii. Mecca. Medapilly. Medway, Ship of War. Medway's Priz£, Ship of War." Meerassud. Mellou Khan. Mergui. Mesoptamia. Mianah, Myanah. Miran Schah. * Mirte City. Mirza. Misore, Myy>re. ' Mogul, Great Mogul. Mogul the Great, the Empire, Government. Mogul Lords. liii. Mogul Tartars. Monacgee. ' Monsoon. Moodilee. Moodemiah, Moudemiah. Moon. liv. Moor, John. Moors in general. Moors, Individuals. Y y y Moorish