Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/538

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XC1V Moorish Cavalry. Dignity. Dress. Government. Governors. Lords. Mootachellinoor. Moraein. Morarirow. Morattoe, Individuals. lv. Morattoes, meaning the Nation or Armies, commanded by Bala- gerow and Ragogee Bonsola Under the command of Morarirow lvi. In the Service of Sala- badjing. lvii. Moravar, Morawa, Pohjgar. the Greater. the Lesser. Mortizally, Murtizally. Moudemi'ah, Moodemiah. lviii. Mound. Mmtssi River. Mulla. Multan. Munnu. Munsub. Munsurpett, Pagoda. Murzafajing. Musnud. Mustaphanagar, Province. Murtizally, "Mortiz ally. Myanah, Mianah. ili/sore. Kingdom, Country. King of. lis- Dalaway, or Regent of. Great Seal of. Army. Camp. General. Mysorean, the Regent. Mysoreans, the Nation. meaning tiieir Army. Camp, Cavalry, Troops. N. Nabi Caun Catteck. lx. Nabob, Nabobs in general. The, meaning Individuals. of Arcot. of Canoul. of the Carnatic. of Cudapah. the Pitan. of Bajamundrum. ALPHABET TO lxi. lxii. Nabob, of Savanore. South of (he Kristna. Nabobship, the, of the Carnatic. of Arcot. Nadanwtuhdum. Nadir Schah. Xagorc, or Xagpore, Naires. Namur, Ship of War. Nanah. Nassereddin. Xatalpettah. Xstam, Nattam. Navab, Nabob. Nazeabulla Khan. Nazirjing. Neapolitan. Xegapatam. Neirmel. Nelli Cotah. Nellitangaville. Neloor, Nelore. Xeloor Subahdar. Neptune, French Ship of War. New Holland. Nizamalmuluck, Northern Maritime Pro- vinces. Nourjehan. O. Ogilby, Ens. Ommiades. Opium. Orixa, Coast of. Ostend Company. Otdgarry, Woolgarry. Outramalore. Oxford. Pagoda, Pagodas in gene- ral. Pagodas, particular. Palam Cotah. Pa liar River. Palk. Palliacate. Panar, Paniar, Pant River. Paradis. Paropamisus. Patnam. Peans, Peons. I- Pembroke, Ship of War. Pennar River. Peninsula of India. Peons, Peans. Peramrauze. Persia. Persian, the, Thamas ' Kouli Khan. Persians. Persic Language. Pettah. Peyton. Phirmaund. Phousdar, Phouzdar. Phousdar, meaning Mu- tually. Pichard, Ens. Pigot. fa Pigou, Capt. Pilgrims. Pir Mahomed Gehangir. Pischard. Pitan, Pilans. Pitan, Nabobs. Pitchandah. Pocock. Polier, Capt. Politaver, Pulitaver. Pohjgar, in general. Poly gar, Polygars, Indi- viduals. Ponamalee, Ponomalee. 1 Pondicherry. Poni, Poonah, Poniapah. Poonah, Poni. Porto Xovo. Portugal. Portuguese. Poverio, Clement. Pratopsing, King of Tan jore. Presidency- Protector," Ship of War. Pseudo Nabobs. Pudu Cotah. Pulitaver, Politaver. Pulitaver' s Place. Queen of Tritchinopoly. R. fa Radiatheddin. Raffeih al Dirjat. Raifeih al Doulet. Raffeih al Shan. Ragogee Bonsola. Rajah, Rajahs.