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Husbandly Coniectures

to happen vnto the common people, but more dangerous ſickneſſes vnto the richer ſorte. And the blearedneſſe of eies alſo is to be feared, and that yong children ſhall then die, battels procured, and the ſedition of ſouldiours, and an earthquake to be doubted that yeare. Alſo great talke of newes ſhal be in Kings and Princes houſes, and greate perills alſo be doubted to happen vnto Princes in that yeare.

And if the firſte daye of Ianuarie happen on Fridaye, then ſhall the Winter be verie cold and drie, the Spring boyſterous and wette, the Sommer temperate, the Harueſt more wette than drie. So that the blearedneſſe, and other diſeaſes with the filthineſſe of matter running in the eies is to be feared, and the pinne or web is likewiſe to be doubted to happen in that yeare. And yong children ſhall ther die, and a likelihoode that young women ſhall be allured vnto a wanton loue, throughe the flatterie and great perſwaſions of men. Alſo a ſuſpition of battels to enſue in that yeare, and the plague and robberies then to happen. Alſo the plentie of fruites is then promiſed, althoughe muche haile fall that yeare.

And if the beginning of Ianuarie happen on Saterdaye, then the Winter ſhall be windie and vnſtable, the Spring windie, and vnconſtant of weather, the ſommer vnſtable with manye tempeſes, and the Harueſt drie: So that victualls ſhall be deare, ſmall ſtore of corne, and little fruite that yeare. Also ſheepe ſhall not well proſper that yeare, and a likelihoode then of the death of ſwine, and that woode ſhall be deare.

Alſo there ſhall be manye tertian agues, and diuers other diſeaſes rayning among men, ſo that olde men ſhall then die, and a likelyhoode of the death of many men, by the plague. Alſo many fires ſhall be hearde of, little ſtore of Wines, Oyle, and Hony, yet plentie of hay that yeare.

And if Neweyeares night (being the firſt night of Ianuarie) ſhall be calme and cleare, as withoute winde and raine, then doeth the ſame promiſe a proſperous yeare following.

And if in the ſame night the winde happen to blowe oute of
