Aboriginal. |
English. |
Aboriginal. |
English. |
Moroo-ack | fowls. | Mootlyorong | I find it. |
Mo-ah | eye. | Maranggoock | revenge. |
Manye | finger. | Mirma | selfish. |
Mark manye | (hand or mother | Morrang | very dark. |
of the finger). | Moockoy | to rest. | |
Mittyan | moon. | Moock y non | I rest. |
Morang | sky. | Monino | louse. |
Ming-ming-ylang | give me some. | Moninoyeck | I have lice. |
Manacka katying | give me some water. | Morriacky | very little. |
Manacka wongip | give me some wood. | Maalgoompip | nothing. |
Matymoock | wife. | Nanye? | how? what? |
Mamook | father. | Nygoong | willing. |
Mameck | my father. | Nyat bonn mabra | the river upwards. |
Mameck dora | my father sleeps. | Nanyo nayoon? | how is the quality? |
Malyouwipe | useless. | Nangoorna? | how is it? |
Malp ma mi wa | I do not understand | Nimtyerrwat | it is so-so. |
(never did it before). | Nyagack | look around. | |
Moom we ya | jealous. | Nyoongin | belonging. |
Moom we ya on | I was jealous. | Nyarrangynan | I know. |
Maleck | shall. | Nyanon? | I what? |
Moom we ya on maleck | I shall be jealous. | Nyanon goongin? | what have I done? |
Mittyack | rain. | Nyanon goongin | what have I |
Maroong | pine-tree. | tyoor-mangin? | done to you? |
Manacke | to bring. | Nya woa? | to whom does it belong? |
Malack | by-and-by. | Nyorr tuma | to lurk. |
Mooron men | to save. | Nyallo | spring. |
Moroon men on katying | I save any one. | Nyoo! | Ah! Oh! |
from the water. | Nyrren yeng non | I remember. | |
Mamengoroock | our great father. | Nyn nin | satisfied. |
Mamengoroock goongin | our great father | Nyat woary | make room. |
loves and makes. | Nyoo nooing ngarwe! | Ah! this day. | |
Mamengorook tyior | our great father | Nap goonga wroa | to stare with the eyes. |
monk goongin | first made the world. | Nyoo malook | to find again. |
ba goonyi booletye | and then he made | Nyappa wo unta | to accompany. |
wootye | both men | Noomittang | he cries loud. |
ba liroock ba yauwe | and women, and beasts. | Nyang non | I sit. |
Mooh | inlet. | Nyang | to sit. |
Mityoock | skin. | Nyantamoock | to wait. |
Micka | rich. | Nyoomim | that will do. |
Manack ganyeck gima | fetch it for me. | Nyo koong | it belongs to you. |
Mampa | to think. | Nanyima | to play about. |
Manpanon | I think. | Nimpa worecka | to speak against. |
Mang gacka ngan | a fine place. | Neornenyoock ngarwe | sunbeam. |
Mooroock | handle. | Nyongeek | belongs to me. |
Moockin yirr | beginning. | Propoock | head. |
Maring | he takes it up. | Pattying | knee. |
Maringanon | I take it up. | Poorrap | calf of the leg. |
Mampy non | I am hot. | Prapa | slow walking. |
Manpy | hot. | Purpurria | lazy. |
Mi ya | winter, very cold. | Prooinga | to cut himself. |
Manacka | to carry. | Parangyary? | are you tired? |
Mode mo a long | cold, suffering from cold. | Paragio | tired. |
Mempy ni lang | to keep warm. | Poorrparoock | to lie on the ground. |
Marit-marit | a cool breeze. | Poorrparnon | I lay down. |
Mameck woata | my father comes. | Panitya | a piece of land. |
Mora | little ants. | Propoock | hill, head (the same). |