Aboriginal. |
English. |
Aboriginal. |
English. |
Pick | red clay. | Tyerroock | deserted place. |
Pringo ninyo | to pass by. | Tannpill | cloudy. |
Papilligatt | to go on foot. | Turmy-turmy | lively. |
Paan | small. | Turngatto | a swollen place or spot. |
Paripa | run. | Tyo yon mack | to teach. |
Prippalee | bring it soon. | Tyat tying | to rest. |
Ponayanoe | to roast meat. | Tyanga-tyango | take eat. |
Purtpuria | slow. | Turrnack | on your back. |
Perwooa yama | to do it. | Tyerrngatt | new. |
Pny-pny yama | willing. | Tyootoock | the end. |
Payucke | to flow. | Tyerrickee! | stop! listen! |
Pawoya | to continue. | Tratyegat nyalloonga | you come in spring. |
Purnya | swollen, to swell. | Tyarryga | he stands. |
Prantoonoirang | bling. | Tyalla wook | not ripe, unripe. |
Poornporoong | shoulder. | Tyallick-tyallick | evening. |
Pirro | sandy place. | Tarrango | stretch. |
Pangoog | a little meat. | Tarra | white. |
Pah! | hark! | Tarrabunn | white ashes. |
Pallarang | to bow down. | Tullengack | to skin. |
Parpack nyu woa ngarwe | the day after tomorrow. | Tyally goongack | he makes fun about it. |
Proong goongy | on one side. | dalky tya | |
Parpack | to-morrow. | Tyerry gotip | let it stand. |
Papoolwill | flat. | Taab taab! | easy! easy! |
Pota | shake down. | Tyerry gallang goock | stop with him. |
Poollapull | little ones. | Wy gon | to die. |
Perringgoock | tail. | Wy gonon | I am dying. |
Pogoock | life, spirit, soul. | Woata | to come. |
Pytyick | fly. | Wroagy yee | nothing more. |
Paring | roots. | Willa | wind. |
Pirripa | to lead on. | Woata willa | the wind comes. |
Poorgoock | pull it off. | Woata gorong a willa | strong wind comes. |
Pennimack | to cover. | Wary | go. |
Penpenny mill | to cover it with a blanket. | Warynon | I go. |
Pariya | to move on. | Woarrtoock | outside. |
Tyerrap | mouth. | Woatapook | inside. |
Tyallee | tongue. | Woatyema | it clears up. |
Talyoock | arm. | Woa | crow. |
Tyenna | foot. | Wonyip | fire. |
Tyippa | to swim. | Wogacky wonyip | give me some fire. |
Tyiranga | a long journey. | Woata non | I wait. |
Tantala | to walk fast. | Woata non ginio | I wait for him. |
Ton wick wonyip | to split wood. | Wary wya | go away. |
Ton wick | to split. | Willyinywill | birds. |
Tittymee | to close. | Winya bulluckneck? | how can you say so? |
Toonga | fear. | Woomylang | very miserable. |
Tyippa mamoock | your father swims. | Wiayaty | to love, to like. |
Turriya | to recover. | Wrawonmakatying | to take out of the water. |
Turriyanon | I recover. | Wrawonmak | to take off. |
Tyagook | my land. | Woornack | sunshine. |
Tyammoonya | very dru. | Woorynack | grey fish. |
Tya | earth, land. | Wya | to wish, to long for. |
Tya-it | islaud. | Wooggagacknon | I want it. |
Tyarryman | to plant. | Willa | opossum. |
Tyaak | reeds. | Wiall | gum-tree. |
Tyoorrmorng | he will. | Whinya? | where? |