Aukoamba, アウコアムバ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To carry (pl. of the object).
Aukomaktekka, アウコマクテッカ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To feel mutual satisfaction. To be mutually happy. To rejoice together.
Aukonuchattekka, アウコヌチヤッチッカ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To mutually rejoice. To be merry. To rejoice together.
Aukomi, アイコミ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be clothed with. To be wearing (pl. of the object).
Aukomomse, アウコモムセ, ( Japanese characters). adj. and v.i. Bent. Humped. To stoop. To bow in thanks.
Aukonumba, アウコヌムバ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be pressed upon. To be thronged.
Aukopa, アウコパ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To wrest (as one's words).
Aukopa-eaikapbe, アウコパエアイカプベ, ( Japanese characters). n. Something incomparable. Things differing from one another.
Aukoramu-oshma, アウコラムオシマ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be in accord. To agree. To be agreable.
Aukoramu-oshmap, アウコラムオシマプ, ( Japanese characters). n. An agreement. Accord.
Aukoratchire, アウコラッチレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be pardoned. To be forgiven. To be pronounced innocent.
Aukosamba, アウコサムバ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. & adj. Tho resemble one an-
other. Like. Alike. Syn: Uanukopa. Aukopa.
Aukoshina, アウコシナ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To tie together.
Aukotama, アウコタマ, ( Japanese characters). adv. Collectively. Also v.t. To take in a collective manner. To add together.
Aukotunere, アウコツ子レ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To pass to one another to look at (as a treasure).
Aukowende, アウコウェンデ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To stir up strife. To set at variance.
Aumshup, アウムシュプ, ( Japanese characters). n. Heirlooms. Things handed down from father to son.
A-un, アウン, ( Japanese characters). pro. We. The first person plural passive voice to verbs. As:—A-un-kik, “we are struck.”
A-un, アウン, ( Japanese characters). pos. pro. One's own. As:—A-un-chisei, “one's own house.”
A-un-guru, アウングル, ( Japanese characters). n. A neighbour. Syn: Aota-an-guru.
Aungeraitere, アウンゲライテレ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To receibe (as a prize).
Aungi, アウンギ,
Aunki, アウンキ,
( Japanese characters). n. A fan. Syn: Apunki. Yaiparaparu.
Aunnumba, アウンヌムバ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be pressed together. To be squeezed.
Aunochiubare, アウノチウバレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To have died.
Auoniutasare, アウオニウタサレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To change one's name. Syn: Aiyonitasare.