Auoshmare, アウイシマレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To have become fully grown. As:—Okkaiyo shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a man.” Shiwentep shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a woman.” Syn: Rupne. Shukup-okere.
Auwonnumyere, アウウォンヌムイェレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To chose out.
Auwonnuyetasare, アウウォンヌイェタセレ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To translate.
Awa, アワ, (Japanese characters). part.Awa expresses past time, and indicates that one thing having been done another was commenced. This particle never finishes a subject. It is also sometimes like the adverb "as," and sometimes like the conjunctions "and," "also."
A-wa, アワ, (Japanese characters). adj. Ablaze.
Awa-kina, アワキナ, (Japanese characters). n. Grass. Growing grass.
Awe, アウェ,
Awehe, アウェヘ,
(Japanese characters). n. Forks of trees. Tributaries of rivers. Branches on the horns of a deer. Syn: Au.