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Page:An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language).djvu/84

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Awekatta, アウェカッタ, 突入スル. v.i. To rush in.

Awendarap, アウェンダラプ, 夢、ユメ. n. A dream.

Awendarapte, アウェンダラプテ, 夢ミル. v.i. To be caused to dream.

Awepetetne, アウェプテツ子, 言ヒ能ハズ. v.i. To be unable to speak (as through cold or parched or stiff lip).

Awoshi, アウォシ, 結合スル. v.t. To tie together.

Awotereke, アウォテレケ, 急ギテ入ル. v.i. To rush suddenly in (as into a house.)

Aya, アヤ, 木理、モクメ、掌ノ條. n. Grains in wood. The lines of the hands.

Ayai-epirikare, アヤイエピリカレ, 利己スル、私ヲ益スル. v.i. To have done one's self good. To have gained something for one's self.

Ayaikikip, アヤイキキプ, 危險ナル. adj. Dangerous.

Ayaikikipbe, アヤイキキプベ, 危險ナル者. n. Anything dangerous. Dangers. A dangerous person.

Ayaikikip-i, アヤイキキピ, 危險ナルコト. n. Dangers. Dangerous times or places. As:—Ayaikikip-ikoekari, “to meet with dangers.”

Ayaishishire-ushi, アヤイシシレウシ, 隱レ處. n. A shelter.

Ayaita-o, アヤイタオ, 灸點スル. v.t. To apply the moxa.

Ayatuka, アヤツカ, ……デ有ルナレド. ph. Though it is. Though he is.

A-yakne, アヤク, ……デ有ルナラバ. ph. If it was. If he was.

Ayaku, アヤク, 破レタル. adj. Burst.

Ayangep, アヤンゲプ,

Ayange-kunip, アヤンゲクニプ,

供物. n. A sacrifice. An offering.

Ayapo, アヤポ, 嗚呼、アヽ. exclam. Oh! An exclamation of pain. Syn: Itasasa. Ayo.

Aye, アイェ, 稱セラル、名付ケラル. v.i. To be called. To be named. As:—Ainu ari aye utara, “the people called Ainu.” Syn: Aporose.

Aye-hi, アイェヒ, 言ハレシコト. n. Speech. Anything said, or spoken. The way of calling or saying. Syn: Itak-hi.

Ayemonetoko, アイェモ子トコ, 甚ダ、多ク、酷烈ニ. adv. Severely. Very much. Syn: Niwen-no. Yupke-no.

Ayep, アイェプ, 稱セラレタル、例セバ、セタアリアイヱプ、犬ト云ハレルモノ. ph. Things called. That which is called. Also a noun; a speech. Anything said. As:—Seta ari ayep, “the things called dogs.” Nei ayep anak ne wen, “that was a bad speech.”

Aye-wairure, アイェワイルレ, 言語ヲ誤マラレル. v.i. To be caused to make a mistake in speaking. Syn: Itak-pitaksakka.

Ayo, アヨ, 嗚呼、アヽ. exclam. Oh. An exclamation of pain. As:—Ayo habo, habo, “oh mother, mother.” Syn: Ayapo. Itasasa.

Ayoaramuye, アヨアラムイェ, 裳ヲカヽグ. v.t. To tie the clothes back (as when one wishes to work or run). Syn: aeasamuye.

Ayokitanne, アヨキタン子, 流ル(潮ノ).