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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/316

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Minki kakilliko — to be in a state of inward feeling ; to sym- patliise; to sorrow ; to mourn; to be penitent.

Minki kakulla — sympatliisetl ; liave sympathised.

jMinki-kan — one who .sympath- ises or feels sorry and repents.

Minki-kanne— sympatliy ; any inward feeling ; repentance.

Minki-kanne-ta— sympathy it is ; the sympathy.

Minki kanan — will sympathise (sorrow, repent).

Minki katan — sympathises ; re- pents.

Minki koricn — v/ithout feeling.

Minki-lag — sympathises ; feels sorrow ; repents.

Minki lliko — to wait (.stay, dwell)

Minkin — waits ; dwells ; dehiys.

Minnan ! — what are actually pre- sent \ how many % how much %

Minnug ? — what things, as the object"?

Minnug-ljan ? — what thing now about (I, wc, you, ic.)

Minnug-banun'2 — what will... do % what will be done ?

Minnug-baniin-kan ] — vdiat now will some one do ?

jMinnug-baniui wal ? — what Aviil ...certainly do ? what shall be done ?

Minnugbo or minnambo — some- thing ; anything ; somewhat.

Minnugbo - minnugbo — many things; everything ; all things.

Minnug-bulliela 1 — what was go- ing on 1 what was doing %

Mimiug-bulliko — (an interroga- tive form of the verb) what is doing? what is going on %

Minnug-bulli kolag — about to do something.

Minnug-lndlinun? — w]:at will be "oinsj; on or doing.

��Mipparai — honeycomb.

jNlipparai kabirug — from (out of) honeycomb.

jNIirka — perhaps ; i.q. murka.

Mirka-ta — perhaps it is.

Mirkin — vii'ginity ; purity.

IMirkun — pure ; clean.

Mirobunbiiiia — imper. and per- missive, permit to continue to take care of or save.

Mironni — took care of ; did keep ; did save.

Mii'oma-bunbilla — imp. , permit to take care of or save.

Miromanim — will take care of ; will save ; will occupy.

Miroma pa — privntive, did (not) take cai'e of ; without care of.

Miromulla — imj)., take charge of, if necessary.

Miromullia — imj)., continue to take care of ; save and con- tinue to save.

Miromulli-kan — one who takes charge of (watches over, saves from harm) ; a saviour.

Miromulliko — to take charge of; to take care of; to watch over ; to keep ; to save from harm.

Mirral — desolate; unproductive ; barren ; poor.

Mirralla, muruUa — a maid; hav- ing no husband ; l)arren; poor.

Mirral kaiko — for the miserable.

Mirral-lo— the poor and destitute, as agents.

Mirral-mirral-kan— one who is in a miserable state ; poor ; des- titute.

Mirrigil — ready ; prepared to remove or to go a journey.

Mirro-mirronni — rubbed and con- continued to rub.

Mirromulliko — to rub.

Mirug — the shoulder.

Mirug ka — on the shoulder.

Mita — a sore.

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