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Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/317

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��Mita-mitag — .soi-es ; full of sores. INIittea — waited ; did wait. Mitti — small; little; alittleoiie;

tlie youngest child. j\Iitti — the youngest son. Mitti-ko — the youngest son, as

the agent. ]Mittiiliela — waited and con- tinued to wait ; vvas waiting ;

waited ; stayed ; remained. ]\Iittilliko — to wait or remain. Mittillin — nov/ waiting. Miya — hindered ; prevented. Miyelliko — to hinder. Moiya — cool. jNLoiya koa — in order to cool ;

that... might cool. [fare.

jMokal — arms ; weapons of war- IMoney — Eny., money. Moni-gel— money -puice ; a purse ;

a bank. Moni-ko — money, as the agent. Morig — a particle ; a very small

bit ; a mote ; dust. Moroko — the sky ; the visible

heavens ; heaven. Moroko kaba — is in heaven. Moi'oko kabirug — from (away

from) the sky ; from heaven. ]Moroko kako — in or to liea\en. Moroko koba — belonging to the

sky or heaven. Moroko lin — from (on account)

of heaven, as a cause ; from

heaven ; of heaven. Moron — life.

Moron-ba — lives ; is alive. Moron-ba-katea-kan iin — will be

alive again ; will live again. Moron kakilliko — to be in a liv- ing state ; to be alive ; to live. Moron-kan ta — they (he) who

are alive ; the living. Moron kanun — v^'ill be alive ;

will live. Moron katan — is iix the state

of living ; is alive ; lives.

��Moron ko — for life.

Moron koa katea-kiin — lest... should be alive again ; lest ...should be saved alive.

Moron-ta katea-kaniin — life will be again ; the life is to be again. [life.

Moron tin — from (on account of)

Moron tin katan — from (o\\ ac- count of) being alive.

Mot — sounds as Eng. ' mote.'

Mothe — pr.n., Moses.

Mothe-ko — Moses, as the agent.

Mothe-to — Moses, as the agent.

Mothe-to noa — Moses he, as the agent,

Mothe-unil)a— - belonging to M

Motilliela — did smite on the breast.

Motilliko — to smite the breast.

Mu — sounds as in Eng. 'moon.'

Mug — rhymes with Enj. 'bung.'

Mugga-ma — did wrap up.

Mugga-ma-toara — that which is wrapped up or swaddled.

Muggamulliko--to cause to be covered ; to wrap up in sof* 'ti'-tree bark as clothing ; to swaddle ; to swathe.

Mukkaka — the noise which a bird utters; to cackle; to crow.

Mukkakaka tibbinto — the crow of a cock.

Mukkin — the form of address to a young female ; maid ■

Mularea-kan — one wounded by an instrument ; one caused to become v.^ounded by an in- strument.

Mulug — close by; nigh at hand.

Midug kakilliela — was and con- tinned to be close by.

Mulug kakilliko — to be near.

Mum — for its sound cf. *.

Mumbilla — imp., lend ; do lend.

Mumbillan — does lend.

Mumbillein — lent ; did lend.

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