stammer, ftammeln stamp, ftampfen stand, fteben standard, Standarte stang, Stange staple, Stapel star, Stern starch, ftart stare, Star stark, ftart startle, jtitrzen starve, fterben state, Staat Btay, stehen Fie Pftehlen steed, Stute steel, Stahl Bteen, Stein steep, steeple, }Stoppel stem, Ctamm stepfather, Stiefvater sterling, Sterling steven, Stine stick, Steen stiff, steif still, still stilt, Ctelze stink, ftinfen 8tir, stören stirrup, Stegreif stitch, ftiden stock, Stof stoke, jtodjen stone, tein stool, Stuhl stork, Stord storm, Sturm stound, Stunde stour, Sturm stout, stolz stove, Stube strand, Stranb straw, Etroh stream, Gtront street, Strafe stretch, ftreden strew, Streit stride, fdreiten strife, fireben strike, ftreidjen string, Strang strip, ftreifen strive, ftreber
stroke, fiveidjen strong, ftreng strut, ftrogen stub, - dble, }Stoppel stud, Stute stuff, Stoff stump, €tump sturgeon, Stir sty, Steig such, fold suck, fangen sugar, Buder stunmer, Gommer sump, Sumypf sun, Gonte Sunday, Soune sup, faufer swallow, Gdwalbe, farvelgen swamp, Sumpf swan, Sdwan swanky, Sumpf sward, Gdtwarte swarm, Swarm swart, dwar; swats (Scot. ), fiif swear, fdroiren sweat, Schweiß sweep, fdjroeifer sweet, fiif swell, fdroellen swilt, fdweifer swim, fdwimmen swine, Sdrwein ae } groin gen SWOOP, \{<weifen sword, Sdivert table, Tafel tack, Baden tackle, Tatct tale, Baht talk, horchen tallow, Talg tame, zahm tang, tangle, } Tang tap, Zapfe tar, Teer target, Zarge tarrace tartas, | gag tarry, zergen tea, Thee teach, Beiden teat, Bige teen, Seng
teend, zünden ten, zehn tenden, zünden tent, Zelt tether, Zitter tetter, Zittero< tewel, Ziille thane, Degen (1) thank, Dant that, daß thatch, Dach thaw, tauen the, desto theft, Dieb then, damn thence, dannen there, ba therf, derb thick, did thief, Dieb thill, Deichsel thin, dünn thine, dein thing, Ding third, dritte thirst, Durst this, dieser thistle, Dijtel thorn, Dorn thorough, dur thorp, Dorf thou, du though, dod thousand, taufend thrash, dreschen “thread, Draht threat, verdricßen threaten, drohen three, drei thresh, N reni 1 }dreshen thrill, drillen throat, Drossel (2) throp, Dorf throstle, Droffel (1) throttle, Drossel (2) through, dur< throw, drehen thrum, Trumm thrush, Diossel (1) thunder, Thursday, } Donner thy, dein tickle, figeln tide, Zeit tiding, Zeitung
tight, dicht tike, Bede tile, Ziegel till, Biel tilt, Zelt timber, Zimmer time, Zeit tin, Zin tind, giinden tinder, Zunder tine, Zaun tip, Zipfel tire, Zier titmouse, Meise to, zu toad, Krête tobacco, Tabak tod, Botte (1) toddle, zottelu tue, Zeh token, Zeichen toll, Zoll toller, Zöllner to-morrow, Morgen (1) tongs, Zange tongue, Zunge tool, Tatel tooth, Zahn torsk, Dovfd ele } pottetn e tough, 3a tow, Zau (1) towel, Biveble tower, Zurm town, Zaun trail, tveideln tramp, ir nr y trampeln trape, trampeln tread, treten trendle, trendeln trot, Trott trough, Trog trae} teu true, truffle, Trüffel trump, Trumpf tub, Buber Tuesday, Dien8tag tun, Toune tunder, Zunder tunny, Thunfifd Turkey-pout, Bute turtle, Turteltauve tusk, Dorfd twelve, zwblf
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