east of Shefa ' Amr. 'Abellin is " perched upon a high and sharp hill," 526 feet above the sea, according to Captain Mansell, B.N.,* and " also looking over the plain." The range goes on to Eas Tumrah (alt. 1,150 feet) " on the top of the first ridge, affording a noble view," etc, Thence to M'ar (alt. 872 feet) (< on the western brow of the mountains, overlooking the great plain along the coast," The next point is Jebel Khanzireh (alt. 1,320 feet), where the ridge overhangs its base on the deep Wady Shaib. On the east of this mountain, the range is intersected by the gorge of Wady el Jizair, beyond which it is represented by Jebel el Kummaneh, and Jebel Hazzur, both dominating the base line which is here found in the Plain of Eameh. From Jebel Hazzur it proceeds without interruption to Jebel el Bellaneh (alt. 1,150 feet), and terminates on the banks of Wady 'Amud.
On the long plateau between these ranges is found the upper part of Wady 'Abellin; Kaukab (alt. 1,330 feet); Suknin, the ancient Sogan (alt. 910 feet) ; the fertile Plain of 'Arrabeh, the Castle of Deir Hanna (alt. 1,070 feet) ; the Plain of Selameh " covered with olive groves," and contain- ing the ancient site of Selamis, a town fortified by Josephus.
The Toran Eange.
The Jebel Toran commences at Kummaneh, considerably short of the western limits of the Shaghur Mountains. But the eastern development of the range makes amends for this, by its extension along the western shores of the Sea of Galilee and the course of the Jordan, as far as the descent of Wady Fejjas from the Plain or Sahel el Ahma to the Ghor. The northern base of the range coincides with the southern base of the Shaghur Mountains, from the Plain of Buttauf eastward. The southern base is denned by the Wady Bum- maneh and the Plain of Toran, passing eastward by the Hakul el Mugharah to the north of Lubieh ; whence it de- scends by Wady Shubbabeh and Wady Fejjas, through the
- Admiralty Chart