Sahel or Plain of El Ahma, and the rocky gorge of Fejjas, to the Ghor and Kiver Jordan at Umm Junieh.
The range describes a bold curve parallel with that on the north, and it culminates in a single ridge throughout. Steep escarpments are displayed towards the Plain of Buttauf and the Sea of Galilee, with rocky cliffs towards el Mejdel, Tiberias, and the Fejjas gorge. The central part of the range expands into a broad plateau, around Hattin and Nimrin. This plateau extends between Jebel Toran on the west, and Hajaret en Nusara on the east ; with the Merj Hattin on the north, and the plain between Hattin and Lubieh on the south, where the decisive victory of Saladin over the Cru- saders took place. The great plain of el Ahma lies on the south-east of this plateau, and is chiefly formed by the western slope of the range where it skirts the Sea of Galilee ; as the slopes on the right bank of the base line ascend steeply to the summit of the next range.
The culminating points of the Toran Eange are Jebel Toran (alt. 1,774 feet); Nimrin (alt. 1,110 feet); Kurn Hattin (alt. 1,038 feet) ; Hajaret en Nusara (alt. 740 feet) ; Tell M'aun (alt. 715 feet) ; el Menarah (alt. 966 feet). To the height of Kurn Hattin and the summits which follow it, the depression of the Sea of Galilee ( 682-5 feet), should be added, in order to represent the actual elevation of those points above their eastern base. Hajaret en Nusara, or Stones of the Christians, is the reputed site of the miraculous feeding of the four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish. M. Guerin, in contending for this site, carefully dis- tinguishes the preceding event from the feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, which requires a locality on the eastern shore -of the Sea of Galilee.* But a site on the east of the sea appears to be necessary for both.
The Nazareth Range.
This division of the Hills of Lower Galilee is at first sight, of a complicated character ; but by strictly defining its
- Chierin, " Galilee," I, 185.