The Basin of Wady Kerkera. Outfall, 33° 4' 48" N. Lat. Overlooked formerly. | 16 | |
The Basin of Wady el Kûrn. Outfall, 33° 3' N. Lat. | 18 | |
Relation to Wady el Ezzîyeh. Waterparting. Contact with Jordan Basin. The lower Gorge. Kulat el Kurein or Castle of Montfort. Two main branches. Jebelet el Arûs. Jebel Jurmuk. El Bukeiah. Gorge of Suhmata. | ||
The Basin of Nahb N'Amein and Minor Basins on the North | 20 | |
Outfall, 32° 54' 30" N. Lat. Minor Basins between N'amein and Kûrn. Semeirlyeh, Majnuneh. Castle Jiddin. Nahr Mefshukh. Villages. Fountain el Kabry. Wady es Salik. Nahr N'amein Basin. Waterparting. Southern Range of Upper Galilee. Extent of Basin. Wady el Halzun and Wady Shaib. Wady esh Shâghûr. Wady el Waziyeh. Base of Southern Range of Upper Galilee, and the highway between Acre and the East. Wady 'Abellîn. Three natural divisions of Lower Galilee. Rectifications. | ||
The Basin of Nahr el Mukutt'a (Kishon). Outfall, 32° 49' N. Lat | 23 | |
The Waterparting. Outfall. Wady el Melek, and the Northern Divisions of the Basin. Four Main Channels of the Southern Division. Affluents of the Central Division. | ||
Mount Carmel | 26 | |
Its eastern and western slopes, paths, wadys, main ridge, and parallel ranges. | ||
The Basins of Nahr Ed Dufleh(1),and Nahb Ez Zeeka (2) Outfalls (1) 32° 35' 42" —(2) 32° 32' 20" N. Lat. | 30 | |
(1.) Three permanent Streams. El Khashm. Plain of Tanturah. Depression of Belad er Ruhah, dividing Mount Carmel from Jebel Sk. Iskander, etc. (2.) Two divisions of the Nahr ez Zerka Basin. Notable rectifications. | ||
The Basin of Nahe el Mefjie. Outfall, 32 28' N. Lat. | 32 | |
Formerly Nahr Akhdar, and misunderstood. Merj el Ghuruk. Wady es Selhab, Plains of Dothan and 'Arrabeh, Wady el Ghamik and Wady Abu Nar. The Nuzlet Villages. Wady el Maleh, Wady el Khudeirah, and Nahr el Mef jir. Wady er Roz, and Wady Abu Kaslan, Sheikh Beiazid Mountains. Wady Arah. Wady el Asl, and Wady Bir Isir. Wady Samantar, Wady el Yahmur, and Wady Rasein. The Upland of Umrn el Khataf . Rectifications. | ||
The Basins of Nahe Iskanderuneh, and Nahe el Falik Out- Falls, 32° 23' 50” and 32 16' 30” N. Lat. | 35 | |
Outfall of Nahr Iskanderuneh and Waterparting Rectification Nahr el Falik. Wady esh Shair. Nablus. Mount Ebal or Eslamiyeh. Wady Zeimer. Jebel et Tur or Mount Gerizim. Wady et Tin. Wady el Haj Musa. Wady Kulunsaweh. Wady en Naml. Highways. |