Priest, the true Prophet a, 174.
Prince of evil, why was he made, or was he not made? 394, 395, 403.
Probation, the necessity of, before admission to the church, 426, 427.
Prophecy, the word of, 454.
Prophet, the true, 153, 308; the advent of, 170; the rejection of, 170, 171; why called Christ, 173; a Priest also, 174; alone knows all things, 397; to be sought for by those who wish to learn, 398, 458, 459.
Prophets, the, inspired by the Holy Ghost, 74; holiness of life enjoined by, 99; precepts from the books of, 100, etc.; confirmed by the teachings of the Greek poets and philosophers, ; more ancient than the Greek writers, 125, 126.
Providence, opinions of the philosophers concerning, ; Ariston quoted respecting, 113; vindicated, 287; implied by creation, 365; general and special, 366; seen in the motions of the stars, and in earthly things, 373; in rivers and seas, 374; in plants and animals, 374, 375; in the germination of seeds, 375, 376; in the power of water, 376; in the human body, 377, 378; in the breath, and blood, and intestines, 378, 379.
Prudence, in dealing with opponents, 194.
Ptolemy, priest of Mendes, quoted, 42.
Pugilists and gladiators, 29.
Punishment, the eternity of, 320.
Punishment, the, of evil-doers referred to by the poets, 104; of the righteous and the wicked, 389, 390; fear of, 408; here and hereafter, 409.
Pure in heart, the, 252.
Pyramus, 443.
Rainbow, the, 385.
Recognitions, the, of Clement, an account of, 137–139; reason of the title, 349, 352, 420–424.
Regeneration by water, 332, 405.
Religion, of one's fathers to be abandoned if bad, 322; the true, calls to sobriety and modesty, 323.
Repentance, 116; the duty of, 454.
Responsibility, the, of man, 204, 247; increased by knowledge, 306.
Resurrection, the, the Christian doctrine of, 10; proved by analogies, 62.
Retribution, future, 409.
Rhea, the wife of Saturn, hides her son Jupiter, to preserve him from being devoured by his father, 438, 446–447.
Rib, why Eve was formed of one of Adam's, 93.
Righteous, the, and the wicked, chastisements of, 389.
Righteousness, 117; the way to the kingdom of God, 206; what it is, 207.
Rivers and seas, as illustrating the providence of God, 374.
Rose without a thorn, a, not to be found, 392.
Roman chronology to the death of Aurelius, 130.
Rufinus, his preface to the Recognitions of Clement, 140–142.
Rulers appointed over all orders of being, 173.
Sabbath, the, 79.
Sacrifices, allowed for a time, 167, 168.
Sadducees, the, 178, 179; confuted, 179, 180.
Saints, the, before the coming of Christ, 177.
Salvation, the duty of desiring that of others, 356.
Samaritans, the, 179; refuted, 180.
Satan, instigates Cain to kill Abel, 94.
Saturn, worshipped by the Romans, 132; the family of, 437; devours his children, 438.
Saul, raises a tumult against the apostles, 188; receives a commission against the Christians, 189.
Sea, the world compared to the, 81.
Seas and rivers illustrate the providence of God, 374.
Scribes, the, refuted, 181.
Scripture, the, the interpretation of, 453.
Seeds, the germination of, as illustrative of the providence of God, 375.
Seeing or hearing, which the stronger, 261.
Self-love, the foundation of goodness, 267.
Sense, the sixth, 225.