Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/180

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He had heard that Peterson and himself were to be made close prisoners directly after supper. He watched his chance and when nobody was looking motioned his confederate to leave the forecastle and steal silently toward the stern of the ship. Each carried a block of wood, to which was attached a bit of iron, to make it sink from sight.

"Now then!" whispered Shamhaven, and threw the block he carried overboard. It struck the water with a loud splash, and the block carried by Peterson immediately followed.

"Hullo, what's that?" came in the voice of Tom Grandon. "Who threw something overboard?"

"Sounded like somebody jumping into the water," replied Captain Ponsberry, who was on deck with the first mate.

An examination was made, but in the fog and darkness nothing could be discovered.

"It was mighty queer," was Grandon's comment.

"Somebody must have done it."

"Where are Shamhaven and Peterson?"

"In the forecastle, I suppose. Do you think——"

"I don't know what to think. See if they are there."

At once Tom Grandon ran off, and made a tour not only of the forecastle but also of the forward