Page:At the Fall of Port Arthur.djvu/181

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deck. He called the men's names several times, and others quickly joined in the hunt.

"They are gone!" he ejaculated, running back to where Captain Ponsberry stood.

"Gone? Then it must have been them jumping overboard that we heard!"

"Like as not—and they are a good bit away from the schooner by this time."

"Bring a lantern and we'll take a look around."

A lantern was brought, and a few minutes later a small boat was lowered, manned by Luke and three other sailors. Captain Ponsberry went with them, and the searchers remained out the best part of an hour.

"They've given us the slip clean and clear," declared the master of the Columbia, on returning. "It was a risky thing to undertake in such weather as this."

"Yes, and for all we know they may be at the bottom of the harbor," answered Tom Grandon.

"Which place might be jest what they deserve," grumbled Luke Striker, as he helped to stow away the small boat once more.